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Everything posted by shawnski

  1. I was at the game. He played his normal amount from my view. MC talked about getting him some rest though.
  2. Coach said it was part of their conference tie breaker for the standings. Win greater than 10 points?
  3. As with previous weeks, only the good: 1) This team is guts, guts, guts, and never give up. Their effort is undeniable. 2) DBs can tackle and aren't afraid to stick their head in there. Wright and McKinley can't weigh more than 190 lbs yet tackle with wild abandon. 3) Anthony Brown is tough. For all of his shortcomings, the dude is a warrior. 4) Cam Lewis - still perfect 5) Wright on kick return finally let it rip 6) Love all of the new guys playing and they all are making plays. What did I miss?
  4. Yep, he was huge. Using him a lot along the line of scrimmage and returning punts. Pretty much never leaves the field.
  5. https://goducks.com/news/2021/11/9/football-walk-named-burlsworth-trophy-semifinalist.aspx Best player who began as a Walk-on Pun intended
  6. Guy has been HUGE since they put him in the lineup For me, surprise of the year so far
  7. Just run over to Costco and get an 80 in incher. Not even a fraction of Larry Scott's or David Shaws salaries
  8. Ahhh... We won the conference and the Rose Bowl?
  9. Whole Lotta truth there. Everyone has flaws, and MC does too. But, I like winning. And I like toughness. Here, we get both.
  10. Saw on replay (there weren't many) and he was down around the one. Doesn't excuse all of the others. Consecutive week where they are reviewing plays inside of one minute that had no bearing on the game. Buffoonery
  11. All of the above Man, I hate them too! I'll cherish it forever Huck the Fuskies
  12. He will easily be the best Duck NFL QB. amazing player and person.
  13. Complete delusion. Change the scheme or play calling and they somehow pull 24+ points out of their butts? Typical Fuskie hubris Enjoy another losing season
  14. Shoot, sorry I forgot! 7) Camden Lewis - career long FG Still perfect!
  15. Never He was a Fuskie And I'll never forget the cheap shots him and his Boise St. team gave my Ducks.
  16. Ducks are 8-1 and ranked as a Playoff team So... only the good from Saturday: 1) Travis Dye - geez what is there to say 2) Guts, guts, guts. This team is all never quit 3) They are what they are at this point. Enjoy it. 4) D is coming around which is amazing given all of the injuries and shuffling 5) DBs tackle really well and are tough 6) Did I mention guts? What say y'all
  17. Reading through the game comments from the start, AFTER the game is over. Gents, every one of your thoughts is exactly what I was yelling at the TV about. Fishduck is a brotherhood Huck the Fuskies!!!
  18. GREAT article about Travis Dye if you hadn't seen it: https://www.oregonlive.com/ducks/2021/11/travis-dye-forging-his-own-legacy-as-heart-and-soul-for-no-4-oregon-ducks.html
  19. I actually rate their 2008 season as their best ever! It takes supreme effort and "prowess" to go 0-12. In fact, I think NO ONE in the Pac-12 has been able to replicate it. Truly one for the books. As a plus, it ushered in Seven Win Sark who dramatically increased the economic activity of the local campus bars. Huck the Fuskies https://www.seattletimes.com/sports/uw-huskies/washington-finishes-0-12-season-with-loss-to-cal/
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