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Just Ducky

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  1. If Beck is half the QB Cam Ward was I’ll be amazed.
  2. It’s certainly true that Alabama has never had an advantage financially over other schools in the past and always recruited on a level playing field. . My gosh what has Debochery been smoking. Whatever it is I certainly need some. I hope it’s not to expensive.
  3. Well he is the QB guru. Lol
  4. With all this cold weather we’ve had there might be some sore arms.
  5. If they increase their defensive pressure by trying a little harder anything is possible.
  6. More lawyers getting involved really helps the sport. NOT!
  7. Hard for me to get excited about any recruits until they show up on our doorstep ready to play.
  8. We all knew it would be ridiculous and it is.
  9. The nba has been unwatchable for many years, I’ve always blamed the 3 point line for its demise. Girls high school basketball is much more interesting. Lol
  10. Live by the 3 and die by the 3. Rebound the ball. Play defense. Seems pretty simple to me.
  11. Thanks Charles for the update on baseball we appreciate it. Gos
  12. It was a total team effort in the rose bowl. We couldn’t stop anything and we couldn’t move the ball either. IMO Blaming one or the other is pointless. The whole team including the coaches were not ready to play and they got embarrassed because of it. I sure hope the coaching staff learned something cause most of the starters are gone and never to return.
  13. If both DMs lives up to the hype we will all be happy campers this season. I try not to get to far over my skies but I just can’t help myself
  14. LMJ was definitely a good one, He did take a lot of playing time from Kenyon Barner. If Barner doesn’t take that cheap shot and get injured up at Wazu while returning a punt he might get my nod over James. Both were great backs. Barner did put 300 yard on usuc. Probably my favorite game by a Duck running back af all time.
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