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Joe F

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  1. The Ducks have beaten them at their house, (without our best pass-rusher) The Ducks have beaten them at our house, (without our best pass-rusher) I wonder how they will fare in the Rose Bowl when that pass-rusher is available? Oh, Mr. Howard, This is Muhammad Jabbar, I don't believe you met at the Autzen Game. I'm sure you'll be seeing him at the rose bowl. Enjoy. Go Ducks!
  2. I hope this is wrong, but I am losing faith. How could so many of the smart football gurus talk about how talented the Ducks were and they are playing so awful..5 sacks last year and what, 4 so far tonight? The number 3 Ducks are dropping fast. signed, Your friend, Eyore
  3. Sad! Number 3 team? Right! Sorry, I am still disappointed. I keep hoping to see some improvemene, but it doesn't seem to be there. I am disappointed. They don't seem to want to win.
  4. In spite of many talking heads clutching their worry beads and simpering about Oregon on upset alert, I think the Ducks are gonna open a can on the Broncos and it should finish looking like this and it'll be a quiet plane ride back to Boise. GO DUCKS! !. Oregon, 48-15, 4, 5, 378
  5. Sorry, this sure doesn't look like the #3 team in the nation to me. Very disappointed.
  6. Oregon Wins 82-3 5 TOs 7 Sacks 377 passing yards Blowout time. 3 QB's play
  7. I got a message that the code was not valid. Is the deal over? Suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  8. I'm sure he didn't mean Oregon, but Da U,,, He just misspoke.
  9. Every one of the EA games I have seen Oregon in so far, we have been ranked #15. Why is that? They were 15 against Illinois, Wisconson and it seems like at least one more. What conclusion is one supposed to draw from that ranking? Just inquiring minds would like to know. Go Ducks!
  10. What would an extremely high amount be? That would be one of our questions/ What would be a fair rate? We aren't interested charging more then a fair rate, but we have no idea what that might be. We just thought it might be an interesting interaction with some Ohio State fans to stay at our place. We aren't looking to gouge them, but charge a fair rate and have the interaction with them.
  11. We live in the Portland metro. I wondered if: it's a good idea? Possible? Legal? We have plenty of room for a couple to give them a private double bedroom, private bath and a good breakfast before starting them off to Eugene on game day. We could also arrange for another night and breakfast before they jet back to Columbus if they prefer. Have any of you ever done anything like this? I would love some informed opinions and experiences from those who have been there. It sounds like it could be fun. What do you all think?
  12. No. Some traditions have passed their "use by" date.
  13. They were playing better when I didn't know the score. Oh well.
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