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Posts posted by GODUCKS15

  1. I agree on the one and done scenario. It would be much better to get at least two years like we did with Bo. But you play the cards you're dealt. A seasoned one and done will be more productive next year vs a Soph with 1 year of experience. 


    Big money on the line and the best bang for the buck is Gabriel. Interesting point to ponder is this is TT's 3rd QB transition situation where he's being passed over. Is he just not that good?


    You would think that after following Brown and then Bo for two years he'd be ready to take over the job. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. Times have changed from when transfers would have to sit out a year. Back then you played who you recruited. Now with the NIL, portal and  $$$$$$$ paid to coaches and staff, it's about winning it all today not a couple years down the road. 


    No more fingers crossed that a 4*-5* player pans out. Spend the big $ and get in the mix now. As a fan I like it much better being able to have a team that's going to be highly competitive year in and year out.


    As a player I think it could be frustrating. It's like 3 steps forward and 2 back when you're almost the guy then they grab a player from the portal that takes your spot. 



  3. On 12/4/2023 at 9:08 AM, Jon Sousa said:

    Here are a few "somethings":


    1. All of Oregon's recruits and potential recruits will watch.


    2. 3-4 weeks of extra practice for next year's starters and backups.


    3. Extra game exposure at a NY6 game for new starters in for those who will sit out. 


    4. In the record books this is a trip to a NY6 game - trusting it will be a win.


    5. A chance to finish the year with 12 wins (how often does that happen?).

    Not to mention the payout. $$$$

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. Remember when Boise St beat OK in the 2007 Fiesta bowl? Is Liberty the Boise St of the east? Probably not but I'll be watching to find out. 


    It's always been my feeling that bowl games are a reward for a team's hard work. Getting to the Fiesta Bowl is a much bigger reward than going to the Independence Bowl. 


    One thing I find interesting is fans will watch Oregon play Portland St but balk when Oregon's set to play Liberty in the Fiesta Bowl. Fickle?



    • Go Ducks! 1
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  5. On 12/2/2023 at 12:13 PM, 1Ducker1 said:

    The Fuskies beat the Ducks the old SEC way----DEFENSE. the game was over in the 1st quarter. You want to win championships? You put the best players on defense. Simply take the opponent out of the game. Oregon made a valiant comeback but too little too late. Fuskies took Bo out of the game until it was too late.

    It's never too late when you take back the lead.

  6. Where we the deep passes? Maybe I missed them? Franklin got hurt early and Tez was, except for a few plays a non factor. Bucky showed signs of season fatigue and JJ looked fresher and stronger. Why wasn't he given the ball more? Play calling seemed bland.


    Hate to say but DL and staff have a KD and staff problem that may be there for a while. Kinda like when Pete was at USC. Not that the Ducks go dominated but they just made to many errors from coaching to execution. WA played as good a game as possible. 


    More prepared and focused IMO. I have to admit the P12 officiating surprisingly seemed pretty fair. 


    Penix, Oduze and McMillon were a load to handle last night. WA just might win it all in the CFP which will be tough to watch.



  7. Lots to shake out before next season even starts. Will Harbaugh still be at MI? Who's QB'ing at WA and Oregon? How will long distance travel affect the Ducks? Will the same staff be here next year? 


    This was a magical season where all the pieces were there. Bo Nix's don't come along very often and made DL's life easier. I'm sure the Ducks will be in the thick of things next season but IMO it's going to be just as tough next year as it was this year. Will two losses get you a slot in the new 12 team CFP? I hope so. 



  8. I think we see a gutsy strong performance from Penix. This is the biggest game of the season for him and the fuskies. It's make or break. 


    I would expect him to come out strong knowing what happened last game. He needs to get his throws in early. This game feels like it a 4th qtr game. Which QB is doing the best in the 4th wins it. 

  9. On 11/24/2023 at 3:02 PM, Mic said:

    Am I the only one who thinks this will be close?  🙁

    Apparently.  That's OK.  I'd be happy to be wrong!  38-28 Oregon

    I have 38-24. Not as close as you but closer than most. Beavs are going to put up a good fight. A slow start by the Ducks and long drives by the beavis will keep the score close. Even if the Ducks score fast the beavis could control the clock so the Ducks only get a couple possessions a qtr. But yeah I'm really wishing for a 56-21 type game.

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  10. If he was so good then why didn't he transfer? What good QB wants to sit for 3 years waiting for 2 years of playing when they could start somewhere else? 

    He either must really like it at Oregon or he lacks the confidence to transfer knowing he would struggle elsewhere


    He also seems to lack the killer instinct. He seems to just be going through the motions and not going 100%. That could be because the games already won and why bust your butt for nothing. Or it could mean that he knows it's not his turn yet and when it is he'll take it more serious. Not sure I like the latter attitude.


    As far the eye test goes he looks much more comfortable running the O, but he still makes me nervous. Can't really put my finger on it but something's lacking. We don't see practice and we don't hear coach/player conversations so there's no way to get a full picture of his ability.


    My guess is DL brings in another QB from the portal. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. I wonder how much the beavis will have left in their tank after playing UW tonight. Such an emotional game for them. I'm not sold on if the Ducks win out they get to the CFP. Lots of football left at the top of the rankings. 


    I almost wish the beavis would beat the fuskies just to knock them out of the CFP cause if we don't make it, I sure as heck don't want UW to make it.


    Worse yet, the beavis win the P12 conference game. Geesh what a way to end the P12 Conference.

  12. Anyone remember the Dennis Erickson Beav teams? The year they played ND in the Fiesta bowl and creamed ND they were known for getting a lot of penalties. 18 for 174 yards. It was just their style. Not saying it was good but playing on the edge penalty wise can have benefits. 


    Would Oregon be as good on D if they let up and weren't as aggressive? As frustrating as the penalty situation is the Ducks have only lost one game so far and most would attribute that to not trying field goals on 4th and 1.


    While I don't like the stupid false start stuff or the occasional PI call (Right or wrong) I can live with it if they keep winning.

    • Thumbs Up 2
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