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  1. Havnt heard any injury updates following the Washington game, anyone have updates?
  2. From what I’ve heard and seen it’s all streaming I’d love to know more and I hope we hear more soon. I pray that we can find a more linear partnership with anyone at all, espn just won’t budge and we missed that train months ago. The CW deal no one else has mentioned so perhaps that fell apart also
  3. I love the PAC and always will doesn’t matter where or whom we shall play. I pray it’s still the PAC but we shall overcome and succeed no matter what. I will try and have some faith that it works out.
  4. No matter what we’re always going to duck fans no matter what happens down the road, we’re not leaving Oregon even if we do change, same ducks, let’s rejoice and have a great season
  5. Reporting Arizona may be gone tomorrow
  6. It’s great for smaller add on schools but not worthy offer for current schools
  7. It’s being reported 200 million per year Apple only, if this is true…very sad
  8. Maybe I’ve missed something, but I have yet to see a real response from Kliavkoff or any Pac-12 leadership regarding Colorado leaving. I find this odd, do they not care? I have serious doubts that there is any new media contract at all? Your thoughts?
  9. I kinda feel like it's all going to be one big conference in the end, divided by regions, the more people pull away from cable and satellite the less attractive media deals become, it will eventually be all streaming one day. Who really knows its all just speculation I would not regret joining another conference in the end it won't even matter
  10. Will be Junior Adams he's the co offensive coordinator now and the guys love him, he has some experience and he kinda knows dilly system now he is a must keep for Lanning
  11. I have to be totally honest, our Secondary is giving up a ton of yards, BYU I think had 10 passes incomplete, Gonzalez has been a stud but it gets a little sketchy after that. So yes I am worried about any passing team like wash st, scary thought. We're better but not where we should be yet
  12. Honestly, he stares down every one he throws to, over throws under throws, basic fundamentals, were in big trouble, he is worse than Anthony Brown in many ways, IMO
  13. May lose another, huge loss if it happens.
  14. Signing day is what alot of the kids look forward too there whole life, we aren't there to accept or support them at this point so who could blame them. I had hoped we would have a couple pieces of the puzzle hired by now to help with that. It appears it might be awhile before we get going with the recruits, Dan can't do it alone
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