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Everything posted by EastBayDuckDad

  1. Any Apple+ deal is likely DOA. Unless you can get Ted Lasso as a color guy for games. Or maybe be guest coach for one of the teams every Saturday. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket!
  2. I guess the lesson here is that you can let Taggart fiddle around under the hood of the Ferrari, but don't let him have the keys.
  3. That would be a very awkward presser by DL. If there is overwhelming proof that Holden was not at fault in the encounter and the firearm component was lawful (tough to imagine), then maybe, just maybe, there is an avenue to reinstatement.
  4. The gun issue is likely the deciding factor. Even if all charges, including menacing are dropped, and the legality of possessing a registered firearm not in question, it is a toxic atmosphere for the team. DL's response the morning it all happened was swift, uncertain and appeared to be final. There is obviously more here than has been aired in the media. I don't see a viable way back to the team for Holden that doesn't involve bad optics for Lanning and Oregon.
  5. Well, that's one way to trim a scholarship. Damn shame though. Young man had a chance at a freeh start and threw it away before he even unpacked his bags. I can't find evidence of this but I wonder if there was an inkling of this at Alabama and DL gave him a shot at Oregon based on 'one strike, you're gone'. Kiko being given a second chance after a stupid alcohol episode was somewhat understandable, as was Blount's punch. Both young men, with help, were able to salvage their collegiate careers and play in the NFL. No wiggle room with a gun felony, drunk or not. Lanning made the swift and final decision.
  6. I'll take an optimistic view here. The hiring of Terry was not just dribble-leaked out. It was blast announced by Oregon with incredible praise from former Ducks, mostly on NFL rosters, that were coached by him on a day to day basis: Sewell, Hanson, Lemeiux, Throck, Big Sala and Forsythe. Technique and hard work were the recurring themes along with player development and relationships. Lanning wanted to hire him as an OL assistant last year before the Vikings offered him a DL assistant job. Perhaps Lanning saw him as heir apparent to Klemm a year ago, anticipating that Klemm would be a short timer. One can lament that there is little loyalty in the coaching ranks to any one program. Here is an example of someone with some Oregon roots that decided to come back 'home' to coach. Say what you might about Cristobal, he knew how to coach O-line, and Terry was a part of that success. In Lanning we trust.
  7. On the surface it looks like coaches have used Oregon as a stepping stone. I argue that Oregon isn't unique in this. As folks have noted in OBDF before, results speak to the success, or lack thereof, of coaches at their next destination. Kelly to Philly (fired) to SF (fired) to UCLA Helfrich (fired) to Chicago OC (fired) to broadcast booth Taggart to FSU (fired) to Fla Atl (fired) to Colorado QB/OC Cristobal to Miami (4-8, fate TBD) Even the college football bluebloods like Michigan, Texas, TA&M, LSU, and (I hate to admit this) U$C have been coaching destinations with spotty success. Alabama, Georgia, tOSU and Clemson seem to be the exceptions, but even tOSU had Meyer go on to create one of the NFL's biggest dumpster fires at Jax. Position coaches and coordinators will use any program as a stepping stone and that is true across the board, particularly at Alabama and Georgia. It isn't a matter of loyalty, just upward mobility. Oregon under Brooks and Bellotti was a long term coaching family that was unique then and would be an absolute unicorn now. We will never see that again. It's possible that DL does well at Oregon and is gone by 2026. It's also just as possible that he stays put and builds a west coast juggernaut ala Kirby Smart/Georgia or Saban/Alabama with repeated playoff runs. Oregon then becomes a similar program that populates HC vacancies nationally because of quality and success. Either way, coaches will come and go. DL needs to find a good replacement for Klemm. I'll stay optimistic and continue to buy stock in that process.
  8. Top 5 in order, including the transfers: 1. Burch 2. Cornelius 3. Dickey 4. Pleasant 5. T. Johnson
  9. Pleasant is a tremendous athlete. Looks like another Ifo, Ugo or Demo but with better wheels. The DB room is now stacked for Coach Meat. And U$C gets stiffed again by the Ducks. Bonus!
  10. James Crepea tweeted that both Harbor and Pleasant will announce from 10-11am. Then DL holds a press conference at 11. Why would Lanning hold a presser at 11 if there were only bad news to talk about?
  11. Bittle made great use of his minutes beyond the stats. Even shots he didn't block were altered by his defense, contributing to Utah's poor FG% and lack of production in the paint. And a couple of treys to boot. He is starting to show his potential. Ware is a big 'yawn' right now and seems to have mailed it in. For his own sake I hope he re-engages and has a strong finish to the season. Not sure where he gets the minutes at this point, though. In spite of some of the mock drafts putting him in the first round, how can an NBA GM look at his attitude and work ethic and want that in a locker room?
  12. The Knights have been very supportive of OHSU over the years. I agree with Charles it may not be much of a factor. Particularly when compared to a Nike NIL deal. Medical school and pro sports are a tough mix. The best example was Eric Heiden, now an orthopedic surgeon in Utah. He 'cycled' thru Olympic skating and bike racing before med school at Stanford. There have been 5 NFL players that made the transition, one who earned their medical degree in Canada before playing football. Another, Myron Rolle played for the Chiefs and is now a neurosurgeon after Harvard training. JH was a slam dunk premed at Oregon and may be the next to make the transition, but he's staring at a potential half a billion $$ contract that would tie him up for a decade or more. He would be 35 years old. On the other hand, at that point he could buy his own med school, name it after himself and be the first graduate with that kind of coin. Harbor may be serious about becoming a surgeon even if he has that kind of an NFL/Track future ahead of him. Point is it is a very tough row to hoe. Then again, you gotta do something when your playing days are over. If you had to rate Harbor's potential landing spots based on academics, med school reputation and prowess alone: 1. Maryland (Johns Hopkins) 2. Michigan (UM) 3. Oregon (OHSU) 4. South Carolina (MUSC) If his doctor dreams hold up, odds are pretty good he could waltz his way into medical school at some point after his football career was over.
  13. MC changes OCs more often than a runway model changes outfits. How someone like Gattis goes from being a Broyles winner at Michigan to getting canned in one year at Miami reflects much more on the dude at the top than the OC. MCs insistence on pounding square pegs into round holes seems to doom these guys. If they are smart they bail to places like Akron at half the pay just to get out from under the thumb of Coach Muay Thai. These disasters don't happen in a vacuum. Gattis will land somewhere that makes him successful again. My bet is he had his bags packed. How many of that top 10 2023 class were recruited by Gattis and staff and will be now reconsider their destination? Good luck drawing a young innovative OC to Coral Gables. Day one will be a lesson in 'physicality', inconsistent direction, abysmal in game management and displacement of blame for failure.
  14. Great addition by Lanning. Impressive bio, particularly the player development component. I believe he will get the best out of the 4☆+ talent and resources he has at Oregon. Beating U$C in the Cotton Bowl is just icing on the cake. Hampton has schemed and coached against Riley and Williams, and come out on top. And I like that he has a criminology degree and graduated with the highest GPA in his class. Accountability and no nonsense.
  15. Looking at JPJ's 24/7 recruiting profile highlights, he played both sides of the ball but took almost all his offensive snaps at center. If I recall, his Oregon recruitment cited him as a center/IOL. He strikes me as a natural field general in the center of the o-line. He has been able to work behind Forsythe and Walk for two years and I imagine he will be #1 center on the spring depth chart and will the next great center in the mold of Forsythe and Grasu.
  16. The article states that it was a one car accident on an isolated road at 2:45 in the morning. What a tragedy. After a career of taking care of the victims of this type of trauma, I can't think of one good thing that ever happens after 1am in a motor vehicle.
  17. Top247 2024 TE Christian Bentancur announces commitment to Clemson 247SPORTS.COM The Midwest blue-chipper is commit No. 3 for head coach Dabo Swinney and his staff in... Don't know if the Riley Clemson OC hire had much to do with this, but Oregon was in the final 3 and missed out on another TE recruit with this kid. Of more immediate concern, the Ducks need at least one more viable TE for 2023. Maybe hear something positive about Harbor? The top TE in the 2023 class, Duce Robinson is a long shot but Oregon is apparently on the radar.
  18. A good friend of mine is buddies with the ink artist that did DL's tat and I got to see the sketch right before the articles came out about it. We were a bit surprised that his wife was that 'exposed', but I can't imagine he did this without her approval. Daily and then every time they have a marital 'difference of opinion', DL will have a very visual reminder of his commitment to his wife and family. Something to be said for that. Not that he did this to impress any player or recruit, but everyone around him will understand the level of commitment he demands of himself and others. Big involved ink not really my cup of java, but to each their own, particularly with post Boomer crowd. For better or worse we old greybeards tend to internalize that life experience stuff, and wear it under our skin. The youngsters put it on their skin, wearing it literally on their sleeves.
  19. I would agree with those who note that Sewell's tape this year was inconsistent and showed some flaws in his game, particularly when he needed to play outside the box and/or cover speedier receivers and RBs on pass routes. Most of the legit draft analysis acknowledges this but still has him going 2nd day, the former Jets scout's harsh appraisal notwithstanding (two most telling descriptors here are 'former' and 'Jets'). NS is an older style run stuffing MLB by frame, kind of a Butkus/Lewis/Lambert throw back from a less pass happy era. I think part of the problem he had this year was the lack of a good pass rush and edge play forcing him to play outside of his strengths. Go back and look at some of his film when KT was on the field. Night and day. The combine will be the place where Sewell can show that he has the speed and quicks to compete at the NFL level. My guess is he has spent the time since he declared dropping some weight and prepping for that. He's not a Swiss army knife MLB like Fred Warner or Bobby Wagner, but I think he'll be a good situational LB with NFL quality DL and edge players alongside.
  20. East is taking the West apart. 34-3 at the half. Moore appears to be rhe real deal, three TD passes in the first half. Nice touch on the ball and hitting receivers in stride. He looks ready to play at the PAC level. Novosad has been picked once, but also had one nice escape from the pocket and a outlet throw on the run to his RB.
  21. Porter was thinking Texas until Sark said, "get your freaking hands off me!"
  22. Williams wasn't available after the game as he was having trouble cleaning the "fricken*#$ TULANE" off of his fingernails.
  23. UGA can't stop tOSU's receivers and they are giving Stroud too much time to find them. The Dogs may have met their match. After that TCU v Michigan semi, I suppose anything is possible.
  24. My bad, then. I took it from the Oregonian and they had Brown as the Money (I assumed old middle) LB.
  25. It's likely due to the fact they are at different positions in Lupoi/Lanning's defense. Brown (Money LB) and Bassa (Mac LB) are ILBs and Funa (Jack LB) an OLB/Edge so they would all be out there at the same time in the basic D. They were all listed as starters pre-game.
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