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Everything posted by MrBrooks

  1. Rin Tin Tin and then Mr Peabody for those intellectually formative years.
  2. Is it my imagination or are there really only 3 teams in the Top 25 Coaches poll that have played 11 games to date? Add that to 8 straight games w/o a bye, the 9 vs 8 conference games, and I think OBD's are playing against a stacked deck! I guess we are seeing the parity in disparity. Kick some fuskie a_ _, and take names later!!
  3. Could this play be a variation of Bill Walton's "No TRUCK STOPS here!" ??
  4. NCAA Championships The link below is very illuminating, at least for me. Not that the Ducks are on the list at 15th, BUT the Fuskies are nowhere in the top 40!!!! So much for prowess. Enjoy... List of NCAA schools with the most NCAA Division I championships - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  5. F-Pac-W The article below is revealing because it is by someone from the other side of the country. While sunshine is a great disinfectant, it is also exposes the truth about those bothersome rodents and company. MSN WWW.MSN.COM OSU/WSU will never fit the mantra "Looking good Billy Ray .....Feeling good Louis!" They fit more with you can't polish a turd! I digress. Have a great day everyone. BLAST the BRUINS!!
  6. My expectations have been revised to the point of re-introducing "bowl eligibility" to my vocabulary. They are a third of the way there. Anything more is gravy. BTW this game seemed like a compilation of "you just can't make this stuff up!". James fumbling out of bounds, Whittington dropping the ball before the end zone, Sappington hitting the goal post on a PAT, and so on. Animal House and John Belushi "live"; Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? GO DUCKS!
  7. I may tend to be overly cautious about the Ohio State game, but I am waiting to see how much of an x-factor Chip Kelly will be. Has anyone seen him as an OC since he left OBD? We've played when he was on our side, not against him; plus he is coaching for a guy he coached. A few too many things to take for granted until we see some of his more current work. GO DUCKS!
  8. Why not just cut to the chase and eliminate OOC games and have 12 season counting games with a preseason......other than the number of season (league) games that would really be closer to the NFL! Oh wait, maybe the scheduling should be done by the NCAA. Just a little gallows sarcasm from a guy that is old school and rivalry oriented.
  9. Seems like Pasadena or Phoenix are missing in the timing. May be asking the obvious, but is the SEC still driving the CFP bus? Or maybe, the SEC folks don't travel north of Kentucky because of the weather?
  10. Wasn't it McShay that said before being drafted, that Justin Herbert would get a head coach fired? He has a lot of opinions, just no knowledge to back them up.
  11. Does anyone else think DeBoer is really David Shaw in disguise?
  12. Leave out conference champ Texas? Who beat Alabama. Maybe FSU becomes collateral damage? What a FUBAR!!!
  13. There must be someone on here, I bet there are a lot, that remembers Daily Immorald articles about Joe "Avocado" during Civil War week?
  14. Does anyone know if the refereeing is any better in the B1G? Both the Ducks and UW games had some real bonehead calls. I hate seeing the Pac12 disappear, but if better refereeing is a result maybe it is for the better. I, for one, sure will not miss the Pac12 referees (hope they don't matriculate to the B1G!).
  15. Something I accidently left out of original post. Just how lucky we as fans are to have Lanning and Nix as Ducks individually or collectively. And they are lucky to have each other at this particular moment in time. I believe that they are two people that epitomize "connection" and feed off each other. Just think about Lanning, as such a young HC, having the confidence to give Nix all the responsibility he has. Can you imagine Bo's life with Woody Hayes as HC? Yikes! I have been a college football fan for 64 years +/- and a Duck fan since the Georgia game in September, 1977. I have never been this interested or excited about college football as I am right now in the Ducks. I am sensing the coaches and players are elevating their game now from week to week. At the risk of getting ahead of myself, being out over my skies, or just plain being a homer, this is beyond a reasonable doubt a great time to be a DUCK!
  16. Hauler of Logs - I am with you all the way Dude! This is like excitement within excitement - better than an epiphany. We are in such uncharted territory; few people can recognize it. I got juiced just realizing this moment in time (thru the end of this season) may never come again. That's not a bad thing, just that witnessing something historical in nature is incredibly awesome. At least to some of us...... ((the "may never come again" references not having a repeat QB of Bo Nix stature))
  17. It occurred to me that Bo is basically ojt'ing ( on-the-job-training) as an offensive coordinator (senior journeyman level) and apparently doing an exceptional job. It also occurred to me that I/we should get as much of Bo Nix while we still can because he is much more than a generational player.....he is probably a once in a lifetime player. I question if we will ever see another quarterback with his level of cerebral or intellectual play. Sure, he's older and been around awhile but he is using his brain in so many ways that I have never heard about quarterbacks in the last century. So, my money is on the Ducks reaching the apex and Bo getting the Heisman!! Watch the curves and go-man-go!! GO DUCKS!!
  18. Sad but true? Apparently Gordon Gecko is alive and well at Fox and ESPN.
  19. I feel a twinge of sadness for the beavs until I am reminded of a school rivalry enhanced by close proximity, Eugene/Corvallis, that rivals Animal House. The Daily Emerald would print an alternative Beaver paper for April fools and replace the Beavs papers on OSU campus; the paper would include various stories about people like their football coach Joe Avocado (Avezzano)! Those were the days!!!!!
  20. 2 thoughts from Saturday: 1. Nixes injury on 3rd and 5 looked to me like it resulted from a submarine tackle with the crown of the helmet to his leg/ankle. Targeting no call?? Just wondering. 2. After 10 games, if Nix is out any plays or games, why not run a wildcat offense w/o a quarterback. The way the RB's are producing Dillingham should be able to squeeze some sort of passing out of RB's/TE's/Receivers.
  21. Beating the UW is not a matter of life or death, it is more important than that!!!!!! GO DUCKS!!!!!
  22. It only took 45 years to come full circle...one defensive coach to another. Love it when a plan comes together.
  23. Brooks is telling him, 45 years ago in September 1977 against Georgia in Athens, my FIRST play call was an end around. Plus, don't forget to water down the field for home games. Those were the days, but time now for some new ones.
  24. Not to be picky, but it is Chase. Chad's the Dad....Mr Gangreen
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