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Everything posted by GatOrlando

  1. I don't know if this is a good thing or not, but where I'm from, eventually you have to take off the training wheels. You have to grow up, make your own way. If your sibling gets a higher paying job, nicer car, house etc.. That doesn't entitle you to the same perks. I'll say this once again, and it applies to the state trying to tie Oregon to Oregon State, UCLA to California, or Washington to Washington State. One is not obligated to help fund the others sports programs. Arizona State and Arizona got to go together because both offered something valuable. As far as Oregon elevating itself due to superior funding. So what. Phil Knight can donate to Oregon if he wants. Money finances things if you aren't aware. If Ohio had as much money as Ohio State, they would be a much bigger deal. So yes Phil Knight helped elevate Oregon. What is with this thought process in the PAC of sports socialism? Sports isn't essential. The university may benefit from the branding, but sports is non essential. Oregon doesn't need to stay behind to make sure Oregon State has a more prominent place for it's sports teams.
  2. https://www.oregonlive.com/beavers/2023/08/oregon-state-mailbag-ducks-owe-nothing-to-state-of-oregon-ticket-price-concerns-realignment-end-game.html Nick Daschel | The Oregonian/OregonLive Another Oregon State mailbag, where readers provide Beavers-related questions and comments, and The Oregonian/OregonLive’s Nick Daschel gives a response. Here goes: Well Nick, based on several of your comments you have left objectivity behind and left no doubt that you are a Beevur Believer. I am a U of O alum and a Duck fan since birth. The U of O owes nothing to the State of Oregon. It owes nothing to Oregon State University. OSU football has been freeloading in the PAC10/12 for 44 years. One conference Co-Championship in 44 years and last played in the Rose Bowl on January 1, 1965. Their overall record puts them at 106/107 depending on which ranking since they started playing football games. Truly pathetic. As for future Civil War games – the U of O cannot afford to schedule games in 36k stadiums with a meager payday. – Douglas W The U of O owes nothing to the state of Oregon? I was not aware the University of Oregon had become a private school. As for the rest, I’ll just respond with the quote that keeping on giving gifts, from Ducks donor and former athletic director Pat Kilkenny: “Oregon would be in the same soup with the Beavs and Cougs if it weren’t for (Phil Knight).”
  3. You could say Oregon won the final " True" PAC 12 title ever. It's truly the final bow with every original member. It may be the strongest year yet as well. USC, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Oregon State, Washington State, and even a Deion Sanders led Colorado. All except Colorado, should not be shocking to see win the league. I haven't heard as much about UCLA, but a Chip Kelly offense can always post a challenge. Arizona should be better. That really only leaves Cal, Stanford, and ASU as tomato cans. Like I said, I expect Colorado to be the great unknown. They could win two games, they could also be a real pain in the butt, and win up to six games.
  4. Hopefully that game can continue. There is a lot of bitterness right now, perhaps time can heal it. But Oklahoma State, Texas, and BYU stopped playing their main in-state rival due to conference realignment. (Oklahoma State will cease playing Oklahoma after this year according to their coach and AD.) If those hurt feelings stop the rivalry for a while, you could foster an annual date against your northern neighbors. If both programs win, it will become a much bigger nationally known rivalry.
  5. Can this rivalry become a yearly primetime matchup in the B1G? Before moving to Arizona, I never knew of the history, and bad blood in this game. Being among PAC fanbases, I don't normally sense the same animosity that I grew up with , living in Florida, and later Ohio. This could be a season ending game every year. You'll have Ohio State-Michigan, Minnesota-Wisconsin,Penn State-Michigan State,USC-UCLA, and Oregon-Washington,headlining rivalry week in the B1G. All could decide who plays the next week for the conference title. Now people in the East will have to pay attention, primarily due to B1G title implications. In the future with an expanded playoff, the SEC and B1G champions will receive byes. That's a big nugget to chase.
  6. Oregon vs. Washington named among biggest ‘revenge games’ in 2023 DUCKSWIRE.USATODAY.COM Oregon vs. Washington named among biggest ‘revenge games’ in 2023 Zachary Neel August 19, 2023 6:22 am By all means, the first year for Dan Lanning as head coach of the Oregon Ducks went pretty well. He finished with a 10-3 record, a bowl game victory, and a recruiting class that ranked inside the top 10 nationally. However, he did commit one unforgivable sin in the eyes of college football fans — he lost to both of the Ducks’ biggest rivals: Oregon State and Washington Fortunately, Oregon will have a chance at revenge this season, facing of against Washington on October 14th, and Oregon State on November 24th. The Week 7 game against Washington has been named one of the biggest revenge games by USA TODAY’s College Football Wire, mainly due to how last year’s game ended: For the first time since 2017, the Ducks lost this matchup of the two powers in the Pacific Northwest. This game also featured two quarterbacks in the Heisman Trophy race that was ultimately won by another Pac-12 passer. Oregon was in the hunt for the conference title but this loss along with the one against their in-state rivals ended things. Bo Nix and the Ducks hope to get the upper hand in 2023. Washington won this matchup last season and is looking to get a second straight victory in the series for the first time since 2017. Michael Penix Jr will be among the Heisman favorites again this year with his trio of weapons at receiver. The winner of this matchup could be one half of the Pac-12 title game or we could even see a rematch if the cards fall just right. This game comes relatively early in the season, so both teams should likely be undefeated entering the matchup. They also both have a bye week before the game, assuring that both squads will be relatively close to full health and rested for the big showdown. In the last year of the Pac-12 before heading off to the Big Ten, there will certainly be a lot riding on this game.
  7. If I was offered a position that payed me ten times my current salary, I wouldn't take it. I love my job too much, I love my coworkers. I know every single one of them would do the same. Unless they were pond scum. Never ever ever....Ever!!! We are united forever. Throw in a company car, I prefer my Honda. Throw in a huge signing bonus, my wife and kids would be ashamed of me. Throw in a new home ,in a gated community, with a huge pool ,in a huge backyard. . I enjoy sweaty Burts summer hotdogs ,at the community pool. I will never accept that position, that will never be offered to me. Makes me a swell guy right?...... Hold on I just got a call..... -Just joking- Good luck guys. Just got an opportunity too good to pass up. I gotta do what's best for my family. Just like that guy I maybe skewered on social media last month. I'm sowwy Phil. Pool party at my new digs!!
  8. What pays for non revenue sports? It's great these kids are getting scholarships, all while getting to participate in an activity they excel at, and make lifelong connections with. But who pays for the scholarships, uniforms, facilities, whatever travel they do have to do? Who pays for the trainers, coaches, medical supplies, training facilities? I'm not saying they don't matter, I love the fact that they exist. But is Chip Kelly going to take a pay cut, is he going to donate some of his salary to pay for these other sports. Pay the salaries of his fellow coaches? Is he gonna give up his private travel? It's easy to say the right things, speak up for the little guy. But Chip Kelly left Oregon for the NFL. He left to get more money, enhance his legacy, chase a dream. So he can sit in his California mansion and millions of dollars in the bank. His kids future is secure, he's made it. Now he can wax philosophically, because he'll never have to eat out of a soup can again.
  9. I felt bad for the State schools of Oregon, and Washington. Now it's getting to a point where I just want them to stop whining. Getting politicians involved? It's already dirty enough, now you want to drag politicians into it? Shove off. I'm sad college football is becoming all about the money. I'm also sad when after I pay my bills that I don't have as much funny money as I'd want. That's life man. Some are born into better positions, some have to work to get there. Life is unfair. Don't tell me you haven't discovered that yet. I'll tell you what, next time you feel slighted and want to protest to the government to intervene. Go to another country, see how children without running water feel about your plight. Get over yourselves. Oregon has Phil Knight, they have great facilities, and a desirable brand. Washington is a much bigger school, in a much bigger city, with a better history. Is it fair that Ohio is in the MAC making a million a year, while Ohio State is in the B1G, making seventy times that?
  10. Michael Crow accepted the job at ASU, he had one big goal in mind, to transform ASU from a well known party school, to a respected AAU institution. To that point he has done a good job. He cares very little about the athletic side, I know he was a track and field star at Iowa State, he included that in his get better letter , saying he is "SUPER EXCITED" to join the Big 12. It's well known he was a major supporter of the PAC leadership. He was just happy to have his programs connected with academic heavyweights that shared his view that academia is the main focus of a University. Sports provide a nice little distraction , makes the school a bit of money, and brings a bit of attention. He basically got drug screaming into the Big 12, Arizona was like big brother dragging little brother into the league, like it was his first day of school. The media around the Phoenix area has been torching Ray Anderson for years. Crow refuses to admit the guy sucks at his job. They are golfing buddies after all. It's really quite humorous, I have seen the major shift in perception since I moved to Arizona in 2012. In those 11 years I have seen ASU vs Arizona debates over sports fanaticism really diminish. Arizona cares about it's sports teams. ASU doesn't.
  11. Kind of disappointed you didn't have a Duck chilling in a mini pool, sipping on a cold refreshing beverage. Maybe in your new home
  12. Went on a Washington State message board. A'lot of messages were putting most of the blame on the Ducks, and Huskies. They claim to never want another Apple Cup. Sad for the folks of that state who love that rivalry. Their programs would take the money, and bolt too. It's like getting mad at a coworker for getting a promotion. They are tethering their hopes to a lawsuit preventing Washington from leaving. In reality they know what happened, and why it happened. They know who is to blame, yet choose to lash out. Weird to think if the ACC had added Cal, and Stanford. It would be a B1G, Big 12, ACC, and PAC invitational this year.
  13. That whole BIG-PAC12-ACC thing. It was meant to keep the SEC from taking over everything. The Big 12 proposed a partnership with the PAC, but the PAC said "nah we good". Meanwhile it was being pitched that Ohio State, and Michigan were considering the SEC. The PAC is all but dead, the ACC is facing a mutiny. Well like Texas , and Oklahoma kept the Big 12 from expanding, while negotiating to leave. USC was likely behind the PAC not expanding sooner. Point is don't trust anybody. You gotta look out for your best interests. Oregon is getting roasted for this. It's unfair really.
  14. The Chargers play there sure, but the Rams own the stadium, along with the 1,000 fulltime fans in Los Angeles. The Chargers would get more support in Portland imo. Los Angeles is Raiders country. " Just win baby!!" Move the Raiders to L.A, the Rams to Vegas, and the Chargers to San Diego.
  15. Wouldn't be shocked to see it in played at the Rams stadium either. Kind of wish the SEC would rotate between Dallas, New Orleans, Miami, and Atlanta.
  16. Seeing Notre Dame getting clobbered in just about every big bowl game since the turn of the new millennium is always welcome. The attitude of them being elite, yet getting exposed every time they make the playoffs, or BCS title game, or NY6, just is the gift that keeps giving. The ACC did everyone a disservice in 2020.
  17. I think that not only does the move help you in California, but also the Midwest, and East. A'lot of talent in the Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus Detroit, Indianapolis ,Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New Jersey, St Louis, D.C area. That's your new footprint. You guys already do a pretty good job recruiting nationally. But you're about to get a'lot more looks from kids in these areas.
  18. You got Penn State and Nebraska. If those don't exude flash, I don't know what does.
  19. I keep hearing that Oregon State and Washington State , did more with less than any other P5 member. Is that true? I'm asking as someone who associates Washington State with that '97 squad with Ryan Leaf. I recall Oregon State playing in a Fiesta Bowl back in '01. I think they throttled Notre Dame. I know they may have more history, but I think that was before my time. Heck until Chip Kelly elevated Oregon, and the uniforms became elaborate, I only knew about Oregon because of Akili Smith, and Joey Harrington. Then it was the Oregon punch game against Boise State.
  20. Texas and Texas A&M were never partners imo. It's like Florida and FSU, there is no "brothers in arms" deal in these states. It's a rabid dislike in these football crazy states. I can speak to the majority in saying we would relish FSU being relegated to the AAC.
  21. This is a great site. Very friendly fans who enjoy talking football. The upgrades make the page load much faster on my phone.
  22. Feelings are hurt right now. Facts are Oregon would have taken Oregon State with them if possible. Just like Arizona did with ASU. USC took UCLA with them, but unfortunately the B1G didn't see it as a gain. Oklahoma State said they would stop playing Oklahoma after this year. I hope that isn't true. Give it a few years, the hurt feelings will go away... Hopefully. Can't blame either side imo. For Oregon it was about securing a seat at the table. For Oregon State, it feels like abandonment.
  23. I remember prior to that 2006 BCS Title Game, that the B1G, PAC, and Big 12 were all considered on par or better than the SEC. Heck the ACC was in that mix too. You had USC, California and Oregon in the PAC. You had Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State in the B1G. You had Oklahoma and Texas in the Big 12. You had Miami and FSU in the ACC. Alabama wasn't dominant, Georgia wasn't elite, Florida was just coming back under Meyer. LSU won a BCS title with two losses, even that was split with USC. Then on that glorious January day in 2006 , Florida absolutely wrecked the 14 plus point favorite Buckeyes. Remember there was a call to have Michigan getting a rematch with Ohio State in that game. They were obviously the two best teams. Well USC wrecked Michigan in the Rose Bowl, and Florida bullied the Buckeyes in the BCS title game. The next year LSU beat the Buckeyes in the BCS title game, and Florida beat Oklahoma the next year in the BCS Title Game. Alabama beat Texas the next year, and well folks, the rest was history. You had Auburn beating the Ducks the next year, Alabama winning the next over LSU. Alabama again over Notre Dame. Since that beating in 2006 you've had 5 SEC teams win a National Title. Clemson and Florida State have won a combined three for the ACC. Ohio State has one for the B1G. That's four titles since 2006 for every conference not named the SEC. Now you have Texas and Oklahoma in the SEC. You have USC in the BIG. Those three are the only teams outside Clemson, Miami, and Florida State, that have won a National Title this Millennium. To say all the power lies in two conferences is an understatement. But unless you get Clemson, FSU and Miami into the B1G. I would say there is still a gap between the SEC and B1G. That's no disrespect to Washington or Oregon. They are great additions that make the B1G stronger. Iron sharpens iron, that's the SEC thinking. The B1G just adopted that as well. Undefeated records are gonna be things of the past.
  24. The PacWestAmerican perhaps? https://www.si.com/college/stanford/football/what-pac-12-expansion-could-look-like-after-their-historic-collapse
  25. I hope so for fans of both teams. I think State rivalries are really fun. When you have two or more big universities playing for bragging rights at the end of the year, it makes a meaningless season finale mean something. It's what makes high school and college football fun. In Florida, I would take great joy in ending an FSU run to the playoffs. Even if we have three losses and are out of the race. Knocking them off gives the season meaning. Imagine Oregon State playing for a spot in the conference title game, then imagine Oregon beating them for that spot. I imagine that would be sweeter than beating any other team on your schedule. Outside of winning the title yourself, beating your rival so they can't have it is a good secondary achievement. Time will tell if the President sticks to their word.
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