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Everything posted by GatOrlando

  1. The B1G said in backrooms that they didn't want to be the ones responsible for the death of their sister conference though. Much like agreeing to the "Alliance" in 2021, in response to the treacherous SEC. Only to take USC and UCLA on as members less than a year later. It was those heathens in the Big 12 that killed the PAC. The spokesman actually brought up some good points though. The B1G could have just taken in the last four PAC programs at basically no cost, if they wanted to have reduced travel. It would be under one conference banner, but they could keep the East/West segregated. Would it really feel like a change then? You would get the occasional crossover, but it would basically just feel like what an O.O.C agreement would bring. But Michigan or Ohio State couldn't back out this time from going to Autzen.
  2. The SEC isn't loaded with top fifty television markets. You have programs in small towns like Athens, Tuscaloosa, Gainesville. Texas brings the Austin market, but generally the SEC is happy to remain in the "region" of the SouthEast. Playing FBS schools has been looked down upon by the B1G for years. But the league doesn't care. It's still managed to drive the business of college athletics, despite it being "backwoods as heck" as a Wolverine, Buckeye, and Beaver fan have said on different occasions. The SEC is where "specialty" coach positions were created. Under Nick Saban, the disgraced former coaches of America position was created. Consultants, I believe was his wording. For the good, or bad. The SEC isn't afraid of the trends. Eventually the league will have to expand conference slates. But not due to trends the more "enlightened" B1G has set forth. The B1G has been very reactionary, take the whole 2020 season. The PAC went hand in hand with their sister conference. Only to retract, and decide it was an option to play. Something tells me it wasn't the health of the athlete they were concerned about. Ohio State has to get a waiver to play in their conference title due to that decision. Because Michigan couldn't find enough guys to get walloped, and pulled out of their rivalry game. Breaking a 90 year or so stretch of consecutive seasons where the two played. For the record, I agree with you on the FBS thing. As do most the fans. It's an extra home game in November. A game to rest the starters, put up 70, and put in some backups. Of course it can also lead to a Georgia Southern win in the Swamp, that embarrasses the program.
  3. Larry and George will someday host a podcast, putting all their failures on television networks. First Topic: "Television Killed The PAC"
  4. I saw a lot of Duck fans asking why there wasn't a quad protected portion to the schedule. Also why the uneven amount of conference games, along with the home/away layout. I found the article posted above to answer most of those. It's a difficult thing to try and make fair balanced schedules. You have time zones, different tier levels, and rivalries with history attached. Is Oregon vs USC more important than Penn State vs Ohio State? Is it fair that Oregon's protected future existing B1G member is Wisconsin? While USC gets Ohio State or Michigan? Does Iowa want to play an offense like Washington that will put up forty ,when they can't possibly hope to score thirty points in three matchups? That type of thing just doesn't fly with Kirk Ferentz. Meanwhile the SEC isn't going to be pressured into following the B1G's lead with 9 or 10 conference games. It may happen, but only because the league may become so large if further expansion occurs. But the SEC isn't going into the Mountain or Pacific time zones. It's gonna be a Clemson, North Carolina, Miami, Virginia, or Florida State. If it were up to Florida, Florida State would be left to join either the Big 12 or B1G. They refused the SEC three different times under Bowden. But if it's good for the SEC, they will add them, and Florida will fall in line. That's just how it operates . Texas A&M found out about that. Texas will discover it as well.
  5. Washington may be Oregon's protected rivalry. Same as UCLA to USC. But there is heat between Oregon and USC. Oregon is the kid who used to be okay in school, while USC had all the cars, love interests, and was the chosen one. But college came and went. Oregon grew up, moved into the block, and has been the better adult tenant. USC is angry, they don't like little Oregon taking their shine. No national titles, just a fancy empty trophy case. *The above are not my thoughts btw. But a good indicator of why USC vs Oregon should be a priority game for the B1G.
  6. Oregon to host Ohio State, visit Michigan in 2024. Big Ten announces football opponents for 2024-28 WWW.OREGONLIVE.COM Oregon will host Ohio State and travel to Michigan in its first year in the Big Ten. The new Big Ten “Flex Protect XVIII” schedule is only a slight adjustment from the “Flex Protect Plus” schedule it announced in June, prior to the additions of Oregon and Washington. The Pacific Northwest rivalry was added to 11 other protected rivalries and trophy games and other opponents will rotate across the league. UO and UW both host five Pac-12 games in 2023 and would’ve hosted four conference home games in 2024. With this year’s game in Seattle, Kenny said the “fair way” to decide which was going to begin its Big Ten tenure with five home games was to have Oregon host Washington next season, as anticipated, and for UO to begin with five home conference games. Kenny said other formats to the nine-game schedule were reviewed, including the four West coast schools — Oregon, Washington, UCLA and USC — playing every year, but that doing so would’ve resulted in too many less frequent other matchups in the conference. “We found in these integration processes over time that if play everybody more frequently and you do it more quickly right off the bat both home and away, then it helps you become more cohesive as a conference and start to learn each other’s traditions and what it means to walk into Autzen Stadium, or Husky Stadium, or the (LA) Coliseum, or the Rose Bowl and vice versa for the 14 current members of the Big Ten,” Kenny said. “One of the things that we did achieve with 100% accuracy was making sure that in 2023 and the start of the new schedule in 2024 there’s no games being played at the same location. Then in 2024 it starts anew and we make sure that you don’t have any back-to-back (at the same site). I think that was another priority for our ADs that we wanted to really make sure that we hit.”
  7. Once the B1G adds two of the disgruntled ACC programs, all of this is gonna be reset. Just like the one they made back in June. Oregon and Washington weren't added merely for cornering the West coast. It was to alleviate the travel for sports outside football. But the built in rivalries will dictate Oregon vs USC every year. Television ratings will point out the importance. The B1G is just trying to give it's new members the biggest programs to get that pop. Michigan, Ohio State, and Penn State won't always be on your schedule.
  8. When you guys had Mr. Coffee... I mean Pete Carroll, you had high octane offenses. But athletic, hard hitting defenses. I remember guys like Mays, Mauluga, just hammering guys if they caught anything up the middle. The last two weeks those middle lanes were big and inviting. Like a Serta mattress. Oregon punished the Buffalos all game. Sanders look shook, he was hesitant to run up the seams. His receivers weren't catching those balls. They were tired of getting smacked.
  9. The Big 12 they left is gone and dead. They'd be the top brand there, probably have more success. Their academic standing also better fits in there. They're the only non AAU member, but they were AAU when they joined. Leaving the B1G is nothing like leaving the PAC. Utah would trade them spots in a heartbeat. As would North Carolina, Clemson, Florida State, Stanford, Cal. Missouri would probably be better off on the field if they left the SEC, go back to the Big 12. But they'd be in the same boat, we all know what's going on. So do these schools. Nebraska fans are upset because they've been relegated to mid status. I don't like their chances of climbing out of that.
  10. Two years ago, this question would be a no brainer. Given the choice. Would you rather have Lincoln Riley or Dan Lanning long term? I think Christobel changed Oregon long term. Even with Chip Kelly, the Ducks would get beat if you could stop the RPO. Just look at the 2014 National Title game. No USC fan will buy this. But Oregon is better suited heading into the B1G next year. You'll need that physicality in Ann Arbor, Madison, Columbus, or Happy Valley. You'll do what Nebraska thought they were gonna do 11 years ago.
  11. I've been wanting chaos since the four team playoff started. Mostly because I hated them calling it a playoff. But more often than not, there's been little criticism of who ended up winning it. This year you could have that chaos. Say Texas, Oregon, Ohio State, Georgia, and Florida State all go undefeated. Then you have Oklahoma, Washington or USC, Miami, Michigan, Alabama and Notre Dame with only one loss.
  12. There's been grumbling about Florida and the N.I.L. There's been a level of arrogance surrounding the program for years, despite it's failures. It's picking up, because the boosters, businesses and donors are realizing you can't just depend on being the University of Florida, being a great academic institution ,and standing on the legacies of past icons. I'm not concerned about that part. I wish the program would have hit the portal more, but Napier doesn't think he needs to get too many rentals. He's a good recruiter, I just think he needs to realize those surrounding the program are anxious. Losing Rashada isn't the backbreaker most think. He changed his mind. It happens, 17 year olds can make decisions and then change them. Ohio State lost their five star QB. It's just the effect of transfers. They lost Ewers after he was there a year as well. As far as the SEC being down this year, sure. We don't have great QB play. But to say the ACC is more cutthroat because of one year? I'm not buying it. If one year was an indicator, the PAC would be the preeminent football league. Instead of being the league with the fewest playoff appearances, and wins(tied with the Big 12). A down year in the SEC still has the National Title favorite. I'm not sure Florida State, Miami, Duke, or Clemson would make the conference title game in the SEC. Oregon and Washington might, the physicality your Ducks have shown, will matchup well with Georgia, Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State. Most likely one of those will be your matchup. I would put Oregon and Michigan as the most impressive teams I've seen. But something tells me that Georgia is going to improve and look like what we expect. Kind of a long explanation for a short answer. Bullet points are that Florida will have the talent, the alumni base is too large and loyal. Under Meyer, there were rumors of dealerships and businesses doing things that are legal today. The SEC isn't the best conference this year so far, but it's not going away as the most cutthroat conference in the country. Lastly, I believe in the PAC and your Ducks as the best I've seen so far. Crazy to think you could see Oregon playing their future conference mates in the playoff. I'm not sold on the ACC yet.
  13. Napier has been a little too conservative so far in his tenure imo. The two greatest runs in Florida history happened under the "Fun and Gun" Steve Spurrier, and the "Spread it Out" with Urban Meyer. Of course those guys also did it with more talent. But Deion has shown how to quickly inject life. Napier has the saying "No risk it. No biscuit!!". Starting Graham Mertz is as risky averse as I can think. He's recruiting well, but Florida isn't the place where you get three years of rope. Especially with Georgia, FSU, and Miami rising up the ladder. If Georgia and FSU both make the playoffs, and Florida wins six games. The seat is hot. Not ideal for a guy preaching patience. The SEC is hunt or be hunted. Brian Kelly is finding out about that.
  14. There was a point we beat Kentucky thirty plus times in a row. They have a three game streak going after trashing us on Saturday. Mark Stops isn't surprising me though. He's built a very solid SEC East program. They've been better and more consistent than both Florida and Tennessee. You just don't hear about them because Georgia, and Alabama have been so dominant. To me I can't call them a surprise. Look at what Mark has built at a basketball school. There was a strong chance somebody was gonna hire him away. Nebraska made a huge mistake by not doing so imo. The guy recruits Ohio very well, he gets the four stars from that state that Ohio State passes up.
  15. Does UCLA have to pay Cal now that they are ACC bound? Could Oregone State be angling an Oregon payment? Especially if the coffers of the PAC aren't full.
  16. Was that a rush the field type upset? Was it even truly an upset? What was the line? Once Oregon State got to 21 points, the game was over. Utah needs Rising back, they don't have the ability to matchup with the great QB's if they don't. Maybe USC. Although I think the Trojans will put up 70 on them if presented the chance. They really feel like losing twice to them last year was unacceptable. If they feel Oregon is a never was, I can imagine how they feel about Utah.
  17. I can see Lou Holtz having a field day when his Irish play USC later this year. If he thinks Ohio State under Ryan Day has lost because of a lack of toughness. Look at Lincoln Riley's team in Norman and now L.A. That defense has been exposed. Gotta give Deion a'lot of credit though. After last week and the first half today. Deion's son has outplayed Caleb by a wide margin in the second . To the Big 12, you better get them early next year.
  18. Luckily for them , it may get a'lot easier if Clemson, FSU, and UNC have found a way out. I'll buy Miami for real when they actually finish a season strong. Until then it's just glitz and glamor.
  19. I think "back" in terms of how most see it is National Titles Contenders. Playing in, if not winning the conference title game. USC last won a National Title in '04. Texas in '05, and Miami in '01. Miami has never won the ACC, think about that. They've played in one ACC Title Game, one!! As you can probably see, I don't have much desire to see them "back". But the odds are that Mario is building them up pretty well. He's got Miami High School connections. That's the key to their success. Much like USC and Los Angeles.
  20. No, you were right. I edited it after you commented. The word surprising can mean anything. I did have success there originally, but again that can have different narratives as well. Colorado won one game a year ago. They are about to have their third straight nationally televised matchup.
  21. Miami has what looks like a good win. I just can't label them as back yet. I also can't call them a surprise either. It's Miami, much like Texas or USC. They have a ton of talent, and for the first time in their history, they are investing money into their infrastructure.
  22. I actually have grown to appreciate Deion's honesty. It's not false bravado. But I can't put them up there a week after getting beaten down. It wasn't close, I don't like their chances today. Kansas has their shot at Texas today. Duke has theirs against Notre Dame, and Syracuse has Clemson. We'll find out a lot about all three. Washington State has already beaten Wisconsin and Oregon State.
  23. I gotta agree with Washington at the top. The meat of the schedule is coming up, so we'll get to see how good they really are. Florida State looked good week one, but very shaky the last two weeks. That kind of knocks them down imo. I would say Texas is my number two, Oregon is my number three, Washington State is four, Ohio State is five. That's based off how they've looked, who've they beaten, and who they've got. Obviously Washington State doesn't have who Georgia does, but they've beaten Wisconsin and Oregon State. Ohio State hasn't looked great offensively, but they have NFL guys everywhere, and won at Notre Dame , playing "tough". Texas, Washington, and Oregon are top three. All have first round QB's, play physically tough on both sides, and have beaten down everything in their path. Georgia,USC, Penn State, Michigan, Oklahoma, Florida State, and Miami are just behind the five I noted.
  24. We are heading into October my friends. Anything and everything is still on the table. The Heisman, conference titles, playoff births. But like every year there have been pleasant surprises. I ask you who has surpassed the expectations so far. I always love an underdog, as long as it isn't playing my team. *Edited the title, to include surprising successes. As pointed out below, how the vague the word surprising can be interpreted.
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