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Charles Fischer

How Much Does FishDuck.com and OBD Forum MAKE Off of You?

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Without getting into the weeds of the math, and the Web Analytics vocabulary....here is the bottom line; assuming an intense fan who checks in three times a day, every day of the month...


We get a buck a month from advertising on your visits...that's it!  Not a day, but a buck a MONTH.


Now most do not visit that much among the readers, and some come in more often, but when taking all the visits and dividing by the advertising revenue? The sites get paid about 1.8 cents every time you have a "session" at the sites which includes all the pages you are on.  We are paid on the "sessions," and not by how many pages you read or are on.


Knowing this, I roll my eyes when a rule violator threatens to no longer read the site and support it if I do not tolerate his behaviors.  Yeah, right.  Big loss!


One of the FishDuck.com and OBD Forum founding members, Steven A., who is also a Moderator and Duck News Hunter has a reputation as the "King" of the one-liners. I went through a long explanation with him of how they calculate the advertising revenue to be paid, and when I told him that each session only generated 1.8 cents? 


He retorted...


"So, when someone says they're giving their 2-cents on a topic....it's not even worth that!"



We love you Steven A.!


Mr. FishDuck

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Maybe he meant two Canadian cents aye?

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Which is great when people can donate. 


Donating pays for the forum and main site. I'm a volunteer writer so I'm not seeing any of these amazing ad earnings as they all go to the site. But it is a place for me to write and discuss with all of you. 


And those pictures in the articles those are also paid for by donations. Those pictures not only look great but they are way better than screen shots. 


I know there is a whole lot more that goes on behind the scenes that we don't see. 


So if you can donate, click that yellow button at the top and do so. 

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