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New OT Rules in the NFL

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This new rule is for the Playoffs and that's where it's needed the most.



The NFL is changing the way its overtimes operate in the postseason. Call it the Josh Allen Rule. The league's owners...


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Cool!  Thanks for bringing this to us, but I wish it was also for the regular season.  I want Justin to always have his shot!


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Mr. FishDuck

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Methinks the owners would be all in for this rule to include the regular season, the longer the game the more commercial space to fill. But while I'd love for Justin to get his shot, I don't need extra minutes on top of the extra game that was added last season. 

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The NFL's overtime rule absolutely sucks when it comes to shootout type games. A defensive slugfest... sure it works... assuming the final score is like 10-7 or something like that. But a shootout it is just a failure. 


I know College football has its own problems with overtime. At this point I wouldn't mind them just starting OT in College Football by exchanging 2 point attempts. The scheduling of College games is so tight that it OT just eats into the next game too much. Namely... too many Oregon games were delayed or thrown on another network or whatever because the previous game went into OT. 

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I've always thought the college/Kansas Plan OT is more fair, and more exciting.  A lot of people hate it but NFL just ends up being a field goal in most OT's.  Turn the clock off, take equal turns, win it on the field.

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Trying to fix something that isn't broken.  Do we really expect the numbers to change all that much if the first teams scores a TD on their 1st drive in OT?  Both teams had 60 minutes to win the game and then the defense could have at least held the team to a FG on their 1st drive.  

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On 3/30/2022 at 8:06 AM, Tandaian said:

Trying to fix something that isn't broken.  Do we really expect the numbers to change all that much if the first teams scores a TD on their 1st drive in OT?  Both teams had 60 minutes to win the game and then the defense could have at least held the team to a FG on their 1st drive.  


Since 2010 there have been 12 playoff games that went into overtime. The team that won the toss has prevailed in 10 out of those 12.


That’s wrong.


A coin toss should never decide the outcome of a football game. 

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Here is an idea!  In Soccer, they settle their ties with a shootout, which requires skills and strategy that is not used much over the course of a match.


For football?  Make it a field goal competition; first one to miss, loses.  Start with a 40 yarder, and move back five yards, then one yard increments...and both teams kick at the same goal posts.  This will place even more value on the placekicker on a team--more than before, and it will cut the time way down.

Mr. FishDuck

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Oh man Charles Fischer, your FG thought is a fantastic idea, but only about 5% of coaches/teams would be OK with it.  


Ducked, that 10 out of 12 is a misleading stat.  Only 7 of 12 won on the opening possession.  That means 5 out of 12 teams had a chance to win the game.  So, we are nearly back to 50/50 chance.  I don't believe having both teams touch the ball will change the percentage of teams winning in OT. 


Will there be times where the 2nd team in OT comes back to win of course.  However, I'm going to assume we continue to have 58% (7/12) of teams win in OT when the first teams scores a TD.  We will make everybody feel good, but in the end we won't change the percentages.  

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