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Oklahoma Still Steamed Over Riley Dumping Them for USC

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Did he dump OK for USC? Or, did he dump the SEC for the Pac-12?

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On 3/30/2022 at 10:26 AM, Jon Joseph said:

Did he dump OK for USC? Or, did he dump the SEC for the Pac-12?

Bit of both... USC was willing to pay him more than OU. That and the bigger problem of potentially revealing just how good, or bad, he is as a coach if he has to go against consistently better teams in the SEC and OU can't just monopolize a conference championship... I know Baylor won it last year but OU has had a solid decade of dominance in the Big-12. 


With Oklahmoa in the SEC his job was going to get a whole lot harder. 

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On 3/30/2022 at 10:26 AM, Jon Joseph said:

Did he dump OK for USC? Or, did he dump the SEC for the Pac-12?

It was definitely a slap in the face to a school that is considered a blue blood, and the optics are awful for Oklahoma. As OK sloughs off to the SEC as part of a combo with Texas, Riley moves into a mansion in LA and is the "talk of the town" at USC. 

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A tweet like that is the definition of "Butt-Hurt."


Although the same could be 

said about Yours Truly and Mari Cristobal...


I call him "Mari" because he didn't use the "O."     (Thanks to Steven A. for that superb slogan!)

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Mr. FishDuck

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On 3/30/2022 at 2:21 PM, Wrathis said:

I'm curious on your take comparing the two situations.

My money is on Riley running from the SEC.  I think OU would have matched $$$.


Kelly I think is a money grab.

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On 3/30/2022 at 2:21 PM, Wrathis said:

I'm curious on your take comparing the two situations.

In both cases I feel like Riley and Kelly made it clear that they were going to better jobs. Now, that is always the thought when a coach leaves. It's when you hear, "stepping stone". But these two schools were Oklahoma and Notre Dame. Bluebloods.


OK got to the Playoffs, regularly, but then lost. Notre Dame wasn't competitive either. OK was headed to the SEC and nobody thinks they have a chance of winning there, Riley knew it, and went to USC, "the Sleeping Giant"


So far, Kelly has not been as graceful as Riley in his new job, with his "accent accident" among other missteps. But LSU just won the championship and I think is closer to another one than is Notre Dame

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