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Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

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With a great quote, something to ponder.


Memorial Day isn't just about honoring veterans, its honoring those who lost their lives. Veterans had the fortune of coming home. For us, that's a reminder of when we come home we still have a responsibility to serve. It's a continuation of service that honors our country and those who fell defending it.

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I am very grateful to all veterans, as what we have is treasured and unique due to them and all that gave their lives for this nation.

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Mr. FishDuck

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Memorial Day,


A day set aside to remember those who have served in our military services.

May we have gratitude to the the many brave men and women who sacrificed their lives, or sustained injury in mind and, or body in the course of their service. 



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To those, and those like us.


Damn few left.


Sua Sponte 


Happy Memorial Day everyone 

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My uncle served in the Army in WWII. My dad was a quartermaster in the Navy at Huntington Beach. He wanted to be on a carrier but had TB as a child and got stuck portside for the war. He was a damn good quartermaster. I remember going fishing in Tomales Bay as a boy with Dad and his best friend, who lost a leg at Guadalcanal. No one ever pissed and moaned about their sacrifice. They did it because they believed it was their duty. I was fortunate to have them as my role models and I am here because of the grit and the sacrifice those men were willing to make in the cause of freedom. I never forget that. 

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Appreciation goes both ways...




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Mr. FishDuck

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