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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. Can we just call it a Payoff? That's what it's been from the start. Yes, Alabama probably has been the best team all the years they won the championship. But in a real playoff, in any sport, the "best" team does not always win. That's why the games are played. The solution to the ESPN/SEC Fan Fest was to increase the size, of course what that would do is just make it possible for MORE SEC teams to vie for the trophy. The SEC is thinking about what's best for them; not an entirely evil idea. But ESPN should be interested in promoting competition, creating a Playoff that has teams and fans across the country engaged throughout the season. Next week, we'll begin to hear the fingernails on the chalkboard, "Are You In?" as ESPN presents the weekly event of the Release of the Playoff Rankings! Oh the excitement!
  2. This came up in a discussion today, and it is the driving force of the Committee. "If (Team A) played (Some other team), I'm positive that Team A would win." This is exactly the wrong way the Committee should be considering the teams. There is a season's worth of games that have been played to use in their decision making. What the outcome of a hypothetical match up would be is, and should be, irrelevant.
  3. Apparently Carson Palmer was on the "Dan Patrick Show" the other day, and since there is nothing else to talk about with former Trojans than the Coach search, Palmer threw out some names, and Mike Tomlin, head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, was one of them. Tomlin is one of the most successful coaches in the NFL. Super Bowl win, the Steelers have never finished below.500%. So, when a reporter asked him about his interest in the USC job, not only did he say there was no chance he'd leave the NFL to take a college job. He was insulted. "is any body asking Sean Payton or Andy Reid this question?" Of course not. It may have been just because Palmer threw his name out there, but this is what I love about this. USC is desperate. They blew off Orgeron, ( No School is going to hire a untested coach as a Head Coach because the players want him), Kiffin, Sarkisian, Helton, it hasn't gone well at USC, This hire is huge. Helton had a winning record, won a Rose Bowl, but he basically spent his entire tenure on the hot seat, Why would Fickell leave Cincinnati, Franklin, Penn State for USC? USC's fan base are frontrunners. When Carroll was on his run, the Coliseum was the place to be, SnoopDogg was there. But, if USC isn't playing for the "Natty" the Coliseum is dreary. The AD knows that the fan's won't take to a Up and Comer as the new Coach. SC needs a name, But they aren't interested.
  4. Thank you Joshua for the inside look, It showed what can happen when Mario does what so many of us have wanted. Don't just hire great coaches; let them do their jobs! Explaining how Moorhead used UCLA's defensive scheme against them is what a top flight OC does when the head coach let's him. Hopefully Mario recognized that this is what occurred, it was causation that Moorhead coordinated the offense and the Ducks won.
  5. There is nothing that cheers me up more than going to "The Dawg Pound" and reading post after post of whimpering puppies
  6. This week the Ducks change that to, "Life Could Be A Dream"
  7. No Surprise, if a coach is good at all, he will be on these lists. Washington can't give Lake away.
  8. Very well put. Two ends of the spectrum a championship team needs to navigate.
  9. It's great at the top with the Ducks and Beavers, too bad the Huskies can't be 12, that number just fits them perfectly.
  10. Cheers to you, Darren for a fine piece of writing, have the Ducks seen the light? Or will Bon Jovi still carry the day? I hope that was a "Statement " game, a powerful rebuke to Corso for his betrayal in front of a national audience. There wasn't one utterance from Fowler or Herbie of the Ducks being "overrated". not even during those misbegotten quarters. Next week the Ducks are being served "Buffs On A Platter" should be a very tasty meal, a pleasant afternoon setting with all their Ducks loving fans cheering them on as they devour their prey. Let's see AB at the top of his game, brimming with confidence, Never Say Dye will be right next to him. and Williams, Redd, Johnson And Pittman, will be running free. For those brief moments when the Buffs have the ball. KT and the gang will make them want to give it back, or they might take it away themselves, either way, will do, particularly if some nice sacks are included. We all hope the best for Coach Moorhead, from whatever vantage point he chooses.
  11. Unfortunately I don't think Penn State has a chance, Michigan State, maybe, but I wouldn't bet on it, and I always root for Michigan, and it usually doesn't work out that way.
  12. Ohio State lost to Oregon, but are above them in the rankings? Yes, they are, at the end of the season if both are 1 L teams, the Ducks have a strong case to be above the Buckeyes. But for now, the Buckeyes and Ducks have played about the same quality of schedule,; the Ducks have gotten by, except for Stanford, while Ohio State has stomped their opponents, averaging 49 points a game. So, for now tOSU being above the Ducks isn't wrong, But, what of Clemson. They were on top of the college football world. Dabo was challenging Saban. But this year it has fallen apart. Trevor Lawrence is gone, but DJ U. filled in last season and was fine. He'll be great. He has not been great. The Clemson offense is Off, and unlike at Oklahoma, Dabo does not have a 5 * QB to bring in, Does Clemson get back on top or do they fall to the bottom of the ACC?
  13. I agree with Mario that there is much left to do with the passing game, however, that's like agreeing on which direction North is, What is he going to do with this keen insight?
  14. Throw in baffling and bewildering, and you have it. 6-1 top 10, could win out and have a very strong case for the Playoffs, or could lose any of the games left on the schedule. Anthony Brown. I have no doubt, is out there giving it his all on every play, it doesn't always work out the way he, or we want it to, but them's the breaks. KT , more than lived up to his billing on Saturday. He's going to make the fans of a horrible NFL team very happy next year. His presence on the field could have as much impact on the team since 2007 and Dennis Dixon. CJ Verdell goes down, but "Always Say Dye" steps up with a record setting 4 carries. four touchdowns in a row! The DB's were great against UCLA, and their running game was shut down, What kind of game do we get next week, at home, against Colorado?
  15. They were booing for cause, Mario, Do you want Oregon fans who just sit back and watch the games go by, or do you want a fan base that is invested in how the team, and coaches, are performing, I'm a Duck fab going on 53 years, I'm not "spoiled" by success. Sometimes the "numbers" can tell you how a team is doing, sometimes it is the "EYE TEST". For 2021 Oregon, both tell the story. Overall, this is an underwhelming 6-1 team, led by an underwhelming QB. Against Ohio State he did not have the INT's that he had against UCLA, He is playing better on the road than he is at Autzen. That's on him, you and the rest of the team. The Oregon fans I know bleed green and yellow, remember players and plays from years ago, you won't find fans who care more about their team anywhere. And, because we care, we will let you know about it.
  16. Charles, I too am completely mystified by what I saw yesterday,. I haven't seen an Oregon team play that well since they beat Ohio State in the Horseshoe. That looked like a top 10 team. Coming back from 14 in the first quarter, this season, is one of the most impressive accomplishments a Duck team has made. Ever. DTR is good, really good, and I'm really good that their TE dropped that pass late, nut overall, player for player, the Ducks were better. Our DB's showed athleticism, skill and awareness, our WR's created separation and for the most part, Brown found them. His INT's were forced throws he had no business making, especially the one in the 4th quarter, but as the stats showed, the passing game worked. For a while we were all amazed by Dye's line 2-8 yards, 4 TD's? Talk about efficiency. And of course KT. That guy looked like the No. 1 pick in the NFL Draft. I told you it was diabolical of you to force us to make our predictions before that game!
  17. What in the world is going on, Kansas 10 Oklahoma 0
  18. I'll just say that all 5-1"s are not equal. If Orgon had lost at theOSU. and won all the others, they would not be No, 10. Back in the real world, Oregon didn't destroy Stony Brook, lost to Stanford, and "gutted" out win over Cal, and entertained the Stanforders watching us struggle with winless Arizona. But even now we're seeing stories of more 4 & 5 stars committing to Oregon.
  19. This us yet another example of McSham. The guy makes $$$$$, faces no backlash when it's proven his thoughts had no more value than any Husky Honks, but the main thing is, it does not matter, Mock Draft 1 starts and immediately is followed by 2 and 3 and Kiper has the same thing. They know as much about Draft prospects as National news, and ESPN spouters know about how well a coach is actually doing/ But. ESPN is nothing but candy/ It can taste good, but doesn't help at all. and too much can be harmful.
  20. Oregon 30 (of course} UCLA 26 2 Turnovers, 2 Sacks AB goes crazy, 130 Passing yards
  21. I’m sure UCLA is thrilled to be hosting Oregon, instead of having to go to Autzen,
  22. Lee Corso loves the Ducks, and especially, The Duck" How do the Ducks fare when Lee Picks them to win?
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