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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. Washington should start finding the end zone again and make a quick return to competency.
  2. I want to thank the Huskies and their fans for doing so much to entertain us for quite a while now. Aside from Coach 17 bathrooms & Cowherd, the only team to generate Buzz in the Pac-12 is Oregon. Washington Boards can't go 3 posts without bringing Oregon up. For a bit of diversity, every once in a while, somebody will post that Oregon is not everything that is wrong with the world, but that's basically just chumming for more vitriol towards the green and yellow.
  3. Great get. It's more fun when the W hat is left sitting on the table, but that's a nice list of schools Oregon beat out. Hard hitting safeties are vital to a dominant defense.
  4. You know there is a lot of highly rated football talent ooozing out of Washington high schools, fortunately they have enough prowess to get out of there!
  5. Johnny Rodgers, Greg Pruitt, back in the 70's we can remember when Oregon went to Neb. and OK, and got slaughtered, '74 at Nebraska, 61-7, '75 at Oklahoma, 62-7 Not so much in these games, but those teams were fun to watch!
  6. I realized afterwards that this was a legacy of Campbell coached RB's, which would explain li'l Bro's pic not being included. But I don't know if I'll be okay with including him a year from now, for me "Once a Duck is NOT always a Duck"
  7. Yes, having the names on the bottom helped, and the best part is that Troy Dye's little bro isn't in it.
  8. I'll take a Moral victory, "good loss" against Georgia and be able to watch the rest of the games that day. I don't know if knowing that the players are having fun, and I'm having fun watching them is enough. That's what parents say when they watch their kids play, and to a point, where Beaver Nation is. It's not where the Ducks are. Chip's teams were fun to watch, and they won. I wouldn't remember the Kelly era as fondly if they played the same exciting style but were 24-29 instead of 46-7. That isn't the Win the Natty or bust feeling that has taken over college football, but I put a premium on winning, winning ugly can be really fun. Now, unless you're Alabama it's not realistic to expect to win it all. If you're going to even entertain the thought your team has to play top level football every week, it won't always be pretty, but it must be relentless. No fooling around.
  9. “I’ve had conversations with several of the FBS commissioners," he said. This alone is enough to be very thankful that the Pac-12 has a new Commissioner.
  10. It could be a uniforms issue; Proctor might be worried about never knowing what he was going to wear at Oregon. But at Iowa he just has to remember the Steelers. Steelers: Iowa:
  11. Shhhhhh! Top secret plans of just how eye-popping Iowa is going to be:
  12. Sorry Jim, but that's pretty sad, kind of like if Washington hangs up banners with the scores of their wins over Oregon the last 17 years.
  13. I understand your concern, but I will take the QB that will make the %$%^&% throw over the cautious checkdown one every day.
  14. I will never be convinced that had Dixon not gone down the Ducks have the Heisman winner and the Natty in 2007. Take it to the outside Kenjon, they beat Auburn, don't have to worry about whether Dyer was down or not. What if Stanford and Nelson don't have dropsies in the first half, Oregon takes the lead and Cardale Jones is just a 3rd string QB, and Elliott doesn't run over the Ducks in the 2nd half. The Ducks have had lots of chances to win the championship. After the fact it comes out that NO team has won the championship with recruiting like Oregon has had, and still doesn't to match the Alabama's and Georgia's. But they were thisclose This year of course the odds are against Oregon winning it all. So what?
  15. I agree with some of these, but I still pick Oregon to beat BYU, and by the end of the season I like the Ducks over the Utes at home...and I don't agree that Fresno State is going to beat USC, UCLA looks about right, and so is the call on EWW Dub. Skopildamus: My preseason predictions for the final Pac-12 standings 247SPORTS.COM My colleague Jared Mack posted his Pac-12 season predictions a day ago. Here are mine. For context, the two of us recored an...
  16. I guess we'll find out what, "most definitely" means.
  17. She also became the first player in league history to have a triple-double in the first three quarters of a game. "I don't care about the triple-double; we didn't win," Ionescu said Sunday. Sabrina, Sabrina!
  18. I actually liked the stick of gum that came with the baseball cards I used to get in the 60's and 70's. I probably had a nice collection, but certainly didn't treat them with any care, football cards too, for some reason I can't get New York Football Giant out of my mind. When the cards became "valuable" and gum wasn't included anymore I lost interest. Good luck, Bo.
  19. It wasn't for No.1000, but Jaz got some of them.
  20. Once I got past the odorous UW connection there is a lot to be said for your comparison here. Of course, with Browning comes the wag
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