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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Good gosh...this is the kind of coach you would love or hate. What a hire by Lanning!
  2. It would help their minor sports a TON, and as we know--the Trojans have a natural rivalry with the 'Furd. This should happen!
  3. For at least a decade....Oregon will be quite the novelty for B1G fans, and they will want to come experience it. I'll bet we could get some VERY large B1G crowds at Autzen. The "Yell-O" of the Michigan State game was awesome, and I'll bet Penn State would bring 20,000!
  4. Oh my fellow Duck-Buddy...we see it, but the B1G does not know of Dan Lanning, and they only will discover too late for them.
  5. Questions for Dan Lanning about recruiting after the move to the B1G? (From 8-5 interviews) Q: What can be the immediate recruiting impact of this? DL: "More than anything clear direction. We have a really clear direction right now. It's not the what-ifs or the where-are. It's really clear where we're going to be in the future and how we're set up for long-term. Q: Were schools using that against you on the trail? DL: "Everybody is always going to recruit hard against us. Ultimately, we're not really concerned about everyone else. We have a great option to sell here and it's only stronger now because of what happened yesterday.
  6. Below, he is responding who benefits from joining the B1G, and yet...this is off the deep end...
  7. This is a very troubled man, who has not appreciated the success of Oregon over the last 20 years....
  8. Warning! This is a level FOUR post, as it has content that may cause distress. Adults should be present, and a viewer advisory is implemented. I don't know how many of you really want to read these below, because we really have some deranged examples. Some are off-the-wall, but one or two from USC fans are just...crazy. Isn't it great? First: Low grade insults, and yet if the Trojans had guts--where did they go?
  9. Wow, Dr. Hilarius, I had no idea that the Huskies were that big. Damn. I would have figured for sure that Michigan, Illinois and especially Penn State would have been bigger. Good stuff, thanks.
  10. Sorry, but the ad income is far beyond anything I would get from donations. But frankly--these donations do help me pay for a dedicated server that can make pages load fast and thus the site could be snappy. Much more fun and easier for all... But the problem is double the hosting cost. OBD readers and members have been generous and helped, and if anyone else can to make this GREEN REFUGE even more special--please do.
  11. This guy is quite some piece of work, yet the Trojans just lapped it up. They really hate us...don't you love it! (This article was written before the B1G announcement) "...if you’ve never actually done anything in your many decades of play and nobody has any reason to remember you. Oregon moved from fourth rate to second rate when Daddy Warbucks bought them a new house and better clothes. There’s nothing wrong with that; but it doesn’t change what they are underneath the fancy new threads. That’s probably why Oregon coaches always leave as soon as they can find another job. Dan will, too—if he can win something bigger than the Holiday Bowl." "Oregon football is a pernicious weed sucking the nutrients out of whatever soil it’s planted in." Musings from Arledge: Don't do it, Big Ten - On3 WWW.ON3.COM In this Musings, Arledge sends a message to the Big Ten conference with respect to some more potential additions: Don't do it.
  12. I would think that even a quarter share of the B1G payout would be better than a Mountain West revenue payout. I want them in the B1G because... 1. It would make a six team pod on the west coast, thus we have five games with them, and four more among the other B1G foes. Two of long-distance B1G opponents at home, and only two away...and that's not bad. 2. It would help the minor sports a TON. 3. Obviously it would cut travel costs for all sports. 4. We need some cannon-fodder in our new conference. We won't have Arizona and Colorado to kick around anymore... 5. Foe familiarity; it would ease the move with common opponents of the past. 6. Easier travel for fans. 7. Easier for California recruits to visit games of the Ducks. What are your thoughts? Brandon Dorlus closes in...
  13. Savage...I think the Utes can do really well in the Big-12, and I too am very sorry with how this has transpired. Fans like you have been fun on this board, and you are always welcome, regardless of conference.
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