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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. I try not to think about it too much, as it drives me crazy when I get my heart broken again. Yet you are right, in that my gut tells me that Oregon will get some, and I'll wish for two. That would propel the class, and Oregon in ways we cannot imagine. I have to tell myself...."calm down Charles." Or the excitement will make my brain freeze!
  2. In the end, Rivals and 247 Sports both had Oregon in the top 10 of recruiting rankings last year. Again...Rivals has legacy data that is not corrupted like 247 Sports, thus when I make reference to the number of 4/5-Star players that Bellotti or Kelly had in the past, and we are comparing to Cristobal and now Lanning in the present--Rivals data is consistent and reliable. It becomes that much a bigger deal when Rivals elevates 3-Star players like Luke Moga and Fox Crader to 4-Star, and again--we like having 3-Star guys with a chip on their shoulder who will push or out-work the higher ranked recruits. Kingston Lopa
  3. It happens, as distance can be a buzz-kill for many players and their family. But the good news is that Oregon is in on a TON of great receivers for 2024, and...
  4. When you can carve out nine minutes--this is very entertaining. Wowsa. This is not just highlights, not just his announcement to Oregon, but comments from the coaches he grew up with and how he is been "the" glue guy for outstanding teams in the past. He is now with national power Mater Dei, and his leadership (and recruiting) could be a massive jolt upward for Oregon at that school. (Five 5-Star guys on this team between 2024 and 2025) After watching this video...I got to thinking..."who does this remind me of?" Who has the passion, the determination, the will to improve and soak it up from coaches like this? Bo Nix.
  5. "I felt a connection with me and the coaches, coach Tosh especially." He intends to help recruit for Oregon as well. "Who ever Oregon needs, we're getting them," said Lopa.
  6. An impressive list that offered him: Auburn, LSU, Michigan, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, USC and Washington! Kingston Lopa | DuckSportsAuthority N.RIVALS.COM Kingston Lopa - 2024 3 Star Outside linebacker for Grant (Sacramento, CA) on Rivals.com
  7. Good catch! (Even if it is a strange way for them to get their jollies) But I caught it immediately, although I assume future AI versions will be a bit more sophisticated, or their prankster imitators will be!
  8. Well Nevada Dawg, I have had no answer to my inquiry email, thus I will assume it is. I am curious about if others have the same impression I have, and I am glad you and other fellow OBD members agree so far.
  9. This (quote below) was part of a thread about scheduling games for the Pac-12, and the following post was a part of it. It was posted by a brand-new member, so I was looking forward to an insightful opinion, as usually when someone new joins--they have something to say that has been bugging them for a while. I think it is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) signup and post. "When it comes to securing multiple bids for the expanded College Football Playoff, there is a need to determine the best format. One question is whether the Pac-12 should return to divisions or continue without them. Additionally, the conference must decide whether to stick with nine conference games or switch to an eight-game model." "However, I believe there might be a third option worth considering on the topic of the number of conference games. It's essential to thoroughly evaluate the pros and cons of each choice and find a balance that ensures fair competition while also allowing for flexibility and overall strength of the conference." Geez, is that generic summary, and bland or what? Is that how any of us write? Does that final sentence tell you anything other than...."right, no kidding!" To me, it shouts of an early generation AI signup and post. It could be an experiment by someone, but it took no time at all to raise my suspicions. Often I send out a template email to someone new who is vague in signing up with no information given, or to those who have the obvious Spammer/Troll handle-name or email address. I ban them first, send out the email, and if they do not respond--they stay banned as this entity was. Think it is AI as I do? It just seems like such a wooden and robotic response... Nope, I won't be using that for my Oregon IPAs...
  10. That is not "Polite and Respectful" to fellow OBD members. That is spin, a shot at those who disagree with you, a "Straw-Man" argument, and "Throwing Group-Shade" among those who discuss/debate in good faith. Please read No. 2a and No. 15a in the Rules. I have been in the massive minority before on a topic, (long before you joined us) and you will not get grief for your views, but everyone does for behaviors that don't fit with the-forum-with-decorum. Note it was not your view that created the problem, but how you presented it. Remember also....we don't have an offer from the B1G, and won't anytime soon with the massive issues they have to deal with before the 2024 season. Most of us are resigned to the fact that change is coming, but the upcoming 5-6 year window gives us a chance to increase the brand of Oregon that much further.
  11. What? As if it is not difficult enough to go undefeated in conference? Your intentions are good, and your logic concerning eyeballs is great, but if it is a conference game....it is a killer to our Playoff chances. If we do this, then why not just combine the conferences? You think Miami vs. Oregon might draw eyeballs?
  12. The full visit list, and I love the Fox Crader is here for another visit! (Stars listed listed on Rivals) Note that Luke Moga got elevated from 3-Star to 4-Star! Offense QB – Luke Moga (Committed) 4-Star RB – Nate Frazier 4-Star WR – Dillon Gresham (Committed) 4-Star WR – Gatlin Bair 4-Star OL – Isaiah Garcia 3-Star OL – Fox Crader (Committed) 4-Star TE – Jackson Ford (Committed) 3-Star Defense EDGE – Elijah Rushing 4-Star DL – Xadavien Sims (Committed) 4-Star LB – Justin Williams 5-Star SAF – Kingston Lopa 3-Star SAF – Aaron Flowers (Committed) 4-Star Do not sweat the 3-Stars, as it is evident that the Oregon staff identifies upside extremely well. Having two of the 3-Star verbals get elevated already is surprising, and a nice confirmation. Texas Linebacker Justin Williams
  13. The nations fastest receiver, Gatlin Bair out of Idaho is visiting this weekend, and this is the guy who beat Rodrick Pleasant! Oregon has a 5-Star linebacker also visiting this weekend, and the video below is qued up to listen a bit about it.
  14. So close, but Oral Roberts is keeping it going and faces No. 2 seed Florida tonight.
  15. This is a fantastic point that I did not consider, and naturally it comes from a businessman who has years of experience negotiating, understanding leverage, and which party now has power in the current scenario. In 5-6 years? Both of the Super Conferences will want to expand, and at that time Oregon will have lots of good options that this five year period will reveal. The Oregon Brand...
  16. Not dead yet, and most believe the answer is the length of the new media contract. It will also give Oregon time to build the audience base further via streaming to be an even more attractive candidate for any conference in 5-6 years. If, in that time period we see seasons that many of us are thinking will happen under Dan Lanning--our Playoff Bonus money and brand growth will help the athletic dept. at Oregon that much more. The Oregon Brand is strong, and is going to get stronger. The impatience of Oregon fans who want to "go-now" is understandable, but it is not convincing to the rest of us.
  17. A paywall article today by Canzano was suggesting SDST to do this, since--the Mountain West would certainly take them back if things did not work out. What was interesting is how the loss of the LA market was 5.7 million households, but the SMU (Dallas/Ft. Worth) and San Diego markets would fill in 4.1 million of that divot, which really helps. The end result would be about a million more households than the Big-12, hence the confidence that the new Pac-12 media contract can meet or exceed the Big-12 contract. Media Market Numbers: Big-12: 15.1 million after all are on-board. Pac-12: 16.5 million after SDST and SMU join us. B1G: 33.9 million after the LA schools join them
  18. Precisely what I am saying as well. You cannot plug enough holes with transfers, as I believe that 2022 and 2023 will be peak years for the Huskies. Funny how Cristobal's weakness was Xs and Os, while it is recruiting with DeBore. It is really hard to find a coach who is skilled in all areas. Thus, it makes Dan Lanning that much more remarkable; soak this up, as what is happening in Eugene... ...is unique.
  19. For perspective? The BEST that both Mike Bellotti, or Chip Kelly did in the final analysis of their classes was 12 of the 4/5-Star players in one year. (Rivals) Again...this is after the final February signing date. By contrast, Dan Lanning beat that in his first year (last year) with 16 of the 4/5-Star players, and has 12 of them in mid-June is all? He is going for the record of 19 of the 4/5-Star players set by Cristobal, and I think he will achieve it!
  20. The word from many when he verballed to Oregon was that he is very athletic, and will move from 3-Star to 4-Star on all the recruiting rankings later. Well, on the tougher Rivals rankings he just has, and after he verballed to us--a flurry of teams offered him, and he has stuck with us. His upside was recognized, and thus has been offered by Georgia, Auburn, LSU, Miami, Oklahoma, TCU, Texas, Texas ATM, USC and Washington. This makes Oregon's recruiting class of 16 have 75%, or 12 of the 16 as 4/5-Star players, and we have a long ways to go! P.S. Did I tell you he is from the State of Washington?
  21. Pretty surprising to me, as it is nearly crickets from them! The latest defection hardly created a ripple, and my assumption is that they already threw their tantrums in the last months with the low verbal commitment response to the new Washington staff. They have done well with portal transfers, but you cannot live on that. The Chris Peterson recruits will phase out at the end of this year, and then.... The real news is how Oregon has a 12 million dollar surplus with their athletic budget, while Washington is projecting a 5.8 million dollar shortfall in 2023 and 7.8 million in 2024. Fans there are worried at how COVID wiped out reserves, and they are not sure how this will be made up. It was also said that season tickets sold are still below 2021 levels...what? With an eleven win year? I'm sure they will navigate through this just fine...
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