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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. 90-95% of current year verbals stick--I've noted this over time. Verbals for a year and a half later, (2025)....are not very dependable!
  2. He is a lock to announce for Georgia; we are just a hat on the table with this one...
  3. I love it. Oregon and Lanning are underrated, so, pundits, get back to me after the 2023 season!
  4. The PAC-12 has shown the bottom line numbers, and will when everything is announced, but I do not have the prior ones memorized. They showed us us net from all revenue and all expenses, and I am sure they will again.
  5. I believe in truth in advertising, and you have not been taking my hints. PM me if you wish to discuss.
  6. Right. None of us know or understand anything since we are not in the negotiations, do not know what the different parties want and when....etc. When it is announced it will all become clear; until then we are just speculating. Nobody is speaking from fact; even those quoted from the room is still hearsay.
  7. Geez...this guy has an incredible offer list...Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, Miami, Penn State, USC and Washington among them all. Dylan Williams | Rivals.com N.RIVALS.COM Dylan Williams - 2024 4 Star Inside linebacker for Poly (Long Beach, CA) on Rivals.com
  8. Dylan Williams, a Rivals 4-Star linebacker has declared that his verbal will be announced on Friday, July 7th, time TBD.
  9. Justin Williams of Conroe, Texas has his pick of the top teams such as Georgia, Alabama, Ohio State...and now Oregon. He is making his decision yet this summer, and most think it is an Georgia-Oregon battle in the end. Few in the US have the track record of Dan Lanning while he was with the Dawgs, and he wants to make Williams a centerpiece of what he is building on the west coast. Note he is not large, but athletic and fast, the trademark of the Bulldog linebackers who were the freaks who made the 4-2-5 MINT defense so difficult for opponents. Keep in mind that the players that Georgia have committed, and are in the thick of for their verbal is simply crazy...what we would dream about. But Dano has us in this, as he does so many other 4/5-Stars out there. The mods and Dawg fans on the Georgia On3 site seem to be getting less and less confident than they were even a week ago about Justin Williams. Most admit that it is razor thin, but Lanning's relationship might be edge; interesting quotes from him about the two locations: “Two different places. Hard to say which one is better.” “Oregon is like family. Georgia is a tough atmosphere, but you can live your life.”
  10. My Duck-Buddies...I have a special pit built with firebrick in the backyard with unique racks created to cook chicken at the perfect height. Thus with the smoke salt, and basted with butter, we have a tasty-salty crust with a moist center--and often the chicken just falls off the bone. Add to that a departure from my diet for some Potato Salad...and we have a fantastic 67th birthday, and 4th of July celebration. Someday...I'd love to do this for some OBD members!
  11. Competition in the B1G? Maryland Rutgers Illinois Minnesota Iowa Nebraska Northwestern Purdue Indiana What’s not to like?
  12. Of course the B1G-FOX Hack would write that. Red meat for the haters!
  13. I would "go-long" on OC Will Stein as well... Bird-Bombs Baby!
  14. The Pac-12 is Doomed, as we are creating the "Mother-of-All-Conferences."
  15. To summarize Canzano's new article today, (and I highly recommend subscribing to him) is... 1. San Diego State is on an island of limbo between not being with any conference at the moment. 2. The Ducks have been operating for months under the guidance of two interim presidents. John Karl Scholz was hired in March. He officially took his post on July 1 and holds the Pac-12 CEO Group vote for UO. I am told by sources in Eugene that he is up to speed on the media-rights front. 3. The College Football Playoff is expanding for the 2024 season and the new TV deal is going to bring a windfall. Does the Pac-12 want to split those first-year CFP shares 12 ways or 10? At this point, SDSU would probably agree to join as early as possible and forgo the CFP money in year No. 1. 4. The Pac-12 doesn’t yet have a completed and signed media-rights deal. I continue to be told that the presidents and chancellors like the numbers they’ve seen and feel good about where this is headed. One member of the CEO Group told me “the pressure is off.” (??) ----------------------------------------- My Duck-Buddies...the Presidents are acting like there is tremendous stuff going on behind-the-scenes that is positive to the situation--of which no one has any clue about. That part of the drama will be so interesting later when things are announced because if the deal is not good--then Canzano and Wilner get a credibility black-eye. If the contract is good, then all the positive vibes about the upcoming media contract were justified after all. There are some journalists who are not going to look good regardless of how this turns out.
  16. See the top post, as it has been updated for the next verbal announcement. Big one!
  17. So...has anyone ever heard of... Website: sportskeeda? Author: Facouk Yusaf? Source: Jim Williams? I will stick with Canzano, who has actually spoke to multiple people who were in the room... (So nice of you bringing any negative you can find)
  18. I will not cast stones, as every program has these issues. I am just glad when we get through an off-season without Ducks shooting air guns at people, stealing laptops, etc. It has to be even harder for Georgia with such a talent-rich roster. The 5- Star players bring 5-Star egos, 5-Star NIL, 5-Star problems with 1-Star judgment. And this is what we KNOW about… Good luck Kirby, as you are now in the minefield of public opinion, and so many would love to see the two-time national champ get knocked down a notch. Maybe from right there in the SEC!
  19. Look at the vision, the way he instinctively follows his blocks, and jump-cuts off them. Breaks tackles nicely.... Junior Year Highlights! WWW.HUDL.COM Junior Year Highlights!
  20. If you three are going to do it....then so am I. Yep...we need to read it ONE MORE TIME.
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