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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Husky fans can unintentionally be quite entertaining and sometime enlightening on their own forums! --I am not sure about the coaching quality, but the ducks are sure filling out their staff with seasoned Pac-12 recruiting-centric position coaches.....Tosh, Klemm, Martin etc. Its an interesting strategy....... --Hiring dirty recruiters. Klemm dirty Meat Dirty Tosh. --So am I missing something with their staff? Who is the adult in the room? --But they’re great recruiters. Isn’t that all matters? --Duck fans are pretty delusional, they’re pretty sure they’re putting together the greatest coaching staff in college football. --A lot of guys known as recruiters 1st and coaches 2nd, to go along with a first-time head coach… --I'm looking at this Oregon strategy: Recruit like mad, have a party atmosphere, fill your roster with top-line talent, figure that "development" is something lesser schools do, and believe that "coaching" is vastly overrated? --I don't know... that sounds a lot like the Cristobal approach. Which makes me think it's just the Oregon approach. --I don't think 0regon is going to get good coaching out of Demetrice Martin, but they will at least get talented recruits. --Oregon could end up just being flat out awesome, or they could end up like Florida State the last few years. I'd be laughing harder about Klemm, but we still have Huff. Meat Martin also hasn't been known as much of a DB coach. Tosh is a decent coach, so is the guy from Nebraska. --Without a pay for play program you're done !!! UW is the poster child for what’s going on in recruiting right now...Greenhorn staff with zero cash. It’s going to be a struggle just to compete with UO for the north. CFPs? It’s over! I want to party with this frat house they’re putting together down there.
  2. You know....Oregon has open scholarships at defensive tackle and receiver from portal transfers recently....wouldn't that frost our friends to the north?
  3. Poor Abbie would do anything for cheese! Merry Christmas to all!
  4. A four year defensive tackle starter Sam Taimani (6'2" 330 lbs.) is entering the portal along with star receiver Terrell Bynum, who was the only true Husky deep-threat. Lost to the NFL is star tight end Cade Otton, and the Huskies are reeling... Bynum Reportedly Enters Portal, Becoming 5th Husky to Exit by Dan Raley of Husky Maven (The sixth-year senior is the second UW receiver to transfer this year, seventh in two years.) Is this very noble reporting Washington woes? No. Will I continue? Yep.
  5. As soon as I published that comment...I began to have second thoughts because I did not add all the disclaimers and full disclosures that should come along with a rigid policing policy. Because the fact is...I banned someone this last week on the first post! You see, I use my judgment and experience of working with hundreds of people on this over the last four years of rules. For the typical "regular" here...I send an email "notifying" them. It is not a ban or even a warning, but a gentle reminder that we all have to stick to the rules. Nearly 99% of those I send the emails to turn and apologize, resolve to not do it again, thank me for "keeping things clean," and urge me to "keep doing what you do." ICamel...these are good people, and we then just forget about it and move on. If there is a second violation...we do have to have a serious discussion, as I cannot have repeat offenders take up my time. But that rarely happens. Of the 1% that fight back? That is shouting trouble over time for me, and I draw the line in the sand and let them choose, because a second violation for this type of person gets the trap-door. And then there are the "Drive-by Trolls," who sign up and within ten minutes have written a nasty post about their views on a topic or blasting a writer. There is judgment used in the severity of my response, but those often are an immediate ban. I do send an email explaining why, and if they call me and we chat--it is possible to re-instate them, but I need to have a really good gut feeling from the chat. One of the bans this week was a "Drive-by Troll" who gets no additional strikes or chances for redemption because he wrote a nasty public post directed at yours-truly. You have really question someone's judgment when they intentionally "poke-the-bear." Dealing with violators takes a lot of my time, but sometimes I enjoy the debate, and many times I make new friends in the process as you can never have too many Duck-Buddies! How smart is it to whack the Founder?
  6. That is how it looks at this moment, but there is a full month of recruiting before the February signing day. He may make this an "Adequate" class, and considering all that happened...that would be pretty good.
  7. Actually it is more than that. Studies show that people will not read four lines straight of text or more...they just skip the post and go on to the next. So if people want their posts read...hit the "return" or "enter" key twice after every three sentences. It is easier to read, but also assures that you have not wasted your time writing.
  8. Oh yes he did. Big dude, too. Big-time nine-year punter in the NFL for nine years with a 42.7 yard average. When a placekicker went down...Bellotti asked him if he knew how to kick a field goal. He lied and said, "yes," and Coach put him in there and he kicked it through! Had a 46 yard punting average his senior year in 1998...
  9. MaiTai....I really do not see this as that bad a problem. His build is the opposite of what is needed at DT, as he is tall and slender. So it is much harder for him to have a lower pad level that the offensive lineman striking him, and the low-man wins in the trenches. I thought when they brought him here that perhaps he had the fast-twitch and could convert to DE or TE, but he does not have that speed/quickness or they would have moved him. He is a "tweener" who would not play much anyway. With the scholarship now, perhaps the Ducks can get something better in the portal? BTW....when there is a red line under a word when you write it? It means it is misspelled, and if you right-click on the red line...a menu pops up with correct spelling options. Click on the right one and it replaces it for you.
  10. It is your opinion, (above) of which everyone can state (and I want them to) and since Mario is no longer a current coach at Oregon, so we can say anything we want to about him. (Goodness knows I have and will!) Just a side note Duck1984...I am not everyone's "Editing-Maid," as I have too much to do as it is. My process is...I edit once, (and let the member know) delete the second time, and if it goes from there we have a chat about the future. The whole purpose of this thread was to ask for feedback about the difficulty with impulse control, not to condone it when it is not applied. I provide the majority of the money and a boatload of hours to make this forum happen, and to keep it free. Everyone has their part too...
  11. This is great for Oregon, but even better for him. I really do not believe he was ready yet, and I've gotta think that he'll learn more from a different O-Line coach and how he will probably be pass-blocking more often!
  12. This forum, people like you, are attracting others of quality. Your thought above makes me feel great as...this is my mission, and it would appear we are on the right path. BTW...the rules are up at the top below the logo, and right here. Although they will be condensed in the near future, as there is too much "explanation" in the beginning.
  13. Thank you jrw, for your kind comments. And your sentence above? It is precisely right-on, as I know that half the people out there will not tolerate my "rules" or any form of constraint, and I have the ugly emails for proof. (They are in the...'You DO Suck' file...) We keep gaining new GREAT new members all the time, thus no reason to have to put up with those who refuse to exercise Impulse Control, as they are a very small number who will not be missed. I could name some banned names that you would recognize and be surprised, and recall that yes...you have not seen him post in a long time. And you won't because in the end...the rules remain as they are, and they made the decision to leave. This is not for everybody, and I truly do not want everybody. Just the nice people...
  14. It is a bad thing here. You are a GREAT member of this community, and I do not want to discourage you from posting, but we do not allow..."reference of any kind to politics." I am completing my document on "political" posts written on this forum for the moderators and when done--I will email it to you. This way you can see tons of examples of what not to do, and it might be helpful. I have had extensive experience dealing with the fallout associated with a seemingly benign political reference that escalated into a conflagration. There is no benefit to anyone; nobody's mind is changed, the damage to the atmosphere of the forum is extensive, and words are written and remembered that cannot be withdrawn. Besides...this is an Oregon Sports site, and there are tons of political sites for discussion.
  15. That was a wonderful post that reminded me of how that what you wrote and what our rules really are is....a throw-back to the days of people always operating in a courteous way to each other. Only now...it is being required to be in an online site. And my mother said that to me too! One OBD member told me that in some ways..."this is a massive sociological experiment, as you are trying to walk uphill against a strong societal headwind by insisting on decorum and civility...."
  16. it is admirable that you would admit that in public, and goes to show how gracious you have been with me. And now you are a core member of this community, so thanks for putting up with "the" emails!
  17. You made me truly laugh-out-loud! It reminds me of about two years ago a Greybeard-age member was consoling a young fellow who just joined and ran afowl of the rules. He told him..."its OK, as you'll learn...I've had my hand slapped too!" That made me wince, but...what do you do? Either enforce the rules or don't have them!
  18. Thanks, as I've had to deal with that twice in the last three days alone. Sometimes it is subtle, and other times quite overt. The heck of it is....many of the political comments made--I agree with! But whatever is written offends half the readers, and destroys the atmosphere of the forum. I will not allow that... I have a document of actual "Political" examples posted here and whew! Quite a few. Hug a moderator!
  19. The term, Our Beloved Ducks, comes from shooting the second instructional video over ten years ago...as we were filming it just rolled off my lips and was not scripted. It sounded so natural that we not only kept it but made it the closing phrase of the remaining 40+ videos and it made sense to name the forum from what earnestly comes from my heart. Below it is qued up to start at the end of the video where I stated it for the first time. (It runs for a few seconds is all)
  20. My FishDuck Friends, you would not believe the stuff people write and that you never see. Our moderators are catch offending posts immediately, and thus you are spared from even having to read the nonsense, which is one of my major goals for this forum. Highbrow, peaceful, pondering posts...one after another as we learn from each other. Duck Heaven. Moderators hide the posts from public view, and then I deal with the offenders from there. In my conversations both by email and on the phone--what I hear often is, "what I read is so wrong (in his view) that I had to respond the way I did." I explain we all have a huge adaption period of dialing down the aggression, as it is not needed or allowed in this forum. "But Charles, I just had to respond the way I did!" And then I remind them that yours-truly has written over 500 articles and created instructional videos viewed over two million times...that I know a little about football and the Oregon program. You are NOT the Only One... And I see posts written every day that I massively disagree with and have to use major Impulse Control to keep from breaking four rules in one response post. The point is...we ALL have to exercise so much more impulse control here than any site we've been on. Usually, the offenders will apologize and pledge to adapt, and I lift the ban and they are great members of this forum. They just had to realize the amount of impulse control needed is all. Every post is read and checked by more than one moderator, and posts are being deleted every day and people are being banned every week. (Two in one day recently) Some people cannot control themselves, or insist that I could create an exception for their exalted viewpoint. (Good luck with that!) The point is....the objective of the moderators and I is to give everyone reading a great experience when you read Oregon Sports news here, along with all the varied opinions of this savvy OBD membership. And to give those OBD members writing these great posts absolute safety from the nastiness of the world. How Tough Has it Been for YOU? As the originator of this forum and the rules...I admit to needing HUGE impulse control at times. What about you? Has it been tough to adapt? And is it still challenging after being in here for a while? I would love the feedback to help me inform newbies better, and make the transition easier.... Any advice you have about adapting--please post here or email charles@fishduck.com My Sincere Thanks!
  21. I agree with most of his picks, and would like to think the drop-off will not be as bad as most would think?
  22. Jester! Fantastic highlight video...THANKS for posting it. Whew, I would love this guy.
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