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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. My friends...the single biggest impact on the record is the play of the quarterback. I do not like a QB transfer, but then...I am not in the QB room or at practices. Dillingham knows this guy and what he can do, and I will need to have faith in that. The much maligned Anthony Brown was 64th this year....(Yikes!)
  2. Brutal article, but the Tigers did want Nix to stay...so that's not so bad. Did you know that..."the Pac-12 is a Barren Wasteland" according to this writer? Five Reasons Bo Nix Shouldn't Have Transferred to Oregon by Lance Dawe of Auburn Wire
  3. Perfect bye week scheduling is right at the halfway point, and before the UCLA game....
  4. Haywarduck....I apologize for hijackings your topic for some humor on a Sunday afternoon when some of us need it. I understand your point and agree with you, but boy...being an OC for Mario? And does McClendon really believe he will get something better from there? It's a big jump....
  5. Haywarduck my good friend....I think this is one time you have a mistaken perception on the situation. Think about it...who in their right-mind would want to be an Offensive Coordinator for Cristobal? Can you say career killer? Don't believe me? Ask Joe Moorhead... (31 points per game?!) What a horrible fate, perhaps THE worst OC job in America? We must change our attitude and feel sorry for the poor guy! We should let him cherish his last chance to truly be a leader! Because he will roll-over to whatever Mario wants...
  6. Reddit College Football ran this tweet highlighting what Anthony Brown did. Interesting short video...
  7. I am locking this thread because I do not want to get into a COVID discussion that almost always turns political. Sorry.
  8. You are a great fan, but boy--that guy is hard-core!
  9. No problem, because I believe he probably will declare for the Draft, and I would not blame Verone.
  10. I don't have an issue with Verone McKinley leaving as he has maxed out his stock and is truly ready for the NFL IMHO, compared to Devon Williams or Wright.
  11. Boy this is like the Devon Williams decision; these guys are not as good as they bark on the field. Both are not ready IMHO.
  12. He said he was going to be on the phone with all the verbals, so I assume he tried.
  13. Yep...already posted below, but do keep posting new articles and news for the community--thanks!
  14. He is a great coach and recruiter, and while I understand he wants to get back to the southeast...this one hurts. Find an upgrade Coach Lanning!
  15. I hope Lanning wins these and goes into the state of Florida and creates some recruiting havoc next year....
  16. I never get tired of seeing this uplifting stuff from our new coach! “Oregon’s a premier brand … it doesn’t matter what spot in the nation you’re at, you recognize it,” Lanning said. “For me, I never wanted to leave Georgia for anything less than a job that I thought was an elite one. This is that.”
  17. Keep in mind that I am not advocating for Brown, but have simply made my prediction that Moorhead won't go with the inexperienced youth. As I covered in the article...Joe does not care about Oregon's future; he wants to win for his own national rep., IMHO. There are other points in the article...
  18. That is functionality that I've never done on the site....a link to an image instead of words inside an article. The button with a link is something the web developer did on the top page, but in an article is not something I've done...so I will look into it. Another thought? Why don't you send the forum link to your friend and have him put it on his "favorites" or "bookmarks?"
  19. That will be interesting to see, thus I will politely disagree on this with you. It is about time we disagreed on something since we are in lockstep 99% of the instances!
  20. Like you, I have no idea how things will work out now, but I really like what I see thus far. I fully admit to being fooled both previous times, and then as time passed--began to apply some critical analysis. I will do the same with Lanning and give credit when due and grief where deserved...
  21. If he could play the way he did against Oregon State, or most of the game against UCLA....we have a chance.
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