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Everything posted by Quackanadian

  1. I will NEVER forget the ULTIMATE head shaking throw.... BRETT FAVRE!!!! Minnesota Vikings marching.... around a minute left.... he just has to take a knee.... he tosses a WTH interception to New Orleans defender... NO marches and wins NFC and goes on to win Super Bowl. Brett Favre is not immune to "Bo Nix-ing"....
  2. Every HOF NFL QB has tossed some inexplicable INT throws in their career. Not that Nix is at that level yet, and maybe never will be. But, a change and another year of growth and this former 5 star deserves the benefit of the doubt. But, really, anything over last year's QB "conundrum" of choices.
  3. I will take Bo Nix's baffling throws and decisions and his resume of beating Oregon, Bama, and Texas A&M in a career over anything Anthony Brown Jr ever please. Thanks.
  4. Mykael Wright is the "anyone coulda told ya so" person here. How someone could listen to their agent and go early when you are no where near Jevon Holland is head shaking.
  5. I love that selection... But I will raise you the 8-man football zero star Boise St to Dallas Cowboys MLB Leighton Vander Esch!!!!
  6. Giants are my pro team, ever since the early 80s and I could turn on the TV properly! I am stoked!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Metchie!!! Toronto's own! (Brampton is a burb...) Finally a reason for me to cheer for that team, eh??
  8. Um... hello???? Totally a Northern Thing too people!!! Jeeeeshhh!!!!
  9. It's 2022 man. Not 1986. Also, nobody runs the "100 yard dash" anymore, since war times. The 40... I would bet you any amount of beer and a good steak that a kid that runs a 4.4 or 4.5 forty YARD dash is a 10.5 or better 100 METER runner.
  10. Haha..... no... but a 11 second hundred is pretty common for commoner kids in grade 10 up here.
  11. 11 second hundred is slower than most hockey players up here. I sure hope he's faster than that for college football...
  12. Jordan Gwynn Sanders Gretzky All grinders. All naturals. All world and all timers. I gotta agree with ya!!! Cheers.
  13. This coaching staff has all the tools do develop talent and recruit talent. All we need to see are some high octane x's & o's on the offense, and some "Georgia-like" aggression and schematics on D and the Ducks are Flying.
  14. Ah... the 55 to 13 blow out or whatever the score was.
  15. It's already boring Mike.
  16. What I hope happens with these very experienced and strong hires, is that the "transfer portal" players that are in dire need - ie - D Line and DBs - come flying into Eugene.
  17. This is so true. The only real interesting CFP seasons in my opinion were the first 2 when there was a real mix. Since then... meh. Was nice to see Michigan and Cincy, but too bad they were hardly competitive. Which sucked.
  18. I like that idea as a "talent balancer" for sure. More opportunities for other teams will help, I agree. Would need a cap on how many teams from each league, I think. Otherwise this "pre season ranking" of all SEC teams in the top 5 will efff that right up every year.
  19. What does everyone think her about the need for parity in College Football? With this, I mean in today's NIL and "the rich get richer" era. I don't mean the 70s and 80s where the same 10 or 12 teams would be really good year in and year out because they were the popular places to play. I have to admit, I am about as excited to watch this year's edition of The SEC Championship Round 2 as I was the last time Georgia squandered a lead vs Bama in OT, as well as the LSU Bama 2011 baloney. The only reason I will watch is because of Georgia's D Coordinator. Does their need to be a draft? Or a cap on "How many stars at what level" you can sign? Or do people feel the transfer portal will help to spread out the talent over time in order to get playing opportunities. I love the NFL as any team can beat any team on any given Sunday. But the same old 4 or 5 teams in in college ball is getting bland for those of us not fans of Bama/Georgia/Clemson/Suckeyes/Sooners and even ND. Cheers.
  20. Agree with what you have written Charles. I don't think Georgia's D looks at solid vs Michigan without the boatload of 5 star talent at their disposal. Though, Michigan did do that to the 5 star talent at Ohio State, so scheme and discipline must have played some role. I sure hope these young and hungry coaches can create a monsterous D and combine it with a high flying offence. Cheers.
  21. Make all the playoff games bowl games. This would solve it. Lose the "6 win team" baloney.
  22. There's nothing Nietzsche .... couldn't "teach ya"... about the raising of the wrist....
  23. Anyone who is familiar with Machiavelli's writings would be familiar with the notion that when you take over a new program (or kingdom), the previous regime should be replaced in it's entirety. One major argument for this is that their loyalty to the former coach (or king) would be a bond that is hard to break, and could cause negativity. I understand the desire to keep the D Line Coach Joe and some others, but he was hired by and loyal to MC. Also, things get stale over time for the smaller chess pieces. So, I agree it's time for a completely new and fresh overhaul of the coaches. Young. Energetic. Knowledgeable. Relentless. Up-to-date. That's what is needed IMHO. Cheers!
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