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Everything posted by nw777b

  1. I decided I'm routing for the Beavers tonight. At the moment only up 7. If the Ducks can regroup, they'll take care of business against the s Go Ducks!!
  2. You certainly can and should have pulled him tonight. Start him next game? OK, I can see your point there.
  3. Hoping for a huge torch being lit under butts, adjustments, and 2nd half resilience. Will have to be epic. If that doesn't happen. Bench AB the rest of the year and get the backup QBs reps for next year.
  4. D rarely wraps. Bowling a runner over is crappy technique. Thought we were better in 2019.
  5. All FBS conference champions should go to a playoff. You want to be in the playoff as an independent? Join a conference. If you are big enough to be considered an FBS level team, you deserve a shot. A true playoff allows teams time to gel and grow that may have struggled early. For example, QB Shroud at OSU is much more accurate today than when he played the Ducks. OSU sure looks like they deserve to be #2 today. Maybe #1. Oregon? They aren't even projected to win today. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! (Remember the win in the Shoe, fans). But we know the CFP is about money. There is more activity and interest arguing about who we all "think" belongs in the top 4 ALL season, which generates $$$$. This also results in meaningless bowl games with empty stadiums. Having a true head to head playoff determine a champion, just like almost every other sport at all levels do, may not generate the same revenue as the CFP. Synchronized swimming might also be the exception to having a playoff. I agree I think the Ducks are overrated, but if they win the Pac 12, they deserve a shot at the Natty. Go Ducks!!!!
  6. I wonder if the investors in Mel Tucker are wondering if they just purchased a meme stock being down 28-0 after just over 15 minutes of play vs Ohio State?
  7. The effects of gravity on the approximately 1 lb football means AB will be able to throw further. I'm guessing about 21 yards, instead of 20. Could be the difference in the game!!!
  8. If Keith Jackson was covering the game on ABC, I was never bored. LOL
  9. After Helfrich, there was a rumor that Knight stated he would be willing to pay $10 million a year. It seems to me that if the head coach is paid significantly higher than the assistants, then it might be tough to retain good assistants due to the gap in pay vs the work/hours they all put in. I would rather have a cohesive coaching group paid more overall to acquire and retain the best of the best than to pay one person more while the others get enticed to leave for another gig.
  10. This year I say no question. I've watched enough games of teams across the country and I cannot believe how bad the Pac12 teams look. Very dissappointed.
  11. My fictional story is that he has emotional issues that have surfaced in games so they most likely manifested even more off the field. He has been given numerous "second" chances, but crossed some line. Or, he's an angel and thought the team would be better off without him at this crucial time of year. Whatever the story, maybe he will be to another team what Juwan Johnson was to the Ducks team and fans. Next man up. Go Ducks!!
  12. The Ducks don't "need" him. If he stays, great. If he leaves, next MAN up. BTW, the tweet from Saturday night was from Michael. A lot of people think it was from Mycah. If you want respect, earn it. Anthony Brown has mine now. MEcah Pittman, not so much. These social media posts are vague. I agree with Charles, they are a huge distraction. Go Ducks!
  13. ...all that and it was a very warm day on the farm. That favors the propeller heads. Not an excuse, but another factor. Death by a thousand cuts.
  14. I wish Phil would have started the Knight network. Knight After Dark
  15. If you are open and don't get the ball, talk to the coach -- like a man. If you aren't open, then block -- like a man.
  16. The conference doesn't use their own cameras? So crappy teams like the Huskies don't get video reviews unless they play a team that is TV worthy?
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