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Dr Hilarius

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  1. I could not agree more.
  2. This logic is hilarious... OBD are more likely to lose because they haven’t lost yet. I know the 3 door problem says you should change course after the first win, but football isn’t a game of chance.
  3. I thought the games were fun to ponder and then see the results on the field. I love how the strengths of the leagues are no longer theoretical. We have data. The ACC is bad, and the B1G is good. SEC remains to be seen.
  4. The big news they’re reporting is that 42% of resale tickets are going to TN residents. That means there’s another 58% of tickets going to other people. That doesn’t sound unusual at all. Less than half the resales are going to the other team. So what?
  5. It’s a feel good story—a participation trophy. Lame.
  6. My head wants OSU2 to win and assert further B1G dominance over the SEC and crush UTn. And for the $$$. My hearts wants OSU2 (especially Ryan Day) to be humiliated at home twice in a row. With the predicted weather, it could be the best of both worlds—they both play terribly but OSU2 squeaks out a lucky win (only to be destroyed 12 days later).
  7. I’m a homer, but this is based on who I would actually like to play for and who I think could develop me as a player. 1. Lanning - OBD 2. Dilly - ASU 3. Cig - IU 4. Smart - UG 5. Swinny - Clemson 6. Franklin - PSU 7. Lashlee - SMU 8. Freeman - ND 9. Danielson - BSU 10. Huepel - UTn 11. Day - OSU2 12. Sark - UTx (UW/ USuC)
  8. No NFL team wants him. Otherwise, he’d already be there. You don’t go from the Patriots to the Tar Heels if there’s an NFL nibble.
  9. There are probably a ton of recruits who only know Belicheck from the Aaron Hernandez movie.
  10. I think this is a great idea! Especially, if you’re in the playoffs! In the new world of professional college football, it’s all business.
  11. AND we have the highest average player ranking. Double the number of 5 stars than 3 stars!
  12. So what is Harrington suggesting? That the Ducks intentionally lose the CCG? Or just not try as hard? Not open the playbook? What? Championship teams win, no matter who they play. OBD better play to win.
  13. Is it normal for teams to have 150 players? Either way, with a limit if 105 players, you would think they would need even more to transfer out in order to make room for a normal high school recruiting class. If not, then that’s really the story: Nebraska is not expecting to sign a single high school recruit.
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