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Dr Hilarius

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Everything posted by Dr Hilarius

  1. This is when it’s nice to have a former starter, Bridges, as your 3rd string CB.
  2. @Charles Fischer I was thinking the same thing—that 15 looks so sweet
  3. Great topic! I’d love for Khyree Jackson to be the D MVP bc it means we dominated against the pass. Penix is going to get the ball out quickly to neutralize the rush, but Khyree will be there for the PBU. I think James is a great pick for O MVP.
  4. Agreed. We play Cal, they play Furd, and Cal is slightly better.
  5. Maybe OR is a slight favorite against UW but UW has an easier schedule after that? I would bet that the winner of this game shoots up to 40%+ odds to win out.
  6. I totally agree that it’s senseless not to have the 4 West Coast teams play every year. It makes no sense logistically, financially, or historically. And it makes even less sense that we play Rutgers and Maryland as frequently as the LA schools. Sure, it might have been more complex to schedule, but that’s what computers are for.
  7. This explains a lot—the “eye test” in your comment refers to how the perceived SOS looks btwn the teams, which is all these voters do. I watched that game, and my “eye test” says that UCLA dominated start to finish and made WSU’s star QB look mundane. One issue we have in the league now is that we have a circular firing squad. Utah beat UCLA, who beat WSU, who beat OSU, who beat Utah.
  8. Undoubtedly there will be current Ducks who will transfer for various reasons, so I think the portal evens out after the season. I tend to be risk averse, so I say take the bird in the hand—build as strong a class as possible then fill in the holes in the Spring with the portal.
  9. Someone please explain to me like I am child… …why WSU is ranked 19th, while the team that just beat them, UCLA, with the identical record, is ranked 22nd? Coaches’ poll is absolute garbage. AP poll has WSU 1 higher than UCLA.
  10. Not at all kooky. Dux already have a worldwide brand. The B1G will only magnify it.
  11. All I know about Riley and Williams is what they put on tape. Williams looks amazing on the field. He looks like a petulant child off the field. All the shots of Williams on the sidelines show him pouting and not talking to anyone. Riley too is a pout-machine. I think if Williams were a better leader and cared more about the team when he’s not playing, the USC D _might_ play better. The Cotton Bowl collapse looked like a QB, an OL, and a defense that did not want to be on the field. Last night Williams actually looked bored.
  12. I am getting Cotton Bowl flashbacks and am loving every minute of it.
  13. I think a true frosh QB can do that. Moore and the offense looked more comfortable as the game went on.
  14. Exactly this. At least now there are direct flights from Burbank to Eugene, so family and friends can realistically get to Autzen in 4 hrs door-to-door.
  15. “…tthe Ducks actually end up playing Ohio State more over the next three years than they do USC or UCLA. “The Ducks get games against USC in 2025 and 2026, but they miss them in both 2024 and 2027. Similarly, Oregon plays UCLA in 2024 and 2026, but not in 2025 or 2028.” I am livid. Gonna need an IPA…
  16. Wow—as an Angeleno Duck, I am Extremely disappointed with this schedule. USC and UCLA should play the Ducks every year with one home and one away. wth?
  17. With the small sample size, Novastad looks more comfortable than TT. It kills me to say that bc watching TT’s highlight reels from HS are absolutely dazzling.
  18. Hahahaha! True dat!! (I might steal that expression.) If the USC game were played before the OBD game, CU would have been ranked 11th when we played them (possibly even higher bc USC wouldn’t have had the benefit of seeing the Ducks’ game plan.) That brings me to my original question, have you seen any teams besides OBD operating in “elite” fashion? I surely haven’t. The SEC is having an offensive “rebuilding” year. Ohio State looks mundane. The B12 is ho-hum in scoring. I have the ncaa stats site bookmarked bc i am a total nerd, and OBD are about to face the BEST offenses in the country with the best UO defense in living memory, possibly ever. (Yes, I am using my own memory to measure “living memory.”) I will just say that I was a frosh in the Gang Green year, and I camped out to get tix to the Rose Bowl, so I remember when OBD played D. I can’t wait!!
  19. I respectfully disagree. The ONLY B12 1-loss team that skips the Pac is Texas. And that 1 loss has to be a super close loss to OK, whom Texas then dismantles in the title game. I’m not even sure that a 1-loss FSU champ skips OBD after all the games are played. The Pac is finally getting some respect, and it’s not lost on me that it’s bc most of the Pac is _really_ in the B1G, ACC, and B12. All that said, it assumes a non-Pac2 team wins the championship. I could definitely see the CFP committee snubbing the Pac2 despite the Pac being so strong.
  20. I am curious, have you seen an “elite” offense (other than OBD) this year? All top-5 scoring offenses besides the Ducks (USC, OK, UW, WSU) are paas-heavy and have questionable O-line play. Without the OR game, the Buffs are averaging 46+ points per game, which would rank 11th. (I never played football, so I just boil everything down to scoring.) Holding the 11th best scoring offense to 6 points is kind of mind-blowing. And I could see CU breaking into the top 10 before the season is over.
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