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Dr Hilarius

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Everything posted by Dr Hilarius

  1. As a team, can we agree to take the allegations seriously without questioning Brenda Tracy’s motives? Please OBD?!
  2. I appreciate your perspective @Log Haulin, and I agree that this is a difficult subject. My perspective is that ignoring this type of abuse in sports is exactly how we perpetuate that abuse.It’s the ignorance that’s toxic, not the topic itself. I think it’s fantastic that Brenda Tracy has a voice and is believed in 2023.
  3. Did you read the article? He doesn’t deny he did it. He just said that the woman who literally coaches ncaa teams about consent gave her consent despite her saying she did not. Quite the nerve. Also, she has witnesses, and he provably lied in his interview. There are receipts.
  4. Wow—sexually harassing the woman who is educating your team about sexual violence is a whole other level of predator.
  5. Ducks have 2 Aussie punters! But it was the American from Mississippi who kicked the only punt on Sat—a whopping 58 yards at that.
  6. Wow—that article by Goe is awful! I can’t think of a way it could have been more negative. What a strange POV. It was almost like there was so much positive on the field that Goe had to “balance” out the article with a bunch of off-field two-bit punditry.
  7. Exactly! We have the highest rated team in the league by a mile. DL is finally putting that on the field.
  8. Yay Ty Thompson!! Finally looked like he knew what he was doing. And Novasted was ready!
  9. The difference this year, that was mentioned by several of the players after the game, was that there was zero drop-off between squads. We didn’t run up the score—we emptied the bench. We didn’t make mistakes or get penalties.We played like a CFP contender. And frankly, PSU played well. They were totally outmatched but didn’t make a ton of mistakes and played hard.
  10. The math is off with the points—should be 81, but you love to see it:
  11. The player absolutely knew but didn’t bring it up. He should be disciplined accordingly.
  12. As an Angeleno, I can say that I NEVER see UCLA or USC sports on in public. It’s all NFL, NBA, MLB, etc. I would really like to know how they calculate the % of a market’s eyeballs they can expect to actually tune in.
  13. Is that a new development? It was my understanding that we were allowed to use the Duck royalty-free after a picture emerged of Walt Disney wearing a U of O letter jacket with our Duck on it.
  14. I am giving Geoff the benefit of the doubt and am reading his response sarcastically, in which case it was quite a sick burn.
  15. This just isn’t how any of this works. The Pac-12 Championship isn’t an invitational, it’s a conference game. As others have mentioned, it would be an L in the conf championship game. How is the CFP committee going to judge a Pac-12 team that loses a conf champ game without recording a single stat? I don’t care if the team is 12-0 going into the game, there is zero chance the committee invites the loser to the CFP.
  16. Here is the article explaining the WNBA salary study controversy: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2018/11/02/forbes-cuts-ties-with-sports-business-columnist-deletes-piece-about-wnba-player-salaries/ “The story I’m telling is really simple,” Berri said. “You’ve made this gesture toward the G League to pay them more money and that’s an investment, but the WNBA wants more money and you call that a cost. That, to me, is the story.”
  17. You answered your own question. The benefit of this conversation is to enlighten people that women’s sports and their profitability are thoroughly and easily misrepresented. Rather than divide us, we can agree that the people who run sports leagues do not have their athletes’ best interests in mind. This is not a controversial opinion. Let’s just apply the same skepticism to what “they” say about women’s sports to what “they” say about OBDs.
  18. Respectfully, the premise of this argument isn’t entirely true. A study came out a few years ago that found women’s sports and athletes would be just as profitable if they were invested in at the same rates as men’s sports. The author of the study was promptly fired by his university due to pressure from the NBA. (It’s HH on a Friday so I will cite my sources later if requested.) Women’s sports are OWNED by mens sports and are deliberately underfunded to avoid competition. And several independent studies found that women’s sports leagues (including the NCAA) do “creative accounting” to artificially supress profits for women.
  19. I don’t blame the Beavs for being upset. They are most definitely wrong about Phil Knight killing the conference—that was SUC’s Carol Folt. Can we revenue share with the Beavs??
  20. Project much? Thanks so much @Charles Fischer for these threads—they are my fave.
  21. I LOVE seeing the Beavs ahead of SUC! But UW at 7?!!! Pahleeze. Texas Tech at 11 makes that game more exciting. And alas, my beloved Tulane gets no love behind SUC and UCLA.
  22. It’s the only game from last season that I kept on my DVR. We love to watch the look on Williams’ face as he watches his team implode then seals the loss with his own safety. It is so choice. I highly recommend.
  23. Can someone explain to me the “cheating” to which all these SUC fans are referring? They seem to be really hung up on that, but there’s zero evidence of it. Am I missing something or is it just a dash of envy mixed with a sprinkle of projection? And rather than complaining about the B1G admitting a “community college,” shouldn’t they be complaining that a “community college” has way better facilities and coaching/on-field track record than SUC for the last 20 yrs? Thanks for compiling these threads and suffering through SUC message boards, @Charles Fischer! These are my faves.
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