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Dr Hilarius

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Everything posted by Dr Hilarius

  1. i am starting this topic bc it’s so incredible, but I can’t think of anything to add. just wow.
  2. @DUCKED i totally agree. when the D hands the O a short field and the O comes away w zilch, that is demoralizing for the D
  3. yeah, this is the guy who said his family agreed to come to Eugene b/c they have a Trader Joe’s.
  4. @Happyduckster i could not agree more. what he didn’t say speaks much louder.
  5. i agree. VA was a gigantic impact in every game. if only AB were VA…
  6. this is what happens when both the OC and the HC have one foot out the door. a crime against these players
  7. the thing about redshirting QBs… if they are any good, they won’t be around for a 4th yr, let alone a 5th. case in point… our 6th yr QB isn’t any good
  8. supposedly to preserve his red shirt if MC puts TT in, we can be pretty sure MC is Miami-bound
  9. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Mario pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.
  10. imho licoln riley is a big name w not a lot of results or grit (see the pout-fest at the end of the baylor game). yes, OK has been to the cfp recently, but it has gotten spanked. i think he is PERFECT for usc, where he will attract similar players—big names, no results. so yes, usc’s recruiting rankings will 100% go up, which will be great for the pac. but it will all be cosmetic. mc prob wouldn’t have landed pittman against riley. is that such a bad thing?
  11. 100%! i actually think helfrich might not have been fired if he had had control of all the off field issues. seems like players were getting arrested weekly in his last year. lylerla is a sad story, and he prob would have had a better chance under MC. the fact that there have been so few negative off field headlines for MC is testament to his recruiting and his leadership. it’s actually one of the things i like most about MC.
  12. agreed. you just don’t air your dirty laundry on twitter like that. MC had no choice but to discipline MP.
  13. my fave part of the Joe Walker fumble return for the touchdown was afterward, seeing the utter disgust on head ref Land Clark’s face as he had to describe Clay’s fumble on the goal line.
  14. we’ve won the last 2 road games as dogs straight up—ucla, osu. what am i missing?
  15. … for assault on natl tv and apparently another assault in the locker room. the PC crowd doesn’t like jimmy either
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