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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Dan Lanning is Oregons head coach. Lanning has shown nothing but to be a man of integrity and dignity. Lanning is the right guy. He went through some growing pains and took some bad loses his first year as a HC. Now some want his head on a platter? So many were screaming from the roof tops that Dan Lanning needs to be loyal to Oregon. Don't know if I am the only one, but I think Ducks should be loyal to DL. I hope we all pick up our Coach, dust him off and say thank you. It was an exciting year. Ducks were in the convo for a big part of it. So thanks coach, lets make a few tweaks and giv'em hell next year. Go Ducks!
  2. Brian Brohm - Football Coach PURDUESPORTS.COM Brian Brohm is in his sixth season as offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach. He was hired Jan. It would be tough to peel him away from Perdue. His brother is the head coach.
  3. I was right about Nix, wrong about going 11-1. Nix got hurt so who knows. I was painfully wrong about Ducks defense. What a horrible performance this season.
  4. Western Kentucky University Athletics WKUSPORTS.COM Junior Adams enters his second season on The Hill as WKU's offensive coordinator and wide receiver coach...
  5. There is often a case made for promoting from within. Maintaining continuity can be valuable. Has Junior Adams earned a promotion? He has a strong resume. Co-OC at Oregon, OC at Western Kentucky. His stop at BSU and Eastern Washington were huge successes. I say give JA a shot here. He has earned it.
  6. Arizona State hires Oregon's Kenny Dillingham as head coach WWW.ESPN.COM Arizona State has hired Oregon offensive coordinator Kenny Dillingham as the school's next coach. Dilly was a Duck for less than a year. He did a pretty good job calling plays. Beat the teams we were supposed to beat and was 1-2 against toss up games v. UCLA, OSU and UW. He is now a Sun Devil. He wasn't a Duck very long and I am not obligated to show him loyalty, nor do I owe him well wishes. He is going into a very difficult situation. I really don't care if he is successful or not. I Don't blame him for leaving. He is now irrelevant to me. Dilly is going to need a ton of luck, maybe someone out there in Duck nation will wish it for him.
  7. Pretty good chance that Dante Moore flips to Michigan. Oregon still has the fan favorite, 5* out of Az, Ty Thompson. This is Dan Lanning's Ducks, not Kenny Dillingham's. Ducks might lose out on a couple, but most will still be Ducks. Ducks lost a ton when Mariø bounced, but this staff salvaged the class. Ducks will be fine. We will lick out wounds and get better. The next few years will come with a lot of winning. Ducks will be in the mix for championships soon.
  8. Dilly can't refuse this offer. Nobody would in his position. I don't think it will go well for KD. He is probably better off long term staying where he is at a couple years. But how do you turn that down? 3 year contract is life changing money.
  9. I agree with Fly. DJ was put in a tough spot. I do know that if someone grabs my face, I most likely start swinging. Instinctively I would remove any perceived threat.
  10. Thats what I am saying. I am not so sure punting there changes anything. I would have probably gone for it too. I don't fault Lanning's decision.
  11. Don't really know what went on off the short video. Hard to cast judgment with so little information. There is a reason schools get fined when fans storm the field. Puts players in a tough spot. Risky. Add that opposing fans of Ducks love Duck loses more than their own teams wins. They are rabid in their Duck hatred. it becomes a threat with those fans on the field after a "spicey" loss. Wouldn't be surprised if the fan struck first.
  12. Analytics might support Lanning's decision-making. What Analytics fails to factor is the human side: pressure, momentum, energy levels and the like. Also, defense was horrible. A lot of time on the clock when he went on 4th from 29 yard line. I don't know if punting there would have changed the outcome.
  13. In my best Dan Lanning impersonation" "Hold My Beer"
  14. First time head coach. But yea, he is going to get piled on for sure. Took a loss to Fusky and Beavus. Unacceptable!
  15. I will yrade you your beaver brother for my fusky brother
  16. Out experting the "experts" isn't a difficult task.
  17. No matter what defense you are in, regardless of what you are asked to do, on 3rd and 7+, make a darn play!
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