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Everything posted by DuckIt

  1. Give AB the boot already. His favorite target is the ground.
  2. Here we go again. Penalties driving the Ducks in the wrong direction.
  3. I question the IQ of any player/recruit that still wants to play for MC after watching the Ducks struggle against bad teams. Were they not paying attention? A blind man could see that he couldn't and can't coach a lick. Besides maybe Big Joe and the RB coach, I don't think any coaches from MC's staff, earned their paycheck and made the Ducks better. I'm glad to see most of them going. Mark my words, MC and many of those coaches will be seeking new employment in a year or two from now. I'm still undecided about Moorhead. He may not have had any say on the starting QB or total control over the plays being called. However, you can't deny that he failed at one of, if not the single most important duty as OC which is to groom and produce a game ready QB. I know that Covid limited the number of practices last year, but there were a number of other teams that made a true frosh QB work for them.
  4. According to the Clemson board, Riley is going after DJ Uiagalelei, but it could be twofold. It couldn't hurt to help court his younger brother, another 5 star recruit, into committing to SC.
  5. Richardson is no Pritchard. He isn't a leader, and he's not equipped to deal with the pressure. The longer Altman leans on Richardson in the sink or swim mentality, by throwing him in the deep end of the pool, he's going to continue to drag the team down.
  6. This is the line that had me salivating at his recruiting prospects: "He is credited as being the primary recruiter for Georgia star linebacker and former No. 1 overall prospect Nakobe Dean, Nolan Smith and five-star quarterback Brock Vandagriff."
  7. Miami swiped the bag with the flames coming out of it, from Oregon's front porch, thinking they struck gold. It should be no secret that Mario can't coach a lick. He has been repeatedly exposed on national TV and outcoached for the greater part of the season by lesser teams. The only outlier being the Ohio State game. I can't remember a season, where the Ducks won more close games, by smaller margins, at home. It should be painfully obvious to anyone who followed the Ducks' games that Mario was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of his depth. His greatest strength and talent as an elite recruiter, is quickly negated, once he takes the field.
  8. Simply for dropping KT, one of the best pass rushers back in coverage every game, I'm glad DeRuyter is gone. Like MC, he didn't deserve the athletes that they had. Neither one of them knew how to get the maximum out of the arsenal of weapons at their disposal and put the players in a position to win and make plays.
  9. It wouldn't have mattered anyways. MC is a one trick pony, not dynamic at all. If he doesn't learn to loosen the reigns and let the OC call the plays, his team(s) will never make it to any playoffs.
  10. I'm not sure what you are debating, in terms of MM's dream school. I don't believe the question was addressed in the podcast. As published in SI, "Before Mariota left for the Ducks’ camp that summer, he confided in Arceneaux that Oregon was his dream school." There are too many conflicting stories, to know exactly how everything played out, but I'll bet that it all started with Steve Greatwood being contacted, not Helfrich. Greatwood was the Hawaii recruiter who presented MM to Helfrich. https://www.si.com/college/2014/12/11/marcus-mariota-oregon-ducks-hawaii-heisman-trophy In this SI article, it claims MM personally emailed Steve Greatwood who then requested his highlights film, which he passed along to Helfrich. https://www.oregonlive.com/ducks/2015/05/before_marcus_mariotas_stardom.html The Oregonian has a different take and credits Greatwood's friend/former St. Louis HS coach, Delbert Tengan for tipping Greatwood off on MM, during a recruiting visit to Oahu. This article talks extensively about Tengan and Greatwood's friendship, and how it blossomed over the years, leading to MM's discovery by Oregon. It briefly mentions Helfrich and his role. Why you ask? Because the writer is crediting these two and not Helfrich for finding MM and setting him on the path to Oregon. Tengan is the one who advised Greatwood to come check out this backup QB, named Marcus Mariota. Greatwood would later report back to Helfrich, which prompted Helfrich to review MM's film and fly out to Hawaii. I also read another Hawaii article which was the basis for my reply. Unfortunately, I can't find it. It must have been referring to Tengan, as the family's friend, trying to spread the word about MM and generate interest from colleges. According to the podcast, Mariota was already conversing with Greatwood and Helfrich, before he was invited to the Ducks camp. Greatwood was the one who placed the call to Helfrich that got the ball rolling for Oregon. I would trust the Andrew Greif, before I trust Ted Miller. I doubt that he would just made up that whole story about Delbert Tengan. If you believe the Oregonian article to be accurate, then all the other articles completely and conveniently left out, the instrumental role that Delbert Tengan and Greatwood played, in MM being recruited to Oregon. Without both Tengan and Greatwood, MM might have gone unnoticed by the Ducks and Helfrich. Prior to Oregon offering, MM started only with an one offer from Memphis and then later UW. It was only after MM committed to Oregon, that the offers started to pour in.
  11. I'd be curious to know what Cyrus Moss's current thoughts about MC are, now that MC is no longer Oregon's head coach. Wasn't it just yesterday that MC was in Cyrus's living room, pitching Oregon and practically telling Cyrus, that he was committed to Oregon? Cyrus stated himself, "I can have confidence that Coach Cristobal is standing strong by the Oregon program.." Was MC only speaking about that exact moment and not the foreseeable future? I think the future is implied when speaking to a recruit who hasn't committed to the program. So did MC just lie through his teeth, knowing that his answer could change at any given moment? It reflects badly on Oregon, but any recruit who has been following the games, should know that Ducks are better off without MC at the helm, especially, on game day. He failed to check off a lot of boxes that qualifies a person to be head coach. After being burned by the last two head coaches, I have a feeling that PK is more motivated than ever to find the Ducks a championship caliber coach. He will dig deep into his pockets and pressure Mullens to make a home run hire.
  12. I made this same suggestion earlier in the season. However, Meyer recently made it clear, that he has "no interest" in heading back to college football to pursue a fourth national championship.
  13. A friend of the Mariota family actually tipped off Helfrich and called on behalf of Marcus, because Oregon was his dream school. Not too many scouts knew about MM, because he rode the bench until his senior year. I wouldn't credit Helfrich with that find.
  14. Why does this seem eerily familiar? Wasn't Slick Willy out recruiting the next day after a loss? Only, he wasn't recruiting for Oregon.
  15. Helfrich was slacking, letting too many things slide, like the players' workouts. We don't need that type of weak mentality and discipline. Those only lead to bad habits and bad results.
  16. Everyone wrote Bama off as the soon-to-be, 2 loss underdog, but this is how a championship team shows up prepared to go to war. Both Bama and Georgia will earn a spot in the playoffs. Whereas, Mario wouldn't know anything about preparing his troops for battle. He had two weeks to prepare for a REMATCH, playing for pride and a spot in the Rose Bowl, and still, the Ducks repeat their abysmal performance from two weeks ago. No changes in strategy, no adjustments during the game, and ZERO coaching. After being thoroughly dominated in all facets of the game, in the first match-up with Utah, I would have abandoned my game plan. Even mid-game, I would have made adjustments, but he doesn't know how to switch gears. Mario must have kept telling himself, "The game plan wasn't the problem. We just weren't executing." While his ship is engulfed in flames and his crew is panicking, looking for leadership, he's stuck in the mud. Rather than take action to try to extinguish the fire, the captain drags his crew down with him. His ship is SUNK! I said this numerous times before, and I will say it again. Mario never learns his lesson. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. By definition, Mario is insane. Other than his ability to recruit and give speeches, he is not qualified to be anyone's head coach.
  17. His loyalty should be to the team and not to individual players. You do what's best for the team which means you play your best players based on results, not seniority. If it means ditching the pistol formation or benching AB, you do it! I have a hard time believing that AB was better than TT. TT got to play part of the Stoney Brook game and part of the Arizona game and then one drive against the Buffs which ended with in an interception. That's it! MC never gave him a chance to get his rhythm or any kind of footing. Yet, even with all the fumbles and interceptions, to the detriment of the team, MC gave AB more chances than he deserved. Maybe, if MC just placed the same type of faith in TT that he had for AB, things would have worked out differently. Anyone following his high school career, knows TT is a gamer. He led his team to a late comeback victory for the State championship. He never panicked down 14 pts in the fourth quarter. That is the type of poise and leadership, the Ducks could have used last night.
  18. PK is going to have to dig deep into his pockets to right this ship. Ducks will need a major overhaul.
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