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Everything posted by shawnski

  1. David is exactly right. Come on guys, the fans ups and downs this season are worse than Micah Pittmans. At the beginning of the year EVERYONE would have taken a 10 win season and defeating Ohio State. That's exactly what we got. Enjoy it. The growth and play of the new guys throughout the year has been incredible. Because of injuries they have starters who normally would never even see the field. Even a 25% increase in QB play would fix all woes. Brown just isn't very good. It is what it is and has been all season. It's a miracle they did as well as they did. Someone should get some credit? Browns gone and we should use the off season for what it's for - hope for the future! The young players are really good! Wishing for Radcliff and Helfritch? Like Paycheck & Cash, they ain't coming back. And I for one am glad they're gone. Time seems to make reality a little fuzzy, and it will with this seasons disappointments too. Bassa, Sewell, Flowe, Cardwell, Thornton, Franklin, Motavoa, Magee, and many others. Throw in vets like Dye, Williams, Bennett, Mckinnley(?), Wright(?), the entire O-line... That's what it's about! No one knew who Darrin Thomas was until they were in the Natty! Go Ducks
  2. I think I just need a break. I can't bear to watch this team anymore. The QB play is just awful Maybe next year will be different, but I doubt
  3. Yes this has been an interesting year. We haven't known which team will show up, and often, for how long will that last? The worst mental hurdle I remember is against Stanford in the 2012, 2013, and 2014 seasons. Marcus hadn't beaten them and it was in their heads. The constant blather about the media generated Stanford "brutal intelligence" was just crap. Marcus dominated with a fast start and they won. Start fast, build momentum, and they'll be Champs! We'll see who shows up Go Ducks!!!
  4. Improvements: 1) playing younger players, and then actually letting them touch the ball 2) end game clock management. Beaver game was the best so far, actually getting the play clock down to 2 or 3 seconds 3) ditching the pistol
  5. It sure was Man, if I was a parent, that dude could sell me ice cubes
  6. Sorry, I just don't see it. Smith has had ONE winning season and bottom of the barrel recruiting. Going 5-4 in a terrible Pac-12? History tells us it just isn't going to happen. 2000 was a LONG time ago.
  7. The future is bright! Most of those guys are playing really well, a few ups and downs, but pretty good. All hail the King in the North!!
  8. I think we're on #s 4 and 5 at some positions. It shows on special teams too
  9. I always liked that Buffalo Sauce flavored Tabasco, but I can't find it anymore
  10. Couldn't happen to a better group of people Huck the Fuskies
  11. Conference Championship Game winner takes it. It's not close folks Smith has lived by the transfer portal and 7-5 is NOT worthy. Come on man
  12. I have noticed that the D comes out firing, but as the O struggles repeatedly to score, their enthusiasm wanes dramatically. They NEED the O to start fast and build momentum. Maybe the players are like us fans, wondering who will show up, and waiting for the shoe to drop. Hoping for the best, Go Ducks
  13. It's true Add in the fact that they're only 19 years old too. The vast majority of them handle things exceptionally well. Me, not so much
  14. Awesome Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Go Ducks
  15. Yep, they complained about Chip constantly. He's not nice, he won't talk to the media, he won't talk to the fans. Rich Brooks, blah blah blah Guy will win more championships than anyone, and they'll still want him gone
  16. It's tough Most of these "Rivalry Game" names and trophys are based on some kind of tradition or legend (made up or not). To erase the old and start up a new one based on.... what? If you're gonna go new make it worth it with actual stakes: 1) winning school gets some kind of bonus $$$$ or scholarship, charity, whatever. Like a lot. 1$ million? 2) get the admin, players, and boosters ALL involved in directing the proceeds 3) then crow about it ALL year Just changing the name to some stupid PC thing that no one will use is just too millennial for me
  17. Saturday didn't present anything we haven't already seen all year long. Of course we hadn't seen it all in ONE game before. They're young, inexperienced, injured, bad in spots (due to injury), and 19 years old. The sky isn't falling, it's right where it's always been. Beat the Beavs, win the Civil War! All Hail the King of the North
  18. Amazing Couldn't happen to a better group of folks!!!
  19. Might as well make it a three-fer and can the AD too. Huck the Fuskies
  20. As opposed to my "only the good" I am posting "what to fix" or for the millennial, "Areas of improvement:" 1) Hold the edge on D. Too many plays where they gave up the edge and contain. I think ALOT could be attributed to holds that were never called, but geez. 2) #19 Hill gets beat too often deep down field and loses coverage 3) Difficulty covering backs out of the backfield 4) Temper, temper - too much jawing after the play 5) many others I won't list as they've been season long but are improving (clock management, pass play calling, QB play) What say you?
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