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Everything posted by DUCati855

  1. So, quarters 1-3 "Dilly-Dilly" 4th quarter "Dilly-Dally"?
  2. I feel the Ducks would still lose fairly badly. But, much would depend on where the game was played. If we were to play again in Atlanta come January... Dawgs would likely win around 49-28. But, the Ducks would win the middle eight to give the game some excitement. If it were closer. Say, Phoenix... Dawgs still win 42-31ish.
  3. I have to back Krsmqn on this. The current backs have better burst and vision. Dye ran like a pinball. He just bounced off things... no vision at all. His great attributes were his effort/desire and his ability to always be falling forward. But, as far as vision and his ability to change direction... Dye was lacking. Dye was perfect for Mario's system because he was willing to hit the spot the play was designed for whether there was a hole there or not, get popped, and then fall forward. I appreciate that he was willing to do that for the Ducks. But, I would take any of our current backs over him.
  4. Embarrassing? Why? They only have a population of 18.8 million people to draw from! Ha!
  5. I question much of Mario's system. He may need to step back and make some changes at key personnel positions. Whether it be replace or re-educate. Changes seem to be in order. Diet, conditioning, and practice procedures, likely all need some tweaking. His teams have far too many injuries occurring outside of game time.
  6. I do not believe anyone said it would be the reason for victory. What he said is "it would not be a factor"... I for one feel it would be a factor. Home field makes a difference. There is a huge reason why Oregon has one of the longest home streaks in the country. The point of starting this thread was to encourage ALL Duck fans to let CDL know he has a huge advantage when playing in Autzen. He has never felt that advantage to the degree we all have. Autzen hasn't been itself since pre-pandemic. We need it off the charts like it once was.
  7. UCLA plays their home games in a near empty Rose Bowl, a stadium that isn't all that loud even when filled to capacity. UCLA players will feel the difference between it and a hostile Autzen without a doubt. The noise WILL be a factor. I hope our Ducks will feed on that energy while the Bruins cuddle each other for support.
  8. I agree he thinks execution means more than the environment/atmosphere. But to say "none of that will have a factor" seems illogical to me. I guess we'll see how DTR reacts on 3rd down when it is so loud his eye balls are shaking and his linemen can't hear his cadence. Then we'll know if we were a factor or not.
  9. I have been super impressed with our new head coach thus far. But, this quote from yesterday's news conference has me baffled. How do you take it? " The environment, the noise, the fans, all those pieces are great elements, but none of those things are playing the game. So none of that’s really going to have a factor." Does he truly believe that Autzen does not even count as a factor? Does he not think we (the screaming idiots in the stands) effect the game? Am I missing something?
  10. That whole game was painful to watch. Towards the end I just wanted it over. I'm glad it meant more to Justin than it did to me. I sure hope that entire team heals up fast. I can not watch another showing like that.
  11. Looks great David. Except I would put ND at 12.5!
  12. Mic, you loathe the same exact teams I do. They also happen to be the most perpetually overrated teams in college football. That tied to their delusional fan bases makes them completely intolerable to me. Sure, I get tired of always hearing about the tOSUs and the Alabamas of the sport. But, I can respect them for their accomplishments. USC, ND, UW have earned no respect from me. I will NEVER root for ANY of them.
  13. Adam Stack, Matt Wogan, Alejandro Maldonado, the list can go on and on... when it comes to kickers, it is a shot in the dark.
  14. I'm with you brother. To quote Dr. Seuss... "I do not like them here or there. I do not like them anywhere." Yes, he is still my favorite Doctor. He will always be wise in my eyes.
  15. Aliotti was awesome! I love him on the PAC-12 Network as well. He still talks like a Duck! Thank you Charles for the informative analysis. I have recognized it several times this year. Now, I finally know what to call it.
  16. I agree with this. But, when one thinks this way I feel we must also consider dropping the baggage currently in the Pac-12 (soon to be 10). OSU and WSU, while competitive and feisty, bring nothing to the table for media negotiations. If you drop them you have $250 million split 8 ways. I'm not saying the Pac(?) should do this. I'm saying it should be considered. Also, If I were one of the bean counters of the Pac(?) I would consider dropping these and adding an SDSU or a UNLV. I would leave out expanding to the Central time zone unless a full pod could be added. What the Pac(?) has to it's advantage is the fact we are on the left coast and can fill those late (TV) time slots. Also at what point do we change the name of the conference to the Pacific Coast Conference? The PCC has a nice ring to it.
  17. I'm not shocked by Seven's lack of impact. Everyone seems to want to compare him to DAT. He does not have the same quickness as DAT. He is fast. But, lacks the breakneck reflexes that D'Anthony had. I believe they will find his place in the system to have great success. But, until they quit trying to mimic one of our past greats and concentrate on Seven's real attributes he will not be anything but average. What I am pleasantly surprised about is how well our running back by committee is working and how well the whole group is responding to each others success. Tons of touches for everyone and fresh legs for all. I'm still waiting for more of the havoc plays the defense is being taught to create. I want more!
  18. I'll be the first to say I appreciate breasts (pink). But, I also appreciate livers (green) and bladders (yellow). So, I agree we should be "all inclusive". I fully expect to see lavender uniforms next year!
  19. I agree. That is why I feel it is imperative that we (the Autzen faithful) need to do our part. Get LOUD! Yell "O"! Anything we can to help our players create havoc. We need to remind Chip of what he chose to leave and make him question that decision all day long.
  20. By my estimations Oregon is 16-10 when featured on College GameDay for a 64% winning percentage. I believe the win probability for this game is currently at 72%. I'm not sure the added stress of CGD is worth the attention it brings. But, it always seems to ramp up the game day experience for the students and that always makes for a great atmosphere. Plus, the aerial photos of the campus (and surroundings) are always incredible. Oregon sure is beautiful on camera.
  21. I agree with this. Once a label is added it gets reused over and over until it sticks. I would not want a derogatory label stuck on any of our players or coaches. We're all adults (like it or not) for the most part. We have been around long enough that we should know how to make our point without resorting to name calling.
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