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Everything posted by Ktmguy2018

  1. Maybe Saban needs a new a challenge...winning a national championship at a Pac-12 school might just be it.
  2. I was listening to Full Ride on ESPNU with Rick Neuheisel and talk turned to the Oregon coaching vacancy. Neuheisel went on for several minutes about how the facilities are unlike any others you will see, the support is unbelievable, the fan base is amazing...etc. His co-host asked him if he would take the job... Neuheisel said nobody has contacted him but it would be a phenomenal position. You never know who may be interested...even a former Buff/Husky/Bruin coach!
  3. Bruce Feldman just tweeted that Manny Diaz has been let go.
  4. That was an interesting read...I have to admit I was wondering what Kelly might do with TT (if he stays)...
  5. If MC leaves for Miami, this would be 1000:1 shot, but why not get on the phone and make this call: "Hello, Mr. Saban, I've got a whale of an offer for you...." It almost seems like UW settled for their coach (the former Fresno State guy IS a good coach...but why not shoot higher?) Whereas USC went after a big name... I don't ever want Oregon to be thought of as a starter job that leads to bigger opportunities....so, you have to make it a destination job...money talks as we've seen the recent coaching moves. Did anyone think Bryan Kelly would leave ND?
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