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Everything posted by OregonDucks

  1. Thanks. I needed a good laugh. Some of my favorites: ”[Mario] took a QB that was playing at a very high level the season before he got here and turned him into a QB that looks like he’s never played the position.” “He just needs six seasons of recruiting to rebuild the roster and establish culture. How can he be expected to beat less talented teams so soon?” ”Tim Hasselbeck is losing his mind every week on the broadcast at the level incompetence that is taking home 8 mill a yr. I have never heard a broadcaster be more dumbfounded at the coaching since Cristobal got here. Every week it's dumber than the last. He's the Michael Scott of coaching.” ”He had a top NFL prospect at QB and still lost two games. What possible chance do we have of doing any better?” ”And the worst part is he's still got 8 yrs left and he coaches like it. U think if he was coaching for his job, we run it straight at NC State on 4th & 1 after all the **** we ran in the Red zone against A&M? He knows he's got another 4 years to drag this program through the mud. ” “Coaching is supposed to cover where players lack and/or cater to their strengths. Be the difference maker strategically. Not constantly play to the strengths of the other teams. We have no tempo, coaches still seem like they need 2 timeouts in a row to make the same decision from the 1st time out. We don’t know when to go for it and when not to go for it. Everyone knows we’re running the ball with fiftyleven linemen on the field but we run it up the middle into a free defender anyway.” ”Mario micromanaging the offense is killing the team; y'all blaming Dawson but his hands are cuffed by a hc who has never been a coordinator…I don't think we will ever keep a OC more than 2 yrs under this HC. We're stuck with this HC and his "tough guy" mentality at least 6 more seasons before a buyout.“ ”This has to fall on mario .. Dawson has the rep of the air raid offense .. we look like we’re playing leather helmet era football . He has to be putting the handcuffs on dawson. If I’m Dawson im out after BC” “He has no feel for the game. The worst clock management I’ve ever seen (that was apparent from his first game against Texas AM). Once again we hired the wrong guy.” “Miami will lose at least 3 or more games every year Mario is head coaRch....2 of them will be winnable games he mismanaged and the others will be blowout losses in big games” ”Is it a rebuild if you are worse then Manny Diaz?” ”If Mario is ever going to succeed, he has to get out of the way. I think a lot of us assumed he would be the CEO leader type, but I’ve seen a much different picture so far. I think he heavily involves himself in game plans, scheme etc and he sucks at that to put it mildly. He’s not a good X/O coach at all but I don’t think he sees it that way. I’m almost sure he doesn’t. Not sure if anyway can get him to change his ways honestly. I tend to think not. It’s staggering to watch how much better and more efficient Oregon looks in the time since he left. This version of Mario is beyond doomed.” ”I've never seen a more lethargic and predictable offense.”
  2. Unless the B1G wanted the additional TV money that the LA market brought, without the competition…
  3. Well, Bo is still overthrowing some of those deep throws by a hair. If he starts hitting those, his completion percent should increase to 80%…
  4. Don't forget the millions of dollars Miami paid Oregon to take Mario off our hands. Oregon won that trade!
  5. I hope not but I would have preferred to face a Ginch “coached” USC defense…
  6. For those of you at the game, did the weather (rain, wind) improve after the first quarter or first half?
  7. LOL. I’ll be pulling for Miami but would NEVER bet on Mario.
  8. That stinks. Why would ABC select Texas vs TCU (4-5) or Fox select West Virginia (6-3) at Oklahoma over USC at Oregon for the 4/4:30pm PT game?
  9. There was talk about the Texas QB, who I believe played for Will Stein in high school. However, all the talk to Oregon stopped once Bo Nix announced he was coming back for his senior year. It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to bring in a high-level, experienced QB with a potential Heisman candidate returning. They are transferring to play and to win a championship, improve their draft stock, etc., not to backup the incumbent QB.
  10. Michigan at Penn State Alabama at Kentucky Miami at Florida State Utah at Washington Ole Miss at Georgia Texas at TCU USC at Oregon “Games in November are the ones you remember.” - Lee Corso (and others) Will we see some upsets next weekend and, if so, what team(s) is most likely to get upset?
  11. Oregon scored the most points ever against USC in 2012, when we scored 62. ASU and UCLA have since matched that point total. That record is in serious danger on Saturday.
  12. I respectfully disagree. Dan Lanning likes to have competition at every position. “Iron sharpens iron.” That is how you build an elite team (e.g., USC under Pete Carroll, Bama under Nick Saban). The most important position should not be excluded from competition. I’ll be rooting for TT but I hope that our coaches bring in an experienced QB from the portal to COMPETE. None of the backup QBs have played a full season at this level, so they are all untested. Mike Bellotti used to say that a starting QB is like tea, you don’t know what you’ve got until you put it in hot water.
  13. Wow! Bo Nix’s stats through 9 games are ahead of both Marcus Mariota’s Heisman season and Justin Herbert’s senior year. Look at the completion percentage!!!! If this doesn’t make you realize how special Bo Nix has been this year, I don’t think anything will… Enjoy watching this special player and human being, Duck fans. We are truly blessed.
  14. Utah had a number of key players out for the season, including their starting QB, and does not have the offense that USC does. If you have a high scoring offense, you are never out of a game and are extremely dangerous. That is what concerns me about USC. On paper, Oregon should win but crazy things happen in November.
  15. I would add Cam Ward. He is inconsistent (see yesterday’s game against Stanford) but so was Bo Nix before Oregon and I’ve been impressed the last two games he’s played Oregon. Perhaps with Oregon’s supporting cast, Cam would find success and consistency. He is extremely athletic and fast. I wonder if Coach Stein would bring some of the running plays that he ran at UTSA with an athletic QB, especially if he has TT.
  16. How could Bo Nix not get an invite to New York and be a favorite for the Heisman with those numbers?! The QB leading the #1 scoring offense in the country!!!
  17. Bo only has 5% of the votes. Come on Duck fans…back Bo!!!
  18. Oregon should easily beat USC, if we play a clean game. However, what has me nervous is the flip side. If Oregon comes out of the gates slow again (like they did against Stanford and Cal), turns the ball over and/or shoots themselves in the foot with penalties (like the Texas Tech game), USC could build a 21-0 lead and we would be chasing them the entire evening. What if Caleb Williams has the game of his life, scrambling and throwing dimes to his talented wide receivers resulting in a shoot out? Those are the kinds of games Dan Lanning and staff want to avoid. This game makes me nervous because USC has an explosive offense, lead by the defending Heisman. I’m just hoping for a clean game by the Ducks and a W on Saturday evening. Style points don’t matter, just beat SC.
  19. I’m not a Caleb Williams fan but he is an elite college QB and has given it his all (perhaps pressing too much at times, which is understandable given USC’s porous defense). Makes you wonder - if Riley can’t win at USC with Caleb, how’s he going to win without him?
  20. I thought that Wilcox was supposed to be an elite defensive coach. What the heck happened to Cal’s defense? Next week may be a tough game. USC has a bad defense but they can certainly light up the scoreboard. Ducks need to clean some things up this week.
  21. TT has looked so much better this year, in his limited opportunities. I'm rooting for him to take the reigns next year and lead Oregon to a B1G conference championship and a spot in the playoffs.
  22. I thought that he got knocked out when his head hit the ground but didn't like the look of how they were treating him. I'm praying that the young makes a full recovery.
  23. Cal's QB made some nice throws on that drive. Sometimes you just have to tip your hat.
  24. I’d expect a HEAVY dose of Bucky and James in the second half!!!
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