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Everything posted by CountryProf

  1. Notre Dame should always have an automatic bid for lists like this.
  2. I think it's folly, but I don't blame them. When you have something very good taken away from you, you fight to get it back........ even if it doesn't make sense. And then, when you realize it's not going to happen, you pick up the pieces and move on.
  3. That is a nice looking uniform. I kind of wish they would have saved it for the Colorado game. Something much closer to a traditional Oregon uniform against a bombastic, upstart, new age Deion Sanders team. But I'll take it.
  4. I wasn't paying attention at this level during the game, but it seems like a couple of posts on this thread state that Will Stein may not be giving Bo the same degree of leeway that Dillingham did for Bo to change the play at the line of scrimmage after he's seen the defensive formation. Did it seem like Bo called significantly fewer audibles in this game as compared to your average challenging game last year? Subjective call given just one game compared to many last year, especially if you haven't rewatched games and broken down the tape, but I'm curious.
  5. I don't want to hear any trash talk about Oregon's defense on this forum anymore
  6. In Bo we trust. It's good to see him scrambling for yards again
  7. The defense is saving us with big plays. I don't know what the heck is going on with Oregon's offensive line
  8. Fellow South Eugene Axeman (yes, Axeman) I think Boettcher's nickname should be the Axeman
  9. Fellow South Eugene Axeman (yes, Axeman) I think Boettcher's nickname should be the Axeman
  10. Didn't think I'd ever hear a ducks player with the last name Herbert throw a complete pass into the end zone again!
  11. I never thought I'd say this, but it actually looks like Mario may have learned from his mistakes and ceded control of the offense to his offensive coordinator. This is not looking like Mario football.
  12. Six minutes into the Miami aTm game, Miami has had two three and outs, a blocked punt, and an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Mario, do your teams underachieve? Hot Fuzz Yarp GIF - Hot Fuzz Yarp Nod - Discover & Share GIFs TENOR.COM Click to view the GIF
  13. After the first half, Colorado's MVP is Nebraska's quarterback. Three turnovers, two of which we're well inside Nebraska territory and resulted in Colorado's only 10 points. Also, Colorado's secondary isn't looking that great to me. Bo is going to pick those guys apart.
  14. My wife and I were lucky enough to live in Australia for about 3 years in the mid-2000s. We really grew to like Aussie Rules Football. We would watch the Sydney Swans and Illawarra Dragons. One funny cultural difference that we loved was that fans wouldn't yell go swans or go dragons. They would yell go the swans or go the dragons. So in honor of Oregon's two Aussie punters, go the Ducks!
  15. I see a lot of logic in playing your 2nd and 3rd string quarterbacks for nearly a quarter each under real game conditions. Those players need as many quality reps as they can get, and they won't get them just by handing off the ball for predictable garbage time up the middle runs. There is also an irony in accusing Oregon of intentionally running up the score against Portland State. I remember, in the 1980s, when NFL bound Neil Lomax played for Portland State. His coach would leave him in for the entire game, leading to multiple games where PSU scored over 90 points, and one or two games where they scored over 100. Maybe Karma doesn't have a time limit.
  16. After watching the entire game, I am not worried about the defense in the slightest at this point. They gave up seven points and 200 yards. I'm not concerned about the lack of sacks, especially in a first tuneup game like this. Georgia's defense doesn't get many sacks. Their defense is not designed to prioritize sacks, but rather to disrupt and prevent gaining yards. And, as was stated earlier in this thread, Oregon's defense was likely not unveiling more complex defensive packages in an easy win game so that Texas Tech doesn't have a full understanding of what's in store for them next week. Go Ducks!
  17. I tuned into this game to watch a TCU beat down of Colorado (as I've said before, I'm not a Deion Sanders fan). But wow, what a game. I'm not even mad.
  18. Make no mistake, I won't be rooting for UCLA anytime soon. But Chip Kelly was instrumental in making the Ducks what they are now. This article shows a new, happier side of Chip Kelly. And that makes me happy. There's a big difference with UCLA football coach Chip Kelly, and everyone notices it WWW.LATIMES.COM Chip Kelly enters his sixth season at UCLA embracing a new perspective and culture in...
  19. I'm glad you get to settle back into a nice routine after such a scary storm. I'm tuning into the Utah game too. They are a Class Act.
  20. I think they should up their game and put those on garbage trucks too.
  21. I think it will help us--whether we're cast in the Plucky Underdog narrative for several years (America loves an underdog even though we're not with respect to USC IMHO), and hopefully the established football Powerhouse narrative after that.
  22. Yeah, you run the numbers and decide whether sling or fubo is your best option. I've only used both for free one week trials over the last couple years so I can watch Ducks games played on the Pac-12 network. Based on the things my family wants to watch, I think my wife and kids would seriously consider killing me if I ditched YouTube TV for another service "just" so I could watch Ducks games ( they just don't understand the finer things in life.........).
  23. sorry, didn't see your first reply until now. I meant fubo is your best option if you want to watch Pac-12 games for the next year. After the Pac-12 network goes bye-bye next summer, YouTube TV is very likely your best streaming option for watching B1G games ( and in my opinion, for a lot of other reasons as well).
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