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B1G Expansion Candidates?

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I don't think the B1G is interested in further expansion anytime soon.  Current members are worn out from dealing with compromises on the 2024 schedule, and the majority want a conference that includes USC/UCLA without any member required to travel to the West Coast (laugh).  As a result, they will use any excuse to avoid expansion and rely heavily upon "market theory" that any new member must not diminish media shares for current legacy members.  The B1G will not kick any school out, and each will have an equal vote on expansion.


That being said, at some point in the future it will still be considered:  1) end of new media contract, 2) if an attractive school looks imminent to join another conference, 3) if ACC/Pac looks like they will cease to exist.


So, what would be the priority of interest for potential candidates.  What do you think?  How would you rank them from a B1G perspective?

Candidate list solely in order of conference affiliation.


N. Carolina








Didn't include Notre Dame as I feel they will try to remain Independent.  I understand there is speculation about Georgia Tech and Miami, but feel there will be higher priority candidates.

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I'll make it easy for you. There was a big write-up on this by the fantastic folks at fivethirtyeight.com last August:


First Tier Candidates: Notre Dame (You don't want to read about that, though)


Second Tier Candidates:


"North Carolina, Oregon, Florida State, Washington. I call these no-brainers because they all rate as at least average relative to current Big Ten members. Why does that matter? Well, the Big Ten faces somewhat conflicting incentives.


On the one hand, it wants to expand the pie as much as possible. There’s no harm in adding a TV household in Seattle just because you already have one in Des Moines. On the other hand, it does sometimes need to divide that pie.


Of course, this can be subject to negotiation: whether new members get a full share when the conference signs a huge TV contract. But you run some risk of dilution if a school takes from the league more than it brings in.


I don’t think that’s a risk with these four schools. For one thing, as I mentioned, they all have at least average overall ratings relative to current Big Ten members. And they all have above average market ratings (the average market rating among current Big Ten members, plus UCLA and USC, is 59). To some extent, the other categories would probably also improve over time.15


North Carolina, Oregon and Washington are also schools that fit the paradigmatic Big Ten template of public flagship schools which are AAU members and the dominant college brands in their states. Beyond that, there are some variations on a theme.


Oregon has the lowest U.S. News ranking and the smallest enrollment of these schools, but the best sports program. Washington brings the Seattle market and 47,400 students. Both schools would also provide natural rivals to USC and UCLA.

North Carolina’s position might be more surprising here, given that it wasn’t on The Action Network’s short list.


But in many ways, it’s comparable to Oregon and Washington, or perhaps even a superior option in some respects. North Carolina is a big state and getting bigger, UNC has improved on the gridiron to the point where it’s at least usually making bowl games, and it’s excellent in the non-football sports.


Florida State isn’t in the AAU, but it has a pretty good academic ranking and a huge enrollment. I’d put it like this: if you think Notre Dame is a good enough fit for the Big Ten because of its other attributes, then Florida State has to qualify as well; it has a better fit rating than Notre Dame, in fact. And it has the second-best market rating after Notre Dame."


However the Big Ten wants to approach things, it’s clear that its days as a concentrated group of Midwestern schools are over. The SEC versus Big Ten arms race is on. The only question is which side of the battle lines your school lands on — if it’s invited to the fight at all."




Which schools should the Big Ten poach next?


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On 6/13/2023 at 2:13 PM, HDuck said:

I don't think the B1G is interested in further expansion anytime soon.  Current members are worn out from dealing with compromises on the 2024 schedule, and the majority want a conference that includes USC/UCLA without any member required to travel to the West Coast (laugh).  As a result, they will use any excuse to avoid expansion and rely heavily upon "market theory" that any new member must not diminish media shares for current legacy members.  The B1G will not kick any school out, and each will have an equal vote on expansion.


That being said, at some point in the future it will still be considered:  1) end of new media contract, 2) if an attractive school looks imminent to join another conference, 3) if ACC/Pac looks like they will cease to exist.


So, what would be the priority of interest for potential candidates.  What do you think?  How would you rank them from a B1G perspective?

Candidate list solely in order of conference affiliation.


N. Carolina








Didn't include Notre Dame as I feel they will try to remain Independent.  I understand there is speculation about Georgia Tech and Miami, but feel there will be higher priority candidates.

Thanks, H. All are AAU member schools which matters to the B1G. Not being AAU members is why I think Clemson and FSU are correctly excluded from your list. 


Viewer-wise, Oregon laps Cal and Stanford but the academics could be enticing to the B1G prex and the LA schools would prefer these two over OR and UW. Lesser competition and UCLA would escape the Cal tax. Of course, no expansion decision will be made without the approval of FOX. And I doubt that any of the 4 Pac schools you cited would be offered a full media share. 


If the ACC goes away before its media deal ends in 2036 the Domers will have a dilemma. Unless ND is willing to join as a full member the B1G will not add ND. And ND would have no place for its other sports program including its Lax ream that just won the Lax NCAA title. 


If ESPN/SEC makes an expansion move or B1G goes first the other conference will follow suit. But in today's media world, I don't think the money is there for further expansion in the near future.


I see the Pac as the next P5 conference to expand adding SDSU and SMU.


Notre Dame ice hockey does currently play in the B1G. 


Georgia Tech is an AAU member and the B1G might want to tweak the SEC with a team in Atlanta. Miami is a relatively small private school with good academics but plays football in an NFL stadium and Miami is a smaller media market than Orlando, 

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On 6/13/2023 at 3:17 PM, 2002duck said:

I'll make it easy for you. There was a big write-up on this by the fantastic folks at fivethirtyeight.com last August:


First Tier Candidates: Notre Dame (You don't want to read about that, though)


Second Tier Candidates:


"North Carolina, Oregon, Florida State, Washington. I call these no-brainers because they all rate as at least average relative to current Big Ten members. Why does that matter? Well, the Big Ten faces somewhat conflicting incentives.


On the one hand, it wants to expand the pie as much as possible. There’s no harm in adding a TV household in Seattle just because you already have one in Des Moines. On the other hand, it does sometimes need to divide that pie.


Of course, this can be subject to negotiation: whether new members get a full share when the conference signs a huge TV contract. But you run some risk of dilution if a school takes from the league more than it brings in.


I don’t think that’s a risk with these four schools. For one thing, as I mentioned, they all have at least average overall ratings relative to current Big Ten members. And they all have above average market ratings (the average market rating among current Big Ten members, plus UCLA and USC, is 59). To some extent, the other categories would probably also improve over time.15


North Carolina, Oregon and Washington are also schools that fit the paradigmatic Big Ten template of public flagship schools which are AAU members and the dominant college brands in their states. Beyond that, there are some variations on a theme.


Oregon has the lowest U.S. News ranking and the smallest enrollment of these schools, but the best sports program. Washington brings the Seattle market and 47,400 students. Both schools would also provide natural rivals to USC and UCLA.

North Carolina’s position might be more surprising here, given that it wasn’t on The Action Network’s short list.


But in many ways, it’s comparable to Oregon and Washington, or perhaps even a superior option in some respects. North Carolina is a big state and getting bigger, UNC has improved on the gridiron to the point where it’s at least usually making bowl games, and it’s excellent in the non-football sports.


Florida State isn’t in the AAU, but it has a pretty good academic ranking and a huge enrollment. I’d put it like this: if you think Notre Dame is a good enough fit for the Big Ten because of its other attributes, then Florida State has to qualify as well; it has a better fit rating than Notre Dame, in fact. And it has the second-best market rating after Notre Dame."


However the Big Ten wants to approach things, it’s clear that its days as a concentrated group of Midwestern schools are over. The SEC versus Big Ten arms race is on. The only question is which side of the battle lines your school lands on — if it’s invited to the fight at all."




Which schools should the Big Ten poach next?


Good take but I do not see FSU anywhere in the B1G mix. Ditto Clemson. All B1G schools other than Nebraska are AAU members and Nebraska was a member when it joined the B1G. 


I think school size will have far less impact on the decision to expand than will viewership numbers.


Obviously, the B1G will not bend over like the ACC and take in Notre Dame unless Notre Dame brings football with it. The bad blood between ND and the B1G goes back to the 1930s when ND was dumped on by the Big 10 for being a Jesuit institution and ND's academics were suspect which is not the case today. 


ND is one school that FOX would open the wallet for and is not a fit in the SEC.

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Great discussion topic with lots of possibilities. And great comments above.


Just a few thoughts on this:


I have a lifetime of business acumen, hunches and gut feelings wrapped up into my 50 year business career. My gut leads me to believe that no expansion will happen in BIG or SEC until the full effect of streaming is felt over the next 5 to 7 years.


No one knows how much money the big streamers will pay for CF. The PAC may very well pioneer this next media move. Could be great or could be a bust. If streamers can make it go with the PAC, imagine what they can do with the BIG or SEC?


FOX, broke espn and the networks have left it wide open for the streamers to shape the future. Their pockets are deep. Just depends on how committed they are to sports programming.


I believe the hold up for the PAC is the groundwork and foundation is being laid out now . Complicated and time consuming.


Personally, and no disrespect but i am more concerned about the PAC expansion than the BIG expansion. The BIG effectively damaged the value of the PAC and may have set the PAC on the road to extinction. As a fan, Fox has lost me come week zero 2024.


I am not a negative person but it takes real leadership to dig out of a situation like this. The PAC presidents chose Death Sentence Larry and stood by and watched as he drove the conference off a cliff.


Most of those leaders are still on board. However, they wouldnt be united if their wasnt some good money on the horizon in these negotiations.


Time and patience is the PAC's ally

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On 6/13/2023 at 3:41 PM, HappyToBeADuck said:

My gut leads me to believe that no expansion will happen in BIG or SEC until the full effect of streaming is felt over the next 5 to 7 years.

Which makes Oregon's exclusion in this round all the more painful. I do not begrudge FOX or the B1G for "stealing" USC and UCLA. Like Michael Corleone said, "It's not personal, it's strictly business."


Above all, I have very, very little faith in live sports streaming being successful (or profitable) in the near future. And by near future, I mean up to even 20 years. Regular TV works for sports and makes so much money because it is convenient, and also because it rakes in big dollars from third party advertisers.


Streaming networks often don't even have ads. I don't work for Wieden + Kennedy or anything, but I love ads everywhere in America because it is free money from large corporations that subsidizes the sports and entertainment industries, and even keeps everyday goods cheaper because of forced competition. 


So, I am rooting for the TV ad choo-choo train to continue. Soon enough, Apple and Amazon will realize that their little sports experiment isn't drawing in enough new subscribers. Or the contracts they are paying leagues are not worth the acquisition cost- at least. And let's not forget all the data that will show that customers always cancel their service whenever their sports league season ends. 


So, I hope Apple TV+ and Amazon Prime TV get squashed much sooner than the next round of negotiation. If they don't, then I hope they begin their great experiment after Oregon is in the B1G- that way there will be no "take backsies"- and our future will be set.


As for the rest of the PAC when we leave? Well, as as cousin Greg said in Succession, "If it is to be said, so it be, so it is."    


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On 6/14/2023 at 2:29 AM, 2002duck said:

Which makes Oregon's exclusion in this round all the more painful. I do not begrudge FOX or the B1G for "stealing" USC and UCLA. Like Michael Corleone said, "It's not personal, it's strictly business."


Above all, I have very, very little faith in live sports streaming being successful (or profitable) in the near future. And by near future, I mean up to even 20 years. Regular TV works for sports and makes so much money because it is convenient, and also because it rakes in big dollars from third party advertisers.


Streaming networks often don't even have ads. I don't work for Wieden + Kennedy or anything, but I love ads everywhere in America because it is free money from large corporations that subsidizes the sports and entertainment industries, and even keeps everyday goods cheaper because of forced competition. 


So, I am rooting for the TV ad choo-choo train to continue. Soon enough, Apple and Amazon will realize that their little sports experiment isn't drawing in enough new subscribers. Or the contracts they are paying leagues are not worth the acquisition cost- at least. And let's not forget all the data that will show that customers always cancel their service whenever their sports league season ends. 


So, I hope Apple TV+ and Amazon Prime TV get squashed much sooner than the next round of negotiation. If they don't, then I hope they begin their great experiment after Oregon is in the B1G- that way there will be no "take backsies"- and our future will be set.


As for the rest of the PAC when we leave? Well, as as cousin Greg said in Succession, "If it is to be said, so it be, so it is."    


That's what my grandparents had to say about airplanes and the telephone and my great-grandparents' thoughts on indoor plumbing.


KIDDING! But I don't believe streaming will be an option when it comes to sports broadcasting in the very near future. If you want to watch you will have to swim upstream. Peacock streaming B1G games from LA and ESPN going exclusively to streaming down the road is a portent of what is coming.


Love your comments.

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On 6/14/2023 at 9:28 AM, Jon Joseph said:

have to swim upstream.

Will one have to? There could be significant backlash.


I used to be a HUGE Portland Timbers fan. I was a season ticket holder for many years, and I watched every game, home or away, when I moved away from Portland. The Timbers are not having a good season, and the timing of MLS moving all of their games to Apple+ TV (except two national games each week out of like 32), I find myself NEVER watching them play unless they happen to be playing on national TV.


I went from from a 100/100 fan in Portland, to a 90/100 fan in Eugene, and now a 15/100 fan now that they are on Apple+ TV. Apple is the only service I don't have (my own or sharing), and out of spite I refuse to pay for it. I'm not going to play the "have every service game".


I still have cable, and I won't get rid of it. I'm not behind on times- I have 5 smart TV's, and I still have a Chromecast when other streaming issues pop up. I just don't like it.


I don't like Amazon Prime Thursday night football. I like channel surfing- and yes, 30 to 45 seconds to switch from my TV's Prime app to cable or another channel during a time out is too long, ha!


I'm not alone there either. I go on NFL game threads on Reddit, and everyone hates not being able to channel surf. The masses need to shun the streamers. It's possible to keep old tech! I don't have a smart shovel or a smart rake (yet)!

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Well, I work with four tech people on a regular basis between my Charitable Planning Advisory business, and two websites.  They marvel at how “non-tech intuitive” I am, but I manage to slug through it all.


If I fought all the tech changes that I hate, (which is all of them) we would not have this wonderful forum.  The hassle is not as hard as we picture going in, and the end result is worth the time, hassles and pain of learning.


We will disagree, and that is fine. But I maintain that the Pac 12 has been so miss-managed, that our actual potential audience is much much bigger than it presently is.  When we get a new streaming partner, I sincerely believe we will double our audience in a five year period.

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Mr. FishDuck

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I travel the country providing training for one on one, face to face sales. So many of my customers, when they find out i am from Oregon mention that they love the Ducks ...


However, they also mention that they often cannot get the games. If OBD's arent on linear they cannot be seen. Or seen with ease.


So 2 things on this:


First, Charles is right, the Ducks potential audience is much bigger than it presently is. Linear is not getting the job done for the Ducks. Again, linear, though easy and convenient, is not getting the Ducks the exposure they need.


Second, with financially broke espn announcing they are moving to streaming, well get prepared for the changes at hand. Like it or not. ESPN is making a strictly business decision to survive, just like FOX did to capture the LA market.


So, I propose these questions to the Forum:

     If espn in fact does not want to handle the PAC's Tier 1 Media rights then what linear company is available?


     Or what linear company is stepping up at this time?


     If its not linear then is the only option streaming?


Like it or not, and i dont like it, the cord is being cut enough to force changes. Strictly business decisions are being made because the consumer is saying enough to cable.


If a linear network had captured the PAC's Tier One Media rights the deal would be done and announced. Its cookie cutter business as usual. But their is no linear deal, at least not yet .

The PAC Conference is not dealing from a position of strength. But that is an entirely different topic.


My wife, today, told me she is cutting the cord on her $362 a month cable/internet package.  She said she can get internet and the streaming entities we want for $135 a month. If i want sports i can pick a streamer or go to a sports bar.


No king of the castle here!


I said really honey. She fired off a censored statement in Italian and then said. Lover, its strictly a business decision.........


I feel confident somebody, soon, will make a good business decision for the PAC.

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On 6/14/2023 at 5:40 PM, HappyToBeADuck said:

My wife, today, told me she is cutting the cord on her $362 a month cable/internet package. 

In a year with the new media contract--you'll be fine. But for the upcoming season...it could be harsh. 


"Honey, let's compromise.  I'll agree to cutting the cable AFTER the football season, so not another complete year...just get me through this season!"



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Mr. FishDuck

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On 6/14/2023 at 9:28 AM, Jon Joseph said:

KIDDING! But I don't believe streaming will be an option when it comes to sports broadcasting in the very near future. If you want to watch you will have to swim upstream. Peacock streaming B1G games from LA and ESPN going exclusively to streaming down the road is a portent of what is coming.



I'm 34 and I don't have cable and I don't want cable or dish and I am probably going to get away with getting YouTube tv and using a VPN to access Pac-12 network international on YouTube to watch duck games. It will also work! 


Adding apple tv or Amazon (I have Amazon right now as is) or even Disney+ (which bundles in ESPN) for the football season I don't see as a barrier but actually more convenient. 


As I don't have cable I don't want to deal with Comcast to get it because I don't want it outside of football season. And if I do that's also fine but I love how hassle free it is to cancel. 


My generation and those younger than me look at media more and more like this. 


I know for those who have big cable or dish packages will see streaming as another big thing they'll have to add or that it would be more work for them but that's where things are trending and trending fast that way. 


I saw an article from a big SEC media personality and former player about heo the PAC going streaming is a death sentence. It might be but I doubt it and it might actually be a life line...


Especially if they can negotiate something flexible. Start low but as number increase the PAC gets more. 

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Personally, have DISH.  And, probably will keep it for the duration until there is a streaming product that is equal to cable/satellite in instantaneous multi-game channel swapping, and multi-channel view, picture in picture, instant re-wind live, recording for later viewing, etc.    I do NOT want lag on game swaps which I currently do multiple times during broadcast.   

I presume at some point, a technology will evolve which will improve streaming swaps, and a service will come into the market place to package streaming services inside a single vendor at a price less than per each service cumulative.  At that point, I would consider it.   That might even name it something unique like "Kayble".


If you have cable/satellite you have to stay on top of it to make sure you keep a low price.  At a minimum, annual review and threaten to leave or the laziness will get you a big monthly bill over time.  You also have to calculate how much your household members watch non-sports options which may be a big factor in how much you are willing to pay for cable/satellite.


Nationally, including in Oregon, there is still significant variation in Internet connection speeds, with streaming interruption/lag.  The SEC dude may be living in one of those areas.


As noted in prior messages, Pac12 programs are concerned about linear availability as they understand the households for many of these recruits and their families, have no Internet services and/or streaming capable devices.  Again, the SEC dude's perception as well.


That being said, the move toward games only available on ESPN+, Paramount, Prime....will force even the SEC dude's home turf to switch at some point.  The future is not now, it is the future.

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Pete Thamel had an ESPN column today that said both the SEC and BigTen are in no hurry, but both would be interested in North Carolina and Virginia above other candidates (except Notre Dame)


Proximity and new states without representation in either conference.   The two teams have a close rivalry with UNC leading 66-58-4 in football and would provide a natural pairing.



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The two ACC schools the Big Ten and SEC might want the most are North Carolina and Virginia. While Clemson, Florida State and even Miami might make more se...


Update for that link.

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On 6/18/2023 at 5:23 PM, HDuck said:

The two ACC schools the Big Ten and SEC might want the most are North Carolina and Virginia. While Clemson, Florida State and even Miami might make more se...


Update for that link.

Both UNC and UVA are AAU member schools which matters to the B1G presidents. (Duke, Georgia Tech, and Pitt are the other ACC member schools.)


Clemson and FSU are not AAU member schools. And Miami, also not an AAU member, is a relatively small private school in a media market smaller than the Orlando market, without its own on-campus stadium and with a brand that puts the tarn in tarnished. 


I think if the B1G decides to add teams from the East that UNC, UVA, Duke, and Georgia Tech will get invites. I think the B1G would love to stick it to the SEC by having a member school in Atlanta. 

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Miami is now AAU as of a few weeks ago.  So is Notre Dame and Arizona State.  And USF and George Washington. 

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On 6/19/2023 at 2:29 PM, Rufus said:

Miami is now AAU as of a few weeks ago.  So is Notre Dame and Arizona State.  And USF and George Washington. 

Thanks for the heads up! I knew ASU had made AAU status. I thought that ND and Miami were too small to do so. I stand corrected,


USF? As in the University of South Florida? I thought there were 2 qualifications for admittance at USF: Heart beating; check clears.

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USC released photos of recruits in their Trojan jerseys with the B1G patch on them.  


That B1G patch would look awesome in green and yellow!  



This is going to be weird.


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Innovation is alive and well on campus as research and development on campus see increasing investment...



From an academic perspective, here are the top 30 R&D universities.  4 PAC 12 schools made the cut, but two are leaving for the B1G.  This list might provide clues on who the B1G will target in expansion.  

5. Washington 


9. Stanford 

28. USC 




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On 6/23/2023 at 12:11 PM, Rufus said:

Innovation is alive and well on campus as research and development on campus see increasing investment...



From an academic perspective, here are the top 30 R&D universities.  4 PAC 12 schools made the cut, but two are leaving for the B1G.  This list might provide clues on who the B1G will target in expansion.  

5. Washington 


9. Stanford 

28. USC 




Great take but I am confused in regard to Cal at SFO at 2. More money than the Golden Bear spends?


I think both LA schools would prefer to have Cal and Stanford as B1G west coast partners over Oregon and UW. Competition wise and also to get UCLA out of the Cal tax. Academics matter not in the SEC but do matter to the B1G presidents. The SFO market is a pro-sports-oriented market and the Oregon Moneyball sports draw far more eyeballs but will this matter to the B1G powers-that-be and more importantly, to Fox?  

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On 6/20/2023 at 4:36 PM, Rufus said:

USC released photos of recruits in their Trojan jerseys with the B1G patch on them.  


That B1G patch would look awesome in green and yellow!  



This is going to be weird.


Minus $5M and counting. And home games on Peacock. This is going to be weird for Trojans fans. Is SC a beneficiary or trustee? Without the LA schools, you can shave at least $20M off of the B1G media deal. And if the LA schools had any scheduling influence both would have drawn Nebraska, only 1500 miles away, as a permanent B1G football scheduling partner. 


Why Kliavkoff did not go to SC with a bigger piece of the revenue pie offer, a deal that SC had before Larry added CU and Utah to the conference, is unfathomable. Subtract $20M from the B1G deal = $45M to $50M for the B1G which the Pac-12 likely could have come close to with the LA schools in the mix and SC would not be having to travel 2 time zones plus for away games in every sport. Cut to the chase and if Disney/ESPN remains business viable there is really a Power 1 today. Both on the fields of play and at the bank.


[BTW, Florida vs LSU for the baseball title. These two conference foes did not play baseball against one another this season! The scheduling scam covers more sports than football.]


A B1G patch on Ducks unis? What will the number be that will encourage Oregon to be Rutgers's and Northwestern's junior partner?


Thanks for all of the great posts. 

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On 6/23/2023 at 9:11 AM, Rufus said:

This list might provide clues on who the B1G will target in expansion.  

So that is the criteria they use when making media deals...which determines the invites?



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Mr. FishDuck

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This is a terrific article that discusses not only expansion but why eyeballs matter more than market size when it comes to expansion and also thoughts on college football being in a media bubble. A media bubble = overpayment for a product at a time when technology is rapidly changing.



The conventional wisdom is SEC Football will not expand in the near future. There are a couple of reasons why the conventional...


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Unfortunately it is the brains behind the SEC that have the most wisdom on this.


The reasoning in the article above illustrates the value of the Oregon Brand beyond the location.

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Mr. FishDuck

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On 6/24/2023 at 10:10 AM, Jon Joseph said:

This is a terrific article that discusses not only expansion but why eyeballs matter more than market size when it comes to expansion and also thoughts on college football being in a media bubble. A media bubble = overpayment for a product at a time when technology is rapidly changing.

I agree with both Jon and Charles.  I like what the writer said in this portion of the article:


"For those who want a summary, the measure of the value of a college football brand should be measured by the viewing interest it creates. Loesche tracked ACC teams going back to 2012 and tabulated how many games drove 4M or more viewers. The number was 19 for Clemson and 16 for Florida State. The number for UNC was two and for UVA it was zero.

It is easy to see which brands ESPN wants and just as easy to see that SEC Football gets almost no value from adding UNC, UVA, and basically every other ACC team, except for Clemson and FSU."


With what Charles been saying and studies that have shown, this proves what the writer presented in this article is true.


Oregon's brand along with the 7th largest fan base in the country, and the eyeballs watching games proves Oregon's value should not be limited to media market size in the Portland area.


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