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Charles Fischer

If You Have ANY Doubts about Lanning--See This

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My FishDuck Friends, this is an article below, but I listened to the 34 minute interview below the article with Marshall Malchow...and was blown away by so much of what I heard.  You cannot listen to this without realizing further just how special Dan Lanning is, and what made Malchow leave a lucrative job at Texas A&M to come to Oregon.


You learn a ton Malchow's role, and a similar history of fighting his way to get hired....as Coach Lanning did.  Again...you will learn a ton about Lanning--whew!


And yeah...I am biased, but having the FishDuck Feed is so handy.  I was sitting on the back patio enjoying the summer breeze, the view and listening to a podcast brought to us by the 'Feed?  Sweet.



Oregon's chief of staff Marshall Malchow explains what a chief of staff does


I am so grateful to the incredible efforts of Pennsylvania Duck!

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Mr. FishDuck

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Yes, Pennsylvania Duck is on it!


I just did a drive by through the FishDuck Feed and there are already some articles I'm going to be back to read in a bit. 

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I love this statement by Malchow: "I bought my first house in Eugene... Hopefully, we can stop bouncing around and establish some roots," 


I really think much of this staff considers this long term! Great news!!

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There have to be doubts about everything. Sandy Koufax was nervous before every game he pitched, but there's nervous like seeing a fin while you're taking a swim, and there are the nerves about Lanning starting his career at Oregon against the defending champ, his old school.


Nerves are what makes sports fun, they're why we're counting down to Sep.3. Alabama has a different set of nerves going into seasons, and a ton of credit to Saban for keeping that going in Tuscaloosa. The "Royalty" up north don't have nerves, but denial does that. 

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This article just added to the Fishduck Feed falls right in with this post. Lanning is looked on highly by his staff. Read what Coach Lupoi has to say about Lanning.


"You know that he truly does believe and back up his words, and every day when he talks about demands, what he wants from our staff, that he’s living that as well right there with you.”



The Oregon defensive coordinator has a tremendous amount of respect for the way Dan Lanning leads his progrum.


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What is truly inspiring is the fact that we as fans get jacked up over bits and pieces, moments, that these men share with us. The players on this team practically live with them.


The vibe these players have for the Duck family came out clearly during the spring game. Seeing how much fun they were having was amazing. 


Thats top down leadership. It starts with Dan Lanning and has spread throughout Duck Nation at every level. 

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These (and a lot others) are truly gems for us Duck football followers looking to understand the heart of the program.  Many, many thanks, gents, for all your efforts.



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 It seems every time I read or hear a coach or player interview I get even more jacked up than I was before hand.


 This group of Ducks can cause Goosebumps if your not careful. 


 Seems like we’ve  been waiting for this for quite some time and I hope it is as good as we all feel about it.

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