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Everything posted by 47sgs

  1. Cristobal is not an innovator, as has been mentioned. He's conservative, and he plays the players that have the most experience and practice the best that week, unless he has no choice but to play a freshman. Other players may have much more talent, but unless he sees an overwelming improvement in using a given young player, he'll stick with experience and who he thinks practiced best. The problem is, the most talented and productive don't always practice the best. Some of these kids are "gamers", they rise to the occasion in games and under pressure. They may not truly buy into the practicing, but given game opportunities, they produce. Devon Williams is one who comes to mind. Any one of those 3 young quarterbacks could be a gamer that rises to the occasion and competition, but we'll never know as coach just won't take that chance.
  2. It's way more than just winning a game. The team has just become boring. i'm so tired of runs between the tackles and no imagination for an offense. I'm tired of a qurterback who is so limited. It's more than wins and losses, I want to see a team thats fun to watch, and ours is not.
  3. According to Duckwire, it sounds like Brown is going to continue as the starting quarterback. Either Cristobal is just incredibly stubburn, or the three freshman just aren't ready or aren't that good.
  4. It's really unfortunate Moorhead is out of commision as the bye period starts. I just don't see a quarterback change occurring without him present to make it happen. Wish I knew how long he'll be away . With Cal, we could use two quarterbacks and let Brown anf TT play half the game each to ease TT into game situations, but I doubt they'll do that.
  5. I hope Cristobal watched the Chargers and his old quarterback tonight. Even more, I wish he would learn something from Staley, like how to run an effective, imaginative offense, how to be unpredictable, and how to manage a game clock. What a difference. Very fun game to watch. That coach is really sharp.
  6. I'm an avid college football fan, Oregon specifically, but have never spent time watching the pros. I've always looked at them as a bunch of over paid prima donnas. But now that we have a local Oregon quarterback playing for a west coast pro team with an apparently very smart head coach, I may become a fan.
  7. I do take it with a grain of salt, as I'm sure he wouldn't say anything negative. But from my perspective, Brown is a one year player, the other three quarterbacks have all or most of their eligibility left. Unless Brown is heads and shoulders above the rest, I think the staff should concentrate on developing a multi year started, someone who will give the offense consistency and continuity over a few seasons. If Brown is used this year because he's slightly better than the other three, we'll have the same issue the following year trying to develop a starting quarterback. And while he may have the experience, it's generally thought he doesn't have the high ceiling of some of our other recruits.
  8. For Oregon, the 10 transfers are likely a result of our continually improving recruiting. Those already not getting much playing time can see the writing on the wall. Isn't Shough the only player that's transferring that has had much playing time? If recruiting continues at the present pace, I'd think the transfers will continue. I guess that just makes room for better players.
  9. There must be something Moorhead really likes about this kid, as I believe he was recruiting him well before moving here to Oregon. Just because he's considered a pro style QB doesn't mean he's a statue and can't move. Numerous QB recruits are rated at some level as both a pro style and at a different level as a dual threat, though I don't know if this kid fits this senario. Of the two pro style recruits that left, Millen was never going to move up the depth chart and Shough left because either he or the coach, or both, lost confidence with him on the field. But at least he, as mostly a pro style recruit, got the chance to try to prove himself and play in Moorhead's offense. His failure wasn't in his ability to move, rather his lack of confidence in what a pro style QB should be best at.
  10. Tanner Bailey, 4-Star, Rivals , No. 9 Pro-Style quarterback gave Oregon a verbal commitment today. from 247 sports.com That will mean four of the players in the QB room will be 4 or 5-star QBs for next year. Cristobal is rolling.
  11. It appears, according to Arizona State sites, that recently Oregon commit Jace Feely has backed off his commitment and has now committed to Arizona State. That's very unfortunate, as he had a very strong leg, regularly kicking kickoffs 70 yards. That would have been a significant benefit for us. Hope coach can find another one.
  12. Nothing the matter with the way Darren Thomas ran the offense either. He was pretty cool, calm and collected, and while not having the best arm or legs, he was really efficient keeping the offense moving. The team was awfully good with him at the helm. I'd still go with Marcus however.
  13. That's true up to a point, but they're going to need to develop an interesting offense with a killer instinct to finish off an opponent to keep me, and a lot of fans truly motivated. Fans come to games to be entertained. It's not entertaining to watch 3 runs between tackles for maybe a first down, but it is entertaining to watch an imaginative offense where you never know what's coming . Winning by 14-13 is still winning, but scoring 21 in the 4th quarter to put someone away is much more fun, exciting, and entertaining. It also plays better on a national level.
  14. I want badly for Cristobal to succeed, to be that super star coach, and maybe he will. But as a spoiled fan that remembers the Kelly, Helfrich years, I also want to be entertained. So Woody Hayes 3 yards and a cloud of dust power football just isn't entertaining to me. Even if Cristobal is highly successful playing power football, there will be an exit of interested fans, probably me included. Oregon's fourth quarter play offensively has been conservative, boring and pathetic. To be that super star coach, he needs an aggressive, imaginative offense for a full four quarters that isn't afraid to try to put teams away, and someone that can manage the end of a game.
  15. I see no way that they can verify lack of transmission during a game, or through fan base interaction. Neither of those make any sense to me, knowing how contagious covid is. Sounds like they're doing the best they can keeping players safe with heavy testing. The fans, not so much.
  16. He knows he can go wherever he chooses and whenever he chooses. He hasn't been to Ohio State, and it's been awhile since he's been to Alabama and Oregon. If he's unsure at this point, he certainly has the option to travel to these schools on his own to physically check each of them out so he can make an informed decision. As tight as he's kept his recruiting, I don't see this being a prima donna move.
  17. I hate to see the Ducks again use a 1 year wonder in Brown when there is so much talent in the QB room. Unfortunately, this past year the young qbs didn't get much camp time to hone their abilities. With Thompson coming in and still two young recruits, if we're able to have a full spring and fall camp, who knows which player could emerge as a potential starter. Shough may not be the answer, but maybe one of these 3 will be.
  18. Kansas City was fun to watch. Their offense was so varied, and so many variations off the same plays. I loved their shovel passes, even the underhand pass. You can still have power as well as finesse and trickery.
  19. My assumption is the two were sitting out due to contact tracing, meaning they were exposed to a test positive case and are required to quarantine for 14 days. During that 14 days, they , themselves, may become contagious for 3-4 days prior to developing any covid symptoms if they were to contract covid, so I also assume they are being tested regularly. Why they were allowed to be with the team in the facility is beyond me.
  20. Just now saw that Cyrus Habibi-Likio has entered the transfer portal, apparently to get more playing time. He was never going to be the go to back, but he's been pretty useful for short yards. We need another bigger back.
  21. I'm sorry but from my perspective, I think comparing Covid to Influenza A isn't reasonable. Regarding the influenza vaccine, it's incredibly ineffective and is based on a guestimate of what strains will be prevalent that year In a given year, we have 9-45 M influenza cases, up to 500,00 hospitalizations, and 12-60,000 deaths, with the majority of those being end of life infections. In less than a year, we've had 22 million Covid cases, 370,000 deaths, 3rd leading cause of deaths for 45-85 yo citizens, and 2nd leading cause of death for people over 85 with most professionals suggesting it's under reported in that age group. While I'm retired, colleagues have kept me up to date regarding local hospitals cases, and Covid is not something to take lightly, especially in an aged population like many on this forum. Both illnesses affect end of life and medically compromised patients most severely, but Covid is significantly more deadly and significantly more contagious with a significant percentage of long term after effects. It remains to be seen what the dynamics will look like once a large portion of the population is vaccinated, and what the time frame is for immunity from that vaccine. As far as how it is handled for the next football season, at this point I see it as completely up in the air based on accessibility to vaccination, compliance to being vaccinated, seasonal infection rate, unknown longevity of immunity, and what the state will allow at that point in time. So far, our state has been more cautious than most.
  22. I was pleasantly surprised at Shough after the first game. He looked confident, passed and ran well. I just can't believe it's the same guy I watched the last two games of the year. He looked like the cat on a hot tin roof. I hope they can do something get his confidence back. Butterfield looked intriguing and talented, but I'm afraid he doesn't fit what they want in a mobile quarterback. Without the mobility threat, the offense Oregon runs will be even more limited. Millen won't be the answer, Brown is a short termer at best, so unless they are able to fix Shough or Butterfield is more mobile than projected, Thompson and Ashford might ultimately be the answer.
  23. I think this post is really a great answer to how things will go at Autzen this fall, and as of now, it's completely up in the air. Hopefully, with 8 months to go and the vaccine rolling out quickly, Covid will be starting to be in the rear view mirror. As far as the vaccine, everyone will have to make their own decision, but from my perspective, I will get it ASAP. I'm retired from the medical field, and really don't see a big downside. Our bodies are attacked by antigens continually. The vaccine is simply an artificially constructed antigen simulating a Covid antigen attack. The vaccines potential long term negative effects are certainly far less than the potential 10% from the real disease. With a projected 90% efficiency, it appears as a win-win.
  24. In our litigious world we now live in, I would think it would be very hard for the University to open the gates to Autzen to just everyone. There would simply be too many possible reprecussions, both legally and socially to allow them to do that. As a state run institution, I would also guess they will have to answer to whatever the state mandates they do. I certainly have no answers, as I see both sides of the vaccination issue. It would be difficult to allow only vaccinated people and not allow others, yet equally difficult to just let everyone in.
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