Dieon spent the last 15/20 years raising his children,.showing up to NFL games and helping found a school.
During that time he honed his coaching skills. Starting from pee wee football.
He is Deion Sanders arguably the best cover corner IN THE HISTORY OF FOOTBALL. And he started with Pee wee.
Not corners coach for major a university. Which most, if not all, would have loved to have him.
You call him brash. I call him honest. Have you watched any of his press conferences in their entirety? Or just the sound bites? He is actually a humble man. Genuinely deferring to the team and his fellow coaches.
In our community it's not bragging if you can back it up. He spent his entire professional football (and baseball) career backi it up.
And the last comment that he wouldn't be a good coach without his Kid. Sounds like grabbing at straws to me.