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Duck 1972

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Posts posted by Duck 1972

  1. He was the best WR left in the portal with 3+ years experience especially in the PAC.  We offered several other portal WR but they chose to go elsewhere.


    There are many factors why a player may not be able to be the "one" at any particular school and a chance with a different coach is all they need.


    Again if he doesn't have the talent to beat out the players we currently have he will still be a help with the depth of the WR room.


    More importantly help our very inexperienced but very talented WRs with his experience.

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  2. Obviously the presidents have spoken they don't care about sports. Period!  


    I believe the time difference is a big problem for any kind of merging by the PAC. The late show hurts us nationally. The lack of eyes and attendance means less interest therefore less money. What TV enterprises are going to pay us anywhere close to SEC/B1G to be able to compete with them. No merger will change this fact IMHO.


    To me when you try to swim up a waterfall all you get is wet. Therefore you change how you go about it and portage around it. 


    The SEC is going to poach Clemson FSU and possibly Miami. What will the rest of the ACC going to do to keep playing CFB, the same with the bigger schools in the Big 12 and PAC. 


    Again the only solution is to do an Alliance/Divisions/leagues. At least it would level playing field as to amount of money each school will have, which should allow for better competition on the field of play.


    Since money is what is doing the driving and always has and it has been discussed how this isn't going to change we are left with where we already are.


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  3. On 2/20/2022 at 4:08 PM, HappyToBeADuck said:

    This has been an eye opening thread and again thanks Southern Duck and all the posters. Great stuff....


    Makes me wonder or question:


    Are TT and JB over rated? Do they have the mental acumen to learn and execute the new offense? Or were they not given enough real time opportunities?


    Did MC and his staff teach these young men? Did they recognize the ceiling of the QB's talent? Or was it easier or safer to stick with AB? Were the coaches even capable or willing to adapt to their QB's abilities?


    Most important:


    Can Coach Lanning and his staff recognize then develop the talents TT and JB possess?


    Can the Ducks put in place an offensive scheme that players will adapt to. Keep it simple, continues and the main staple. Just like Saban at Bama .......


    Remember you can count on your hand how many true frosh QBs start a game in college. The transition from HS to CFB is tremendous no matter how much talent you are supposed to have.


    And just like any teenagers you have those that are willing to wait for their time and those that want it now. Out of this group u will have many who can't hit a curve, late bloomers and the best.


    In the end it's all a crap shoot anyway.

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  4. On 2/20/2022 at 3:51 PM, HappyToBeADuck said:

    Jon, great take and you know I stand with you. The PAC and B12 should follow the advice of this time honored saying, "United we stand, divided we fall.


    Should they merge or work collectively to improve their media rights dollars.? Yes they should......


    Will they merge or work collectively to improve their media rights dollars? No the probably won't.....


    Why not? My guess the PAC 12 presidents will take a pass.


    Why will they pass? Let's take a short review to answer that.


    1. Back in the very beginning the PAC Conference and PAC Network was offered by the Networks to partner together. The PAC Presidents said no to a media partnership. They felt they could build a successful media sports network. With their giant egos, unrivaled arrogance and academic prowess they wanted to prove to the other conferences that they could build a network. Without the help of people who knew how to do it. The PAC Presidents wanted all the money. No sharing with others. Ask yourself,  how did that work out for all 12 members?


    2. Once the PAC Network was up and running they couldn't market the Network to all the giant cable networks. The number of eyes balls watching was limited. The coverage became regional. Thus advertisers paid the Network less dollars for less eyeballs. At least the 12 Presidents didn't have to share their limited revenues. 


    3. The 12 Presidents made what I consider the first of 3 major decisions that may prove fatal to some of the current conference members: FIrst, they hired and took advice from Larry. Second, when Larry's advice and direction failed they kept him in charge way to long. Third, after firing Larry and hiring GK, they are failing to admit their mistakes and move forward with help. The decisions are still being made by 12 presidents not qualified to make these types of decisions. 


    4. Then when the SEC handed the PAC Conference, PAC Network and 12 closed minded presidents a way out, the 12 dwarfs said no.  They said no to giving the B-12 a life jacket or life line  The PAC presidents didn't want to merge and felt the conference was in a position of strength as it currently stands. WTH............

    They didn't want to make less money. OBD Forum don't be fooled by that bull.... The PAC was in control of the entire situation. No revenues will change or would have changed until Texas and OU headed to the SEC. The PAC presidents failed to see that now the PAC will need a life jacket or life line.


    5. The 12 presidents failed to learn from their mistakes. When given a chance to add millions of eyeballs from coast to coast, they said no. When given a chance to expand the footprint, they said no. When given the chance to save the network by giving advertisers more eye balls they said no. The arrogant, unqualified 12 members of the brain trust said NO......


    Based on their past decision making why would they now say, yes?

    Amazing post, Happy. So many detailed points that I believe are the truth. You can't peel the onion any further. 


    My solution would be to create more divisions. You have the B1G and SEC in one. The ACC, us and big 12 in an Alliance. Teams can move up or down by merit.


    Kind of like the pod example stated in earlier posts on other topics in the same vein as this one. Nothing else changes although tweaks might occur. I don't see any other way to level the playing field.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Agree. But I don't necessarily believe it's the stars.


    I think this is the first time that Dana's mishmash of new guys haven't meshed together as a team. They thought they had and then Cal happened and it deflated them.


    ASU just a bad game. Then to have UA at McHale on the ropes! They missed a golden opportunity to save the season. I just don't see it happening this year. Sure hope I'm wrong but?

  6. I can't remember the kids name but back in 1999 there was a stud linebacker out of McNary HS in Salem.


    I knew his uncle. There were a bunch of us pushing him to make sure he tried to get the kid to go to OBD. He said he and his dad were doing so but in the end it was up to him.


    It came down to us or UCLA and it was close to signing day. We had gotten together for a BBQ and asked where the kid had decided to go.


    The uncle said it was UCLA. We were all disappointed and asked why? He didn't hesitate and replied. It came down to the fact of sun and barely clad girls. As we were all red blooded American males, who could argue with that logic.


    Now I don't have a clue what why or how a kid decides where to go to school. I'm sure there are many factors.


    I guess I'm only positing that what ever the reasons I believe that u can make a mistake. Come to your senses and do what Cota has done and come back home. I can't fault him for that desicion.


    Besides if DL didn't think he could improve our team he wouldn't have gotten the offer in the first place. So welcome home Mr Cota now help us win a championship.


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  7. On 2/18/2022 at 11:27 AM, Axel said:

    The USC Trojans have won 11 national championships. The Oregon Ducks, as we are painfully aware, have won 0 national championships.


    A resurgent USC does not help the Ducks in their quest for that elusive first national title. Casual football fans can celebrate two Pac-12 powerhouses. As a Duck fan, I’m in favor of one—and only one—dominant program. And that program’s colors are not cardinal and gold.


    USC fans, not surprisingly, wish no success for Oregon. They’d like the Ducks to revert back to the 70s and 80s, when we struggled to beat Sister Mary Elephant and the Little Sisters of the Poor.


    What happens if a rejuvenated USC creates a decades-long Ducks drought of College Football Playoff appearances? I have a sneaking suspicion that we’ll no longer hear, “It’s more fun with a tougher USC,” “We need a strong USC in the Pac-12,” and, “I wish success for Lincoln Riley.”

    Axel and Crtman I agree with both you but the genie is out of the bottle. Here's my take on the issue.


    The reason the SEC and BIG 10 are so dominate is they have so many good to great teams. Iron sharpens iron, playing against the best will make you better. That's why they get the best players and the most money.  


    If we can't beat a great USC how can we compete with the blue bloods back East and South. I would always like to be there, but to then lose badly like OU isn't something I want either.


    I believe that's what is needed for the PAC not just to get to the PO but win. I also believe we are going to be able to do so with a DL defense, a SEC offense and top 10 recruiting classes year in and year out.


    We may lose in the end but bring it on USC. You are going to have to take the league back from us on the field of play, then we'll see who is walking the walk and not just talking the talk.


    We'll win some lose some but in the end it can only help both of us as long as a majority of the PAC also gets better soon.


    • Thumbs Up 3
  8. I believe it was last year. The greatest win in program history. At the "shoe" against mighty tOSU.


    No one, I mean no one including my homer self, gave us any chance. And it wasn't a fluke. We controlled that game from start to finish. And without our best player.


    I know last year left a sour taste in the latter part of the season but for that game it was brilliantly coached, played and the most exciting I've seen.

  9. I want to see 1 more year before I make any conclusions about Chip. This McGovern guy did coach in the pros so that's something.


    Also being 60k in the hole is a situation that would be hard to manage by anyone.


    He did find a lot of 💎 in the rough while here and everyone says the QB is the key and he's got a good one still playing for him and one in waiting. 


    He did turn a corner and had a good season last year. Let's not bury him yet.

  10. I believe that players loved to play for MC. I've read 3 articles by KT, McKinley and G Moore which confirmed so.


    I also believe we are going to see similar if not better from DL and staff. With all of the things he is doing there's no other option.


    I believe we are witnessing something new being created that will revamp CFB (especially coaching) probably just like CK did when he was here.


    As Hayward has stated many times, this is the innovation the Ducks have in spades.

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