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Duck 1972

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Posts posted by Duck 1972

  1. Thanks Notalot.   Lots of things to ponder. My thoughts if they hadn't been co-ordinaters on both sides of the ball, it would be more difficult doing what you're saying. Also every 1 of coaches has at least 10 years experience and around teams that do do what you're saying. Because of this I feel they're fine. Yes a couple of mistakes but nothing long term.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. On 1/21/2022 at 10:03 AM, Jester said:

    Pretty good take on Justius here.




    This guy for the Utes is blown away. Says Lowe's polished with tremendous route running. Runs by people who are 10yrd off him. No way is he a 4.47 40, more like 4.40. Says he's the best WR that he's seen on tape for the Utes recruits this year. Says he will contribute 1st year.


    Wow I love diamonds in the rough Go Lowe Fly High.


  3. I believe they already have the talent. Gonzalez/Manning will be our next guys. Manning was set back by injuries in FR year. Dickerson, Davies, Bossa and Bridges are all top end.


    Our problem is depth. We have a chance on 3 HS top end corners come signing day. Already have 1 in pipeline which should give us advantage over SC with Florence, 1 of 3 mentioned above. We should be ok.

  4. Jon the FB budget at most of the schools were bad before covid but now it's off the charts. Money has always been a priority but now it's a must. That's why the report by Mercury News above is so pertinent. The league and schools can not lose any more money. Also that's why I believe Mullen's scheduling of Georgia makes sense. They tried to sell it as a chance for the Ducks to play with the best to up our profile and it actually did that.  Look at tOSU last year.

  5. Oregon is no different than any other school. 5* will want to start right away and if they can't they'll transfer were they can. The portal is such a game changer.


    Recruiting will still be important but not as much. I believe the emphasis will be more on finding depth and guys that are at least a couple of years away from starting.


    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. I did think of a couple more things. I seem to like it when we got Nix, the DL from UW and Gonzalez from COL this year so far and numerous in other years so to be consistent I can't fault them when they leave.


    Also this shows what it would have looked like, if the portal was here before. If head coaches left, the kids couldn't do anything about it and had to stay with a head coach who they never had a relationship with, which I posit is just as important as the school. 


    He's a graduate senior so if he wants to go home or make more money who am I to fault him. In fact I believe that that's the way it was for numerous years and didn't have a problem with that. Until they changed it to everyone. It hurts but will be ok.


    He was a great player for the Ducks for 4yrs. It's just like if he'd turned pro. In fact he did.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  7. On 1/21/2022 at 9:25 AM, Duck 1972 said:

    The way I understand it, schools are in a no win situation. If they start paying the players a stipend as u suggest Congress will come in and blow up the cash cow of all of the other college sports.


    The NCAA makes huge monies off CFB and C Basketball but that's it, no other sports make anything close to the cost. Then u bring in Title IX and there's not enough money unless things stay the same. Thus the boosters, corporations and networks.



    This is the best idea they can come up with, a " new constitution". By calling it "amateur sports" they can avoid this delema and have since the beginning of the NCAA. 


    As with everything it's extremely complicated with no easy answer so they kick the can down the road. The problem is, it eventually falls anyway.

    Posted this on another post. I believe this is the problem. As it stands now I see Jons solution as possible under the new constitution because it allows all conferences make up their own rules. Maybe this was the point of the Alliance from the start. 


    Just read an article by Paul Fienbaum the noted reporter for the SEC say ND, FSU and Clemson should join the SEC. Here we go.

  8. I heard on AM 1080 The Fan today a comment of the one thing the schools don't want is to have is the players being paid as employees. That's why 80% passed this new version of the constitution. They will do anything they can including kicking the can.


    Again this might work out because if they have to pay the players as employees it will gut the money for all the other college sports CFB pays for. 


    Let's see how it goes. Always hoping for the best.

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