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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Not a problem. We will have four starters who played extensively or started in Josh Connerly, Marcus Harper, Jackson Powers-Light, and Steven Jones. Add Ajani Cornelius--the best offensive lineman in the portal, and you have FIVE starters who are proven prior starters or who played almost as much. Oh yeah. Can't forget the Texas transfer, Junior Angilau, who started 30+ games at guard, and the monster guard, Nishad Strother, from Eastern Carolina.
  2. If I was a fan of another team in the conference? What is above would be quite depressing. In particular...if I was a Cougar or Golden Bear fan I'd...
  3. As you know, I am an Oregon Pom-Pom waver, yet I do so based on reasonable rationale and facts. Below are the number of Rivals 4/5-Stars signed for 2023, and verbaled for 2024 by school in the upcoming Pac-10/12 as we will know it. Oregon 27 Stanford 12 Washington 11 Utah 10 Colorado 7 Arizona 4 Arizona St. 3 Oregon St. 1 Wash. St. 0 Cal 0 This is based on just a year and a half of recruiting...and look at the gap Dan Lanning is creating. After four years--the difference in talent will be so enormous that it will put Oregon in a position that USC was at many years ago--when they won the conference routinely and challenged for a 'Natty nearly every year. That is Oregon's future.
  4. Many of you Greybeards are snickering at the title, because you have read quite a bit about this over the years, but unfortunately--some newbies are unaware. The bottom line is that I get very annoyed with ongoing negative about a topic from the same people. Have you told us your extreme negative perspective once in the last week? We got it. Read that? We got it. You can do that once a week, and it is fine with me; that is still four times a month and over 50 times a year. That is enough. But a few of you are hitting us nearly every day, or even several times a day in different ways. We have a rule about it, and suggest you read Rule No. 31a-d about it because I've banned a ton of people over this rule. Some actually think I wouldn't ban them, even after being told I just did ban someone for two months. I'd rather have no posts, then a seemingly endless stream of negative. Do NOT misinterpret this as No-Negative, as we continue to do “Critical Analysis” of player performance and coaching decisions. That is what we do on a forum, and will continue to...always. Negative on all topics is fine; extreme redundant negative on a topic is not. We have a ton to be happy about...
  5. You are working very hard to support your "anti-Pac12" narrative with a 12 team Playoff, but that is not surprising considering your other posts in the last month. The bottom line remains as stated before: if Oregon stacks top-ten recruiting classes as it is--we will dominate the conference, win the league the majority of time and be a welcome addition to the Playoffs.
  6. I still watch if often again on YouTube...when I can handle the extreme realistic violence. The taking of the airport on Peleliu, the battle at Alligator Creek on Guadalcanal, were epic episodes.
  7. If Oregon becomes as powerful as we believe under Dan Lanning, and wins the conference a time or two, and gets into the Playoffs--we will have additional credibility built in that can enable us to still make a 12 team playoff when another Pac-12 team has a great year and wins the conference. But you already knew that. You just wanted to take our happy moment and... You will not be seeing Rufus for a couple of months as I've placed him a "time-out" for excessive negative and needling. (If you are having trouble taking the hint....PM me)
  8. To me, this news is huge because it states the priority of making the Playoffs is more important than a large media contract. Obviously they have access to metrics/numbers that we do not that enter into their decision-making process. It is evident that making the Playoff benefits more for Oregon in terms of the Brand, visibility, recruiting, and ultimately...money. To be clear--I am not saying that beating Washington, Utah, Oregon State, etc. is an easy task. But it is not as daunting as Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, USC, and someone else on a given year, such as Wisconsin or Iowa. If the Playoff is the goal--then the Pac-12 is the clear choice, and again--they must have calculated the massive B1G contract into the comparison. Yet...this could also be a massive lift for Oregon over the next five years to build our audience so large that we can name our price to any conference later. We will have leverage no matter where we end up. It is a good day to be a Duck!
  9. Below is what Canzano wrote in a column today, and it confirms what the No. 1 priority for which conference Oregon will be in... "The Ducks hired a high-profile consulting firm and charged it with conducting an assessment of its options. It quickly determined that access to the College Football Playoff mattered more to the Ducks than just about anything. Booster Phil Knight is the great equalizer, after all. Having top-notch facilities, the branding power of Nike, and the wealthiest donor collective in the conference positions Oregon to matter regularly in a 12-team postseason. That the Ducks don’t have to deal with Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State to get there is an advantage. As UO athletic director Rob Mullens told me in a 1-on-1 interview: “If you win your league you’re in.” For that reason, Oregon remains on board with the Pac-12."
  10. Not favored playing at Washington? To quote the famous WWII Marine General, Chesty Puller... "All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us…they can't get away this time."
  11. 90-95% of current year verbals stick--I've noted this over time. Verbals for a year and a half later, (2025)....are not very dependable!
  12. He is a lock to announce for Georgia; we are just a hat on the table with this one...
  13. I love it. Oregon and Lanning are underrated, so, pundits, get back to me after the 2023 season!
  14. The PAC-12 has shown the bottom line numbers, and will when everything is announced, but I do not have the prior ones memorized. They showed us us net from all revenue and all expenses, and I am sure they will again.
  15. I believe in truth in advertising, and you have not been taking my hints. PM me if you wish to discuss.
  16. Right. None of us know or understand anything since we are not in the negotiations, do not know what the different parties want and when....etc. When it is announced it will all become clear; until then we are just speculating. Nobody is speaking from fact; even those quoted from the room is still hearsay.
  17. Geez...this guy has an incredible offer list...Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, Miami, Penn State, USC and Washington among them all. Dylan Williams | Rivals.com N.RIVALS.COM Dylan Williams - 2024 4 Star Inside linebacker for Poly (Long Beach, CA) on Rivals.com
  18. Dylan Williams, a Rivals 4-Star linebacker has declared that his verbal will be announced on Friday, July 7th, time TBD.
  19. Justin Williams of Conroe, Texas has his pick of the top teams such as Georgia, Alabama, Ohio State...and now Oregon. He is making his decision yet this summer, and most think it is an Georgia-Oregon battle in the end. Few in the US have the track record of Dan Lanning while he was with the Dawgs, and he wants to make Williams a centerpiece of what he is building on the west coast. Note he is not large, but athletic and fast, the trademark of the Bulldog linebackers who were the freaks who made the 4-2-5 MINT defense so difficult for opponents. Keep in mind that the players that Georgia have committed, and are in the thick of for their verbal is simply crazy...what we would dream about. But Dano has us in this, as he does so many other 4/5-Stars out there. The mods and Dawg fans on the Georgia On3 site seem to be getting less and less confident than they were even a week ago about Justin Williams. Most admit that it is razor thin, but Lanning's relationship might be edge; interesting quotes from him about the two locations: “Two different places. Hard to say which one is better.” “Oregon is like family. Georgia is a tough atmosphere, but you can live your life.”
  20. My Duck-Buddies...I have a special pit built with firebrick in the backyard with unique racks created to cook chicken at the perfect height. Thus with the smoke salt, and basted with butter, we have a tasty-salty crust with a moist center--and often the chicken just falls off the bone. Add to that a departure from my diet for some Potato Salad...and we have a fantastic 67th birthday, and 4th of July celebration. Someday...I'd love to do this for some OBD members!
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