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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. I am not wild about 4:00 PM kickoffs, but they are much better than night games, and it does start at 7:00 PM back east, and thus prime exposure. I really love 12:30 PM kickoffs...and the crowd wearing yellow!
  2. ...we have the offense this year to do it. Now we would need some turnovers by the defense, but that is possible as they are coming around. Or am I being too mean? I never said I was noble....
  3. I received an email from the ticket department stating that it is a 4:00 PM time, and the network is Fox. They ask us to wear yellow, and that has worked for us before...
  4. And going for an onside kick with 2 1/2 minutes left? I cannot even imagine that the game would ever be in doubt, and it is in the Colosseum? Colorado beat Cal, and scored a boatload on Arizona State, who is now giving UCLA fits at the end of their game. Maybe we ought to appreciate our road victories a little more than we are? It is all there for the taking, and to achieve. Do it Ducks!
  5. Alabama has two losses, Clemson has a loss, and is unimpressive--ditto for undefeated TCU. If Oregon can do their part....
  6. Well, not right now. I've finished my own game notes, uploading pictures from the FishDuck photographer, uploading photos from the official Oregon photographer, declaring the prediction winner....and in celebration I'm on my third tasty Oregon Craft Beer IPA from Bend. Not my best time for stats. But that IS a lot of air.
  7. ...is DUCati855! His 49-13 prediction had a differential of only three, and nobody else was that close. He was amazing correct in the numbers of turnovers, as he nailed it with three. But what he did with passing yardage was spooky; he predicted 284 yards, which is what the final amount was! He deserved this one, and thanks to all for taking a shot.
  8. TCU is rated at No. 7, and while they are good....I certainly believe that Oregon would beat them. It will be interesting to watch Alabama and LSU for the same impressions. But then....none of it matters if we don't win. And we have a dandy in a week...
  9. He is snake-bitten for sure. It all goes bad when he steps in there....some kind of bad karma it seems.
  10. OK, I am going to close this thread, and let's start new threads to discuss the game.
  11. I can make a video of it if need be; he did the whole slash a couple of times. This is one time incompetent Pac-12 officials favored us...
  12. Here we are my friends, the thread for discussing the actual game as it happens. Let's discuss before, and during the game! The vast majority of you are GREAT in this thread, but you must remember that this forum is different, as we require civilized discussion. Rule No. 31d covers GameDay thread conduct, and it is not hard for the vast majority of us--just a tiny few who need to reign it in. Let's Have Fun Posting During the Game!
  13. I thought they made a rule forbidding it? In the unsportsmanlike conduct category? Brandon Dorlus giving the gesture after a TFL vs. Cal... Not a classy look...
  14. The contract they have with the ACC for playing five games a year in football with the ACC conference. (They played and beat ranked Syracuse last week, and play Clemson this week)
  15. I respect your views airspace, and really appreciate the information you have brought to us. But in the end--most of us do not want to join the B1G, and would prefer for the Pac-12 to survive. This might mean at Oregon we spend the same on football as B1G teams do, but have to cut other sports. But so much is yet to be learned: --What is the 12 team playoff going to pay? --What is the new TV and Streaming contracts going to pay Pac-12 schools? --If the team going to the Playoff or bowl game gets 50% of the take with the rest divided 11 ways--the winners are rewarded. We have yet to learn if this will happen in our conference. --It will be easier to make a 12 team Playoff in the Pac-12, and receive that extra money than being in the B1G, IMHO. So, you could be correct eventually, but if I'm going to play in snow--I want it to be in Pullman, and not Minneapolis or Madison, or..... This whole episode has made many of us value our traditions on the west coast, and our connections with the schools in our conference.
  16. Many reports have parties watching to see what Notre Dame does once a number of contracts are announced, thus perhaps then they will decide to join the B1G. But extraordinary FishDuck Editor Bob Rodes, (who is a big ND fan) explained to me--there are two major factors that most of us are not aware of. 1) If Notre Dame joins any conference in football....it has to be the ACC, as their contract states that and it runs until 2035. (Whew!) 2) There are significant risks to the 'Irish joining the B1G, in that new policy in the future could violate their stances on some religious grounds. In view of some of the recent political/religious battles taking place in the courts and legislatures--I would view this as "when" those disagreements between the conference and the 'Irish would occur, not "if." 3) When you consider the flush position they are in with a rumored upcoming 75 million TV contract for home games at renewal...the risk is not worth the reward for joining the B1G, not to mention legal costs with the ACC. They have the money and their independence, so why would they take on those additional problems when financially--they will do just fine? For that reason it helps us with the whole "if we join the B1G," discussion. I would not count on Notre Dame being a part of the rumored "20 Team B1G."
  17. I see Dilly as the ASU coach...in two or three coaching cycles from now at ASU.
  18. There is nobody like Alan anywhere writing about college football. Another masterpiece, with digs in so many directions...whew! So much fun!
  19. Wowsa. There is some superb "priority" stuff in that interview, and after listening to his relationship with Lanning starting at the 9:30 mark....I am not the least bit worried about Dilly leaving anytime soon. I urge everyone to post great stuff if it has not been already, and thank Flaps2 for sharing it with us.
  20. Something smells fishy here. You know how it works with programming football games; the best games that could have the biggest audiences get on the biggest channel venues. So when I saw that Oregon was playing not just the worst team in the conference, but maybe in all of college football--if there was ever a game to be stuck on the back-burner with the Pac-12 Network at 7:30 or 8:00 PM at night....this was the game. But placed on ESPN at prime-time of 12:30? This goes against everything we know, and while I want to delude myself into saying, "the Oregon Brand is back and everyone wants to watch it,"...I can't sell it even to myself. Is ESPN trying to work their way back into the streaming negotiations by throwing the conference, and in particular the Oregon President a bone, with this game? It is all a bit too suspicious to me.
  21. Hello My OBD FishDuck Forum Friends! What is your prediction versus Colorado? Take your shot and let's have fun with it... Lets get these predictions started, and remember I look for the differential between your predicted points with both teams from the actual points. I will use the tiebreaker information when needed, so provide all the data below! Entries without all the information are invalid, and predictions on other threads don't count as I am not going to hunt them all down. I am no longer going to PM three or four people who don't read directions each week. Please follow directions, as I need all that is below for tiebreakers: --the winner --the score --the amount of turnovers Oregon creates --the number of sacks Oregon records on the opposing team --the number of passing yards by the Ducks. My prediction is: Oregon 55-20, 3, 3, 323
  22. As I checked the photos from week to week by our photographers....what Lanning wears on the sideline changes.
  23. L0hunter....you are new and I like your posts already. Do keep sharing your thoughts and WELCOME!
  24. Coach--fantastic as usual and you make it so easy to learn!
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