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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Recruiting defensive line is so hard, and Danno is going to see how hard it is to pull the Big-Boys away from Mama's cooking in the South. I would be looking in Hawaii and Samoa as well....
  2. Amen to that, and FamilyofDucks--do post often and WELCOME! And...Georgia had a 360 pound defensive tackle in the 'Natty, so maybe Coach Lanning wants a player who demands double-teams? A true Nose-Tackle has been hard to recruit to Oregon because there are so few of them.
  3. You learn more about him, as he can become a key part of Lanning's new defense.
  4. Thanks kirklandduck for bringing this as I believe Lanning had some subtle stuff thrown into his conversation as well.
  5. GREAT reminder, and you are quite right, as this IS big. If Oregon has a great year next year--we could poach some more from WA.
  6. Bringing in two defensive linemen from the Portal tells me that Coach Lanning is concerned about the depth and talent on the defensive line. I think it is warranted, because after Dorlus and Popo...the depth has a ton of inexperience, AND they are very light in weight as I pointed out a few times last fall. I read somewhere that Taki from the north was brought in to start? Ah, how many defensive tackles are we going to have? I thought Dorlus and Popo were starters there? Note he was not going after DE/OLBs in the Portal, but defensive tackles. Now this 5-Star DT becomes available? Behold the Lanning-Love that awaits him! You want me to tell to you about Oregon?
  7. I do this once in a while, and tells you the overall quality of your class when your numbers are fewer. Pac-12 Recruiting: Ranking teams by Commitments' Average Talent Rating After Signing Day by Zachary Neel of Ducks Wire
  8. I amended what Log Haulin started at the top, and I cannot convey enough to all Oregon fans....that video is absolutely KILLER for the Oregon fan. Not rah-rah, but the information... And the offensive coordinator could not have made things more exciting to me....impossible. Coach Boles is going to have a BALL breaking this down over the off-season! If you don't watch it--you will really miss a ton of insight--wow. And THANKS to Log Haulin for posting it! This Oregon Coach (left) is VERY Impressive...
  9. Go to this thread...and GREAT to have you back. We missed you!
  10. Thanks for giving me a pass; I am doing that often because when we follow AP (Associated Press) Style...we are much more apt to have our forum thread show up in a Google search. AP Style is capitalizing the first letter in EVERY word, even in quotes, except for the words like "in, is, the, a, etc." And we capitalize the first letter in the last word. This is how a number of people have found us lately...by Google Searches for a particular Oregon subject and we show up. If done over time... It helps us!
  11. Of course I'm obsessed with the Huskies....they are a MAJOR source of my entertainment! They get sassy and.....
  12. He's a long time 3-Star on Rivals....hence Rivals is harder and they have been consistent. But he is with us regardless of the rating and I'm glad.
  13. No sweat. It was news that affected Oregon, and was a good thing for us to watch. None of us bat 1,000.00! (or "1")
  14. Well...he does not have LaMichael's breakaway speed IMHO. LMJ never ran a 40 yard dash above 4.40....all in the 4.30s. It was a big reason for so many explosion plays with him.
  15. Wow. Beat out Mario and Washington....what could be better? Pronounced "You-Lee," and Klemm just killed it in just a month!
  16. Only that you will see a Cat GIF again... Here, Kitty-Kitty...I offer my Husky hand of friendship....
  17. Watch the decision of Dave Iuli at 3:30 live. https://www.cbssports.com/live/?ftag=SHQ-16-10aaa0a Thank you to the Duck-Buddy who sent this along--you know who you are, and you are GOLD to the rest of us. THANKS!
  18. Love it. Let them set the bar real high right off the bat...
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