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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. This is an experience that few coaches have, so I am glad he will get the extra "seasoning!"
  2. Washington State would have been fun to watch and since they don't go to bowls every year...this is too bad for their players.
  3. Travis has given so much for Oregon, and I wish all the happiness to him. Nice practice notes too! Thanks Annie!
  4. It does depend upon how you view it, as high expectations at elite programs are the norm. Calling continued success "spoiled" sounds strange to those accustomed to usual success. We have had OBD members in the past tell others that Oregon fans are "spoiled" from the Chip Kelly years. It was meant as a pejorative, and actually an example of "Throwing Group-Shade" upon those who disagreed with the low-scoring, ball-control offense of Cristobal. I think it is "Okay" to expect good quarterbacking when we have watched so much good coaching identify high-upside quarterbacks, and then develop them into NFL Draft picks. Raised expectations based upon delusion is silly, but raised expectations founded upon so many years of proven performance is not spoiled, but reasonable IMHO.
  5. This was sent along by a Duck-Buddy, and I have qued it up to begin the video right where the question is posed to our center... Could this bring back Ryan Walk and TJ Bass?
  6. Good article, and goes to show what a crap-shoot it is with hiring coaches. You really do not know what you are getting, and I guess that applies to Oregon as well! And THANKS for finding and posting it!
  7. OK...this is not an official public press release, but just what I gathered from an official who was helping me get set up for photos from the Alamo Bowl. When he asked about how many photos are needed...I explained that it depended upon if we won. When Oregon wins the game...the writers at FishDuck can use photos from the game for years, while if we lose (like the Utah games) we will never use those photos again beyond the first week thereafter for reporting purposes. Nobody wants to be reminded of a loss in a future article. So I told him that the likelihood of needing a lot of pictures is probably low...because I think we may get our butts-kicked. Then he responded with quite a surprise... "I thought that too at first, but after being around the Oregon coaches and players this week--we all might be surprised. They seem to be unified and bonded and 'in-it' for each other." I told him that you could knock me over with a Duck feather and he responded with, "I understand, but the vibe I'm getting is that they are going all-out." He went on to say the he personally is "all-in" with Oregon at this point! Wowsa. Did all this adversity create a "bunker mentality" that pulls them together into one purpose? This could be more interesting than we thought! (We are not a reporting site, but this is a FishDuck scoop that was tasty, and if you had been on the call--you would have been stunned as I was.) Whew! This was a fun Alamo Bowl...
  8. As I've written about--this is a real chance for Moorhead to show that the 31 points per game average under his time as OC was not entirely his fault!
  9. And THIS opinion above is what our rules are for; on other sites you would get insulted and bullied into silence. Here, I want to see this--even if painful and not in agreement with the majority of my own view. You bring up some excellent points that make watching for them in the future all that more interesting. You should copy-and-paste your post and save it for future reference for all of us. I want to protect the minority opinion because....my opinion in the early days of Cristobal was quite the minority opinion that grew into the majority. OregonRich...I am glad you feel that you can post your thoughts in safety, and I hope it is an example to everyone. The Duck water in this pond is just fine, so dive in!
  10. You know what I wish I would have asked for? Everyone to post a picture of their Christmas decorations, as I really enjoyed the pictures of the snow and decorations in this thread. Next year!
  11. What are the probabilities that this hiring of Dan Lanning is not an upgrade to what we've had with Cristobal? Vote and give us your thoughts if possible. (I have not done a poll before)
  12. We had a similar light dusting in North Eugene... Nice decorations Wounded Knees!
  13. On Christmas? Nice touch on the gut-punch... After I let it soak in...I realized that this is probably because our new OL coach is not available for recruiting until after his NFL team, Pittsburgh, is done for the season. That won't be until January 3rd, but if the Steelers are in the Playoffs--it would not give the recruit enough time to check out other teams if he does not bond with the new OL coach. So he has to act now... (But he could have waited until the 26th?)
  14. Cool. Welcome back and do post often. As you have seen--we work really hard to protect everyone so they can post without any concerns of getting nasty backlash.
  15. It is a good thing I disabled the negative response emojis, otherwise my own impulse control would be severely tested...
  16. idontrollonshobbas! You returned yesterday for the first time since last January! (Yes, my administrator control panel tells me all that stuff) Great to have you back, and I must confess that there are tons of people like you who signed up during the first three month life of this forum in the first quarter of this year. And many of you would not know it is back, and I have not yet sent emails to everyone. How did you find it alive again? And WELCOME!
  17. We are supposed to have a bunch of snow tonight, but I don't know...
  18. Wrong. The best you can say is half a championship, but the reality is that it was a poll, that declared them half-champs. One year later they were slapped with penalties by the NCAA and the conference for cheating so vast we do not want to waste time on it again here. Thus their championship was won by cheating, and only the Huskies would claim otherwise. In the modern day--those trophies would be returned as USC had to do in 2004. Herb....It would be nice if you would explain your relationship to the Ducks, and why an ASU fan would hang out here. Not complaining, but puzzled. I would not hang out at another school's site unless I was 19 again and wanted to Troll. You do not appear to be Trolling, so...what is your story? My thanks.
  19. I was thinking about this....as an entertainment feature here...a regular thing? Keeping track of the negative stuff of a team, and passing along their delusional stuff is highly entertaining. This has been common on the pay-forums for the over 20 years I've been on them. Since most of you are NOT on them...I might just start bringing more to you. Because for example I'm a member of 247...then I can read the Husky equivalent for free and copy-and-paste their silly stuff as I did this morning. I pondered..."what teams would I want to follow on this?" Only the Huskies and Trojans, since they seem to be most obsessed with us, and Washington is such a long-term hated rival. It really is great entertainment.
  20. Husky fans can unintentionally be quite entertaining and sometime enlightening on their own forums! --I am not sure about the coaching quality, but the ducks are sure filling out their staff with seasoned Pac-12 recruiting-centric position coaches.....Tosh, Klemm, Martin etc. Its an interesting strategy....... --Hiring dirty recruiters. Klemm dirty Meat Dirty Tosh. --So am I missing something with their staff? Who is the adult in the room? --But they’re great recruiters. Isn’t that all matters? --Duck fans are pretty delusional, they’re pretty sure they’re putting together the greatest coaching staff in college football. --A lot of guys known as recruiters 1st and coaches 2nd, to go along with a first-time head coach… --I'm looking at this Oregon strategy: Recruit like mad, have a party atmosphere, fill your roster with top-line talent, figure that "development" is something lesser schools do, and believe that "coaching" is vastly overrated? --I don't know... that sounds a lot like the Cristobal approach. Which makes me think it's just the Oregon approach. --I don't think 0regon is going to get good coaching out of Demetrice Martin, but they will at least get talented recruits. --Oregon could end up just being flat out awesome, or they could end up like Florida State the last few years. I'd be laughing harder about Klemm, but we still have Huff. Meat Martin also hasn't been known as much of a DB coach. Tosh is a decent coach, so is the guy from Nebraska. --Without a pay for play program you're done !!! UW is the poster child for what’s going on in recruiting right now...Greenhorn staff with zero cash. It’s going to be a struggle just to compete with UO for the north. CFPs? It’s over! I want to party with this frat house they’re putting together down there.
  21. You know....Oregon has open scholarships at defensive tackle and receiver from portal transfers recently....wouldn't that frost our friends to the north?
  22. Poor Abbie would do anything for cheese! Merry Christmas to all!
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