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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Well, knock me over with a Duck feather when Eklund and Fetters are not picking the hometown Huskies? Dawgman.com Predictions - Oregon Ducks by Chris Fetters of Dawgman.com An interesting observation of one was how Oregon biggest weakness, (pass defense) is not something they are able to capitalize on with their passing offense and due to the rain.
  2. The article is in error, as Mike Bellotti was not fired as he went on to become Athletic Director, and then retired.
  3. The joke he popped off with in later years was that, "he took a pay-cut to go to Professional Football!"
  4. Love the article David, and no....I do not hope losing to Oregon puts him on the hot seat. I want him there for a few more recruiting cycles! But losing to Oregon AND Washington State? Poor Jimmy doesn't know WHAT he's doing!
  5. Of all in the canine kingdom, few are more talkative than a typical Husky. Now a Husky player gives Oregon more bulletin board material; will it fire up the Ducks? Huskies' Player says Oregon Didn't Deserve Spot in Pac-12 Championship Game Last Season by Zachary Neel of Ducks Wire
  6. Some good information here about how the offensive line is managed, and I was surprised at the move. In the end--I believe it was about Bass being a better "Blindside-Protector?" T.J. Bass a 'Natural' Fit at Left Tackle after Making Move from Guard by Erik Skopil of Duck Territory 247
  7. Much of what they write makes sense... Oregon vs. Washington Football Prediction and Preview by Kyle Kensing of Athlon Sports
  8. Most would think I am referring to 30 years ago with the "Cheating Championship" the Huskies try to claim, but it actually goes back over a century ago! Cheating to win becomes common theme in the history of Washington’s success, and it even began back in 1916 when a Husky head coach actively lobbied to have Oregon players declared ineligible in order to pave the way for the Washington to play in Pasadena instead of Oregon. It was disgusting and, fortunately, did not work, as Benzduck has chronicled it better than anyone else. But wait...there's more from 95 years ago! Washington now turned their dirty dealing to the football field in the 1926 game, as a Husky player came off the bench to tackle Oregon’s Bobby Robinson at midfield while he was returning an interception for a would-be touchdown, doing his best Kenny Wheaton impression almost 68 years earlier to the day. Bobby Robinson Adding further insult to injury, in the 1962 game, Washington fans rushed the field and tackled Oregon wideout Larry Hill as he was attempting to catch what would have been the game-winning play, ending the game in a tie. After the game, Oregon Head Coach Len Casanova said, “I don’t know if it made any difference, but you can’t run a very good pattern with 1,800 kids on the field.” Cheating for over 100 years...it is who the Huskies are.
  9. A brief update as to where the rivalry sits in terms of wins over the last 100 years, and my hope is to see that brought to even in my lifetime! Oregon History: Despite Total Recent Dominance by Ducks, History is on the Huskies' Side by Zachary Neel of Ducks Wire One of the greatest endings to an Oregon-Washington game ever... P.S. You will want to tune in tomorrow to my Washington GameDay Thread article, as it will be one of the better "burn" articles you will see about the Huskies. No prisoners...
  10. I'll start. A fellow in my business circles used to give me horrible grief in the 80s and the early 90s about how great Washington was, and how pathetic Oregon was. Most years we would get crunched by the Huskies, so what could I say? One year he even asked me, "why don't you just combine Oregon and Oregon State together and then maybe you'll have a respectable number of wins?" Good gosh what an arrogant jerk...but I had to take it. Then when Oregon began their run--it was great fun for me as I really rubbed salt to where it damaged our business relationship. I was the epitome of the Oregon fan they refer to--of how terrible I was due to all the years of verbal derisiveness by the Huskies and now could even the score. In 2015....he says to be at the end of the regular season..."Charles, too bad the Ducks have dropped off. Not in the Playoff? Oh too bad. No Natty Game for you...." I responded with, "Gary, in all our years of trash-talking....if the worst you can say that is that the Ducks are not in the National Championship Game? The fortunes of the two teams have really changed over years, haven't they?" He had nothing to say. Give me your best story about going to Husky Stadium, the fans, a game...anything! Ignore those Ducks! Look at me! I AM Relevant! Really! Look at Me!
  11. First I've heard of this and pretty good reporting to give us this information and a little about Bryon Cardwell. Cardwell Looks to Build off his Performance Against Colorado by Jared Mack of Duck Territory 247
  12. Completely agree. Pretty hard to turn things around and deal with rabid fans!
  13. I could not believe my eyes when I saw this title...but it is true! Mike Leach Being 'Discussed Seriously' as Candidate for Power 5 Job, per Report by Jake Rill of SaturdaydownSouth
  14. I like it....White pants, white jersey, and yellow helmet and yellow shoes and gloves.
  15. This is so fascinating, because Mario's DNA is to be tough and pound the "A" gaps. Yet he opened up the passing game against UCLA, (of which was necessary to win) and did not need to pass against Colorado--but did for his "three-score advantage." This means Cristobal understands the style points, and his decision to open it up was rewarded by the committee on Tuesday. Now I believe that playing conservative is in his bones, and he cannot shake it. Yet he can see it is what Oregon needs to do....but will he? I have no idea, and the drama of it all is so compelling; will he do what he should to win, or play the way he wants to? Oregon Football entertainment at it's highest!
  16. That was going to be my second point, as I'd prefer him and he would be deferential to Cristobal as well. (I got sidetracked with my cat GIFs) Good catch... Mark would know when he's beaten...
  17. Oh, what a nice memory of happy times at Husky Stadium! (And do watch the replays) It is lined up (above) right on a touchdown play like what we need to do on Saturday! Whew! Remember this extraordinary player on defense? The play above is lined up, but check the replay as well!
  18. I do not see him doing that, and it would not be a good matchup with Cristobal in terms of the offense, and who thinks who is the smartest one in the room? I'm Betting on Cristobal....(on left!)
  19. As I said before....his ceiling there was 8 or 9 wins per year at best, Mora-or-less!
  20. I really like these articles that brings us up-to-date on our favorite Ducks now playing professionally.... Checking in on Former Oregon Ducks playing in the NBA by Andy Patton of Ducks Wire
  21. This article makes some good points about terrible offenses getting their mojo back against Oregon. Is this the week the Oregon defense shuts down a poor performing offense? (Please!) Oregon's Defense Faces yet Another Struggling Offense in Road Trip vs. Washington Huskies by Don Smalley of Ducks Wire
  22. Crap. It will be a good test, and the next step in our offensive development. Ducks to Face Nation's Top Passing Defense in Seattle by Erik Skopil of Duck Territory 247
  23. With such a recent hire and then fire? That is a bad look for her, and thus why I think you are right about letting the dumpster fire get worse... This could come back to bite her....
  24. This gives us some good information about recruiting at receiver, and plausible reasons for the flipping away from Oregon. Should we be Worried about Oregon's Pair of De-commitments from 4-star WRs? by Zachary Neel of Ducks Wire
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