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Mike West

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Posts posted by Mike West

  1. On 11/14/2021 at 9:53 AM, latracey said:


    One of the most creative ways the Ducks found to fall short last night was to have the officiating crew literally rob them of a touchdown, and the Pac 12 has proven time and time again that bad officiating can even stand in a review. I am weary of game changing bad call after game changing bad call.


    I'm with Charles on this one. Oregon went into halftime facing a major gut check moment. WSU had serious momentum, and  their offense was carving up Oregon's defense. Instead of panicking, adjustments were made and Oregon secured the win.


    The games played in November are always the hardest games to win. Attrition has taken many of the best players off of the table, and teams that seemed mediocre earlier in the season have discovered who they are and how to win. Slowly but surely, through the mistakes and successes in each one of their games, Oregon is discovering who they are and I like what I see when I look at their trajectory.



    While I agree the adjustments and execution of those adjustments were very good, this game was OVER if the Ducks execute in the second quarter.  


    Travis Dye, of all players fumbled.  On the drive to ice the game for all intense purposes.  It is absolutely essential this team learns to extend 14 point leads when they are in position to do so.


    Every game I mentioned earlier were similar situations.  Almost all of them resulted in turnovers- which are momentum changes. 


    Your job Mr. Phelps is to ice the game early.  


    This comment will self destruct in fifteen seconds.  

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  2. The running game is such a strength that I'm puzzled Morehead passes so often.  


    I'd personally like to see him roll Brown out.  Or play action featuring roll out ( like Herbert got from Arroyo).  


    Also, now is the time for some deep out and up plays.  And where are those crossing patterns?


    Teams are going to start sitting on the out routes and curls.  Those are Brown's strengths.

  3. College football fans had to stay up until 1 last night to see the Ducks drama filled victory.


    At those point, I believe all the contenders deserve equal treatment when it comes to exposure.


    I believe the Utah game should be on at 11 or 12:30 this week.  


    In fact, I don't believe Oregon should be on cable the rest of the year.  Same for Cinci and Oklahoma State of course ( who would be the other teams robbed off exposure- we KNOW the Irish will get maximum exposure).


    ABC baby.  The main event, not the lower card entry.  




    Cristobal should be given the chance to show  his program is ready for the prime time.  




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  4. On 11/14/2021 at 8:54 AM, Jon Joseph said:


    This Saturday at Utah is a just win baby game. Ducks come through in SLC, hope that OR ST beats ASU, big comeback by the Herm's to win at UW,  and smack a Beavs team that is not good on the road.


    ESPN's buddy Cincy lurks as does a 1L Domers team. Base on the W at Ohio State I think a 1L Oregon trumps a 1L OK ST/Baylor B12 champ?


    The question really is:


    Can any of those teams beat tOSU in the Horseshoe like the Ducks did?  


    I think Oklahoma State can ( exclusively).


    But they didn't put the Buckeyes on their schedule.  Will that count in favor of the Ducks? 


  5. Good win.  They handled their business.


    This game was over in the first quarter though.  They let another team off the mat this year.  


    So far,


    Ohio State







    It's a bad habit.  It's not a fluke.  It is a pattern that must be corrected. 


    In all the games above, the team had drives in which the offense was in position to seal the deal by putting points on the board.


    They've found creative ways in falling short.


    The one area of improvement Cristobal teams must focus on is this flawed habit.

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  6. On 11/14/2021 at 7:29 AM, Jon Joseph said:

    Not to discredit these great #s but it could well be 22-0 without the end game blip vs Stanford. The Ducks have 1 of the longest home winning streaks in the country.


    Ironically, that game is a signature of Cristobal teams.  Until they bury teams (and I mean dig the hole, drop the body in, and fill it back up), this team will not only miss the playoffs, but lose in the playoffs.


    They're giving themselves plenty of chances to completely dominate inferior opponents.  Time to learn how champions truly win. 

  7. On 11/14/2021 at 2:34 AM, Charles Fischer said:

    I don’t – I think every coach that I’ve played for or worked for has always emphasized the same stuff and a lot of it we get from that.


    Now he needs to install that killer instinct mentality the Hurricanes were known for.


    That's a missing piece.  


    Oh yeah, I don't remember those Miami teams showing off after every play.  And I certainly don't see it much from the elite teams there days.  


    Good victory last night.  Wish these guys were ruthless though.  No need for all the drama reach game.

  8. On 11/11/2021 at 9:26 AM, Jon Joseph said:


    MI at PSU is basically a Pick 'Em game and I like your PSU pick.

    If the Ducks bring the run game it showed after finally getting decent field position in Seattle, IMO, the Ducks should be able to control the WSU game with a good chance to cover?

    I also like the U but will it be 'Up U' or 'Down U' that shows up?

    If the Ducks control the game early they'll cover.  


    Florida State is slowing down on offense, and I doubt they'll be able to keep up with a surging Hurricane offense.


    I see QB Clifford giving UM headaches (and he's healthy).  That is going to be a really good game.   

  9. On 11/10/2021 at 8:51 AM, Charles Fischer said:


    Mike, my photographer at the game called me at halftime and was apologizing in advance for upcoming bad pictures from the game.  He said, "with the huge gusts of wind and pouring rain....at times it is raining sideways, and I cannot keep my camera lens dry."


    1) I would say that was extraordinary conditions and 2) without a bogus penalty the score would have been 31-16, which would have reflected more dominance on such a terrible weather day, and 3) any time....ANY TEAM, whether the coach is Chip Kelly or Mario Cristobal who rushes for 324 yards in that weather against an opponent that knows it is coming--did-one-heck-of-a-job.

    Duly noted.


    That interception was ugly though.  Not what you'd expect from a decent QB.  That was followed by some weird play calling, that made him even more uncomfortable. 


    At this point, I want these coaches to earn their pay.  This team is too talented to perform at their present mediocre level.


    I said it before: 42-14 victories.  That's my standard and I'm sticking with it. Kirby Smart had a battle ready Natty level team in his fourth year.  I think MC has that in him, and I expect him to accelerate his progress. 


    We had a Natty caliber team - without the talent level- in 2019! He played it safe. 


    My friend, tomorrow is tomorrow for a reason. The only time that matters is right now. We are never guaranteed a tomorrow. 


    Seize the moment.  Win the Day. FAST HARD FINISH.  


    Make no excuses.


    Just do It!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. On 11/10/2021 at 9:35 AM, Jon Joseph said:


    Mike, in the 1st Q plus of the game at UW, the UW punter was all -world. Oregon could not get decent field position. The game changed when OR got better field position and the run game coming to life.


    BTW, it fries me when I hear all the talking heads talking about Bama, Ohio State, Cincy and Oregon 'scrapping by' last Saturday.


    BS! - Bama and Cincy failed to cover at home. OH ST failed to cover on the road vs a 3W team. Oregon on the road vs a .500 team and a bitter rival, playing in terrible weather conditions, COVERED!



    That punter made it though a couple of drives.  


    I expected Moorhead to favor crossing patterns more ( with a rollout to boot to keep the LBs on Brown), a strength for Brown.  He used the deep out route once- another strength of Brown's.  


    Fortunately, they looked at the halftime stats and quickly buried the Husky defense, but they STILL couldn't ice àaaààthis game by the early fourth quarter. 


    Too many things to straighten  out.  Not much time left.  I'd like t to see adjustments sooner.  The coaches know their units at this point in the season.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. On 11/10/2021 at 8:17 AM, Charles Fischer said:


    If we end up that way--we have no choice, but it is kinda boring to play a team twice in a season, and it is VERY hard to beat a great team twice.


    I'll take that.  


    I want to see a rematch because we would see if the team can handle a slightly more talented Buckeye team that will be motivated to prove themselves ( and that the loss was a fluke).


    And since this  Duck team doesn't take bums seriously enough to absolutely destroy them, I'm interested in how much they want to prove it wasn't a fluke victory.  


    It took them too long to get down to business against a clearly underwhelming Fusky team.  Every remaining game is really "win or go home".  I'm looking for Cristobal to teach these kids that those three conference games are about focus.  No reason for any of them to be " in the game" after the first quarter ( as in a two TD advantage against all three of them).


    Do you realize how much talent the defense has?  They can keep all three remaining conference foes to 14 or less.  I'd be shooting for shutouts if I were HC.  That would be a direct challenge ( using  those popular black uniforms as incentive...and old school uniforms as the alternative <the Rich Brooks era uniforms>).  


    Ohio State is really a reset of the home and home we missed out on... And a good test of what this team really is against their fellow recruiting peers. 

    • Like 2
  12. On 11/9/2021 at 9:53 PM, Charles Fischer said:

    CFB Playoff Show Week 2_ESPN Video.jpg


    Think of how every college team's fans would love to be in our spot, save two.  And yes...it could change soon, thus why I've got to dive in and savor it while I can.




    Are you still against a rematch with Ohio State now (given these rankings hold and tOSU and we are both #2 and #3)?

  13. On 11/9/2021 at 8:43 PM, Confused said:

    College football is losing its appeal.  Michigan sucks.  Always will.  Yet here they are after losing to the only decent team they played.   Total poop 💩 


    I agree MSU should be ahead of Michigan.  I do however believe Michigan is better than State.  They simply choked ( sound familiar- we're way better than Stanford, but...).


    I think Penn State takes out UM, so it will be moot soon enough.


    The polls were designed to stroke  controversy.  Why do you think college ball is more popular than the NFL ( despite the boring play )?

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  14. On 11/9/2021 at 9:31 AM, Jon Joseph said:


    And Bryant had no cap on his roster size. Bryant did do 1 thing Saban never will do, he won an SEC title at Kentucky.


    Not saying Bryant wasn't great.  He was.  Just saying he took  longer to win his titles, and with a much smaller group of "great players" to coach against.  


    Saban btw did win a Natty at LSU.  In arguably the most competitive division in college football.  

  15. On 11/8/2021 at 5:54 PM, Haywarduck said:

    Saban isn't even the best coach ever at the college he is coaching at let alone the best ever.




    Oh I disagree.  Bryant didn't play USC types often enough to give him that type of credit.  Not to mention Eddie Robinson did have enough talent to beat the Tide if he had the opportunity.


    My reference:  AFL teams quickly forcing a merger with the NFL using historically black college talent. Robinson had the best talent and consistently defeated his peers with said talent.


    Bear Bryant never faced the "other" very good talent.  When he first encountered it, he got smoked.  He left before providing a sample to match what Saban had done in a much shorter time (at that).


    Different era for sure, but like MLB ( and Ruth never facing the likes of Black and Latino pitchers), that era's numbers are heavily skewed.


    Head to head, I'd take Saban in a mili second.  

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