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Mike West

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Posts posted by Mike West

  1. On 10/10/2021 at 11:03 AM, Jon Joseph said:


    Mike, he has had 6 years to correct this deficiency. He is going to 'get it' now? 


    He is playing the same way he did at BC. He is not elevating the play of guys around him and better athletes than those he played with at BC have not elevated his game.


    If you want to play risk-adverse ball, play not to take a loss, Brown is your guy. But if you want to play with verve, energy, tempo? Play to win? Brown is not the guy.


    I think many programs in the country without the depth of the Ducks QB room would already have benched Brown?


    I love Brown's guts but Brown has hit his ceiling. He is not going to magically up his game.

    I get that Brown is consistent.  But SO WAS HIS COACHING.


    He still overthrows wide open fade routes.  That's coaching my friend.  Braxton Burmeister hits open fade routes now.  Remember how bad he was?


    I actually watched Burmeister torch North Carolina twice this year.  If he can do it, so can Brown. 




    Quarterbacking is just a game of pitch and catch.  You start there, then build your foundation.  Easy ups are the perfect tool to teach the kind of form (process) one needs to complete each type of pass.  


    For guys with strength issues, that matters because it's about timing. Brown has enough strength, but he lacks technique.  Because he hasn't been coached on his main weakness.  


    Burmeister is not strong enough to throw deep passes like Brown can.  But he does it far better than when he was as Oregon.  And Burmeister is far more comfortable (and effective) as a result.


    One thing I can say about Cristobal is his teams perform well in big games (win or lose, they play far better when something is on the line).


    I felt strange the week the team traveled to Columbus.  They seemed too relaxed.  As if they hadn't played Fresno State the week before. 


    Then they played lights out for three quarters.  

    Does this team know how good they are?  Or was the Ohio State game a fluke?


    Are they confident they could beat the Buckeyes again? 


    Who are the 2021 Ducks? Playoff contender or flash in the pan?


  3. On 10/9/2021 at 3:03 PM, Babyjesus615 said:

    This is exactly what I was getting at in an earlier post about Cristobal establishing an offensive identity before he claims he has a "system" because he has neither. The identity of this offense will convey to potential recruits what their role will be on the team. This dink and dunk, short to medium yardage stuff doesn't require an elite receiving corps. You can do this with average tight ends and average receivers. Let's hope these guys don't start seeing more NFL potential in the school to the north because those receivers at least get to run down the field for more than 15 yards.


    Offensive Coordinators play to a QB's strengths.  Brown is efficient, and every once in awhile hits a deep pass.


    He puts no air under his deep balls.  He can correct that.  He also aims (instead of throws) his deep passes.  


    For the life of me, I don't know why coaches don't use easy ups ( passes during warm ups at the beginning of practices and games) as drills < for the sake of timing those speedy WRs  downfield >.


    Brown needs to work overtime on getting the correct feel for each of his WRs on his deep passes.  


    It's time to earn A+ results for A+ effort.


    Championships are earned behind the scenes.  Brown has a shot at accuracy downfield.  He needs to put in the work with his boys though.  


    And while they're at it, those LBs need serious work on pass coverage to help the secondary out.  


    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. On 10/9/2021 at 1:41 PM, David Marsh said:

    The Oregon fan base on the whole is very negative right now, unbearably so at times. This forum has been mild compared to the other ones out there that I browse.


    Fans have been screaming about a couple of quarterback related things this past week, especially around why Brown is still the starter which is justified.


    First off, Cristobal said to the media a few days ago that Brown is still the starter. This is a bye week, there have been a few practices but a whole lot of time where coaches haven't even been in the state of Oregon as they have been out recruiting and visiting recruits. Also the players are in recovery. In short this isn't a normal week and though there are certainly discussions going on behind the scenes amongst coaches about the QB situation. Though at the end of the day there is NO POINT for MC to say anything besides Brown is still QB1 right now. They haven't had time to fully evaluate their options and why should MC appease the fans and tell us they are opening the QB competition and give Cal a helping hand?


    Second, let's not forget Moorhead had surgery before the Stanford game and was unavailable for that game. That hurt the play calling, no matter what is said and something like that probably had the players a bit rattled and players get used to their coaches and what the play calls look like. Changing this up right before the game would have had an effect on the players and this is an anomaly and the timing couldn't have been worse but it is what it is.


    Furthermore, Moorhead is not only the OC but also the QB coach. When things were looking bad at Stanford and Oregon is without their QB coach any idea of putting in a backup QB would have gone right out the window, unless of course they had to put in a freshman because Brown went down. Moorhead would be involved in any change in quarterback decisions coming up, especially next week. Hopefully Moorhead is back at practice in some way next week and I am sure he will be involved in the conversation about quarterback. As Moorhead is still recovering, MC is probably telling the truth that Brown is still QB1, but mostly because there probably haven't been any official changes made at this time.


    The team really needed this bye week to get healthy. However, the fans really didn't need this bye week, this is probably the most negative I have seen the broader Oregon fan base in a very long time. Remember we only have 1 loss and it came with numerous factors, the reffing being a large factor as well, and many media pundits have said as much as well. I'm channeling Jon Joseph's optimism right now but Oregon is still in it for another Pac-12 championship and maybe even a playoff berth if they take care of business. Stanford lost last night to Arizona State which helps out Oregon a lot.


    I think I just needed this rant probably more than it needed to be heard. I think there are some problems at quarterback and I do believe that we need to see one of the freshman play to give us all some hope of the future. But for now we just need to be a bit more patient and wait for next week. If things don't change next week then I feel the negativity is more warranted.

    I like the positive vibe.  I guess we could look at it like Nick Saban did last night.


    I guarantee you THEY will not play another lazy down the rest of the year though.


    We could only be so lucky.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. On 10/6/2021 at 1:35 AM, oregon112 said:

    I saw the O line and D line give it their all in the second half.  Pittman ran like he was possessed on his catch and punt returns. Wright battled hard. Verdell and Dye were getting extra yards after contact. 


    What was missing was the net result.  With a change at QB, I still think they could be the #3 team.  But now they need another RB, and some consistency at weakside LB. 


    KT & Funa played hard on the edges. And the last offensive drive, the O line blocked the best they had done all year - only the procedure calls let Stanford get the ball back.  



    And very good points.


    I recognize Brown failed epically. We STILL should have wiped them out.


    Fast Hard Finish.  As I've mentioned, that describes exactly how title contenders play.  


    Start to finish. Knock the snot out of your man.  Take their will to fight away immediately.


    Until I see that, I think of Cristobal as fooling himself (still love the guy).

  6. Here's the thing: it seems as if we're watching a train wreck in slow motion far too often.  


    Darren Perkins called it:. We dangle the upset carrot in front of our opponents. 


    I see way too much trash talking from the players.  I want to see tackling and blocking that looks like a Mike Tyson punch ( or George Foreman for that matter).


    This team should have dominated Ohio State.  I'm talking how the Buckeyes left Minnesota behind the week before.  I expected Fresno, Stoney, Zona,  and Stanford to waive white flags at halftime.  


    I don't see fire in their eyes.  I don't see a willingness to punish opponents for having the audacity to show up and play us.  


    The Terminator.  Remember that movie?  Remember the relentless drive to finish off Sarah Conner? Noah Sewell, CJ Ferrell, Travis Dye and Justin Flowe are the only players with that kind of mentality.  


    You know, even King Kong backed his chest thumping with a can of a** whupping.  Ali would talk major smack, then put you on the canvas.  


    I feel like I'm looking at a Stag show when I watch my Ducklings.  And it isn't funny.

    • Thumbs Up 3
  7. On 10/3/2021 at 6:05 AM, 30Duck said:

    Yeah, the adage about insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, is playing out with Mario's Ducks. We were nervous before the game against Stanford and watched as our fears were realized. Oregon never looked smooth on offense, the lack of Morehead certainly accounted for some of that, but with him or without him, Brown was still the QB.


    The defense wasn't much better, until the 2nd half when Stanford was out of gas. But then the Ducks got started going down the one way street the wrong way, and Stanford yanked another one from Oregon. As bad as the PI was at the end of the game, the Ducks fell behind at the start all on their own.


    The timing is perfect for Thompson to start against Cal after the bye. 

    This goes beyond personnel.


    There is a QB in his second year in the NFL that is better than TT.  His name is Justin Herbert.


    Many a person will disagree with my premise.


    Justin Herbert has a natural feel for the game that TT lacks.  Despite my "belief" in the extraordinary JH, he struggled  immensely under MC's tenure as HC.


    There is a "structural flaw" in MC's program.  It's a mental aspect that so far is a  constant factor one should consider as the reason Oregon has reached its peak as a title contender.   


    You don't see that flaw in perennial championship caliber teams.  


    Until that flaw is destroyed, the pattern we see emerge ever so consistently will continue.

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  8. My take?


    This is as good as it gets.  


    Cristobal does not have the chops to build and maintain a title contender.  


    Even when he had Ohio State on the ropes he cooled the jets.  It's his MO.  


    He talks about power.  Champions Dominate.  Huge difference.


    Cristobal might as well conduct Oklahoma Drills each and every practice.  That's about all his strategy and philosophy amounts to.

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  9. 3 hours ago, widgeon said:

    I think Cristobal needs to trust Moorhead, or find a good OC he does trust, and then step back from play design AND play calling.  He could coach the offensive line if he wants.  Delegate the defense too.  Cristobal's obsession with line play tells me he will always be a guy who thinks the correct approach is to just out-tough the other team.  Winning big means OUTSMARTING the other team too.



    I think MC started to.  I just think we saw subpar performances from the players. Some say it’s coaching, but   finding and throwing to an open receiver is the QBs job.  Handing off or keeping the ball and running is up tot he QB.  There were plenty of misses in that area. All year.

  10. Charles,


    As usual it has been fascinating to observe discussion most wouldn’t dare to challenge objectively.  As the Foo Fighters say...



    Until Fall...



    I watched  the Cal game again. Can you believe MC actually let JM call plays(in my opinion)?


    I think Shough did a terrible job of reading runs and passes...just my take.  We should have throttled the Bears.  My parting shot.


    Ha ha ha

  11. Charles,


    It will be a tremendous setback for thoughtful discussion about Oregon Athletics if FishDuck media disappears.


    I for one can take criticism, as name calling is not an argument, and there sure is a ton of name calling going on in Duck Fandom.  What separates your sites from others is perspectives people not only respect, but actually learn from.


    It hurts to hear your head coach may not be the man to take us to the promise land.  But the thoughts on why are fascinating at times.  Will he is almost an afterthought to why (so or why not).  

    I see some good stuff on the other sites.  I see awesome info here.  Info and perspectives worth discussing instead of getting bogged down on who is right or wrong (though it gets rough and tumble here, eating crow here is more satisfying if that even makes sense).  


  12. On 3/5/2021 at 3:43 PM, Ducks4ever said:

    Can't stress enough how a good running back can really advance this offense. We don't have one (at least between Dye/Verdell) and a good powerful running back will make this team so much harder to defend against. Stack the box -> opponent secondary won't get any help against elite WR's. Inability to pick up meaningful yards last year made us non-functional at times last year. At the end of the season, the coaches could neither trust the QB's, nor could they rely on a running game. The Pac-12 game was won by the defense. 😉 


    It's annoying that we haven't been able to pick up an elite RB. Can it be Benson or Cardwell? Time will tell. 


    So I’m going to contradict myself.  In the past, I said we don’t have NFL bruisers.  I’d take Verdell and Dye any day over the best RBs in the conference.  Not to mention, we actually have four that should get on the field plenty.  

    We’re talking about Joe Moorhead here.  If MC simply gets out of the way, those four will gash teams.  They won’t beat them up, but they will slash and cut teams up. Haven’t we learned from the Auburn game yet?  We were good enough to drop points on the Tigers like the best in the business.  

    We have all it takes-right now to give every team in college football nightmares.  Do you hear me Mario Cristobal? Do you see the words jumping off of this screen?

  13. So,


    I’ve seen enough of the Fiesta Bowl to get a sense of my take on the 2020 season.  I’ve scoured the roster, including the 2021 Class.  I believe we have a sense of who our Head Coach is.


    So my question today is: As an overall organization, Coaches, players, administration-do we have what it takes to make a real run this year, next or 2023- when every player is a Mario Cristobal recruited player?

    I’m all about now.  In 2018, I said we could beat Auburn.  I said last year we could beat Ohio State.  I say we have enough talent (coaches and players) to beat the Buckeyes for the first time in our history.


    So where do you stand?  What is your vision of a true contender this year? Next, and 2023. 


    Does MC have to get over himself and let his staff excel?  Do the players have to play out of their minds with great direction from the staff?  Do the coaches mold their respective scheme to the talent base of the players?  

    Do we have the juice? If not, why not.  If so, how could that be?  And what do YOU want to see (scheme, talent, effort...whatever matters to you most)?  I’ll share my thoughts once the posts pile up (I believe most of you know how much of a homer I am-I savor the brilliance you all bring to the table).

    Carpe Diem

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Haywarduck said:

    Another point is Michael Jordon was cut from his high school basketball team, didn't make the varsity. Those disappointments are what makes a man and a team player. Does a guy make excuses, quit, or does he double down on the effort and proactively listen to the criticism? That is what we need in our starter and our back-up. If a player chooses the transfer portal, good riddance.


    I actually wonder what is going on with our qb recruiting. It has been said Butterfield isn't the right guy for Moorhead's offense, we then recruit another qb in Butterfield's mold, a pro style qb? A guy who is limited in his ability to make defenses pay for not respecting his ability to run.


    Cristobal says he wants to do what Oregon has always done, but in a power mode. He then just does the power game without the innovative, dynamic play calling, with limited scoring. Cristobal then hires an RPO OC who wants a running qb and recruits another pro style qb. What is happening, and why is there a disconnect between what we hear, and what we see on the field, and in recruiting? 


    I am not bashing this kid, Bailey or Butterfield. They both seem like great student athletes, and Ducks. I just wonder why we continue to recruit players who don't fit the offense we seem to want to build?


    Is Cristobal an undisciplined recruiter, proned to go after the shiny object rather than the object one needs? The question has already been raised, repeatedly, is he just a stubborn play caller? Maybe this will be a problem going forward? I mean we have already had two pro style recruits transfer out this season. We now recruit another, with only one pro style qb left on the roster, and that one may be the next to transfer. I don't know the answer, but worth asking, right? 



    The SEC coveted him, and for good reason.  The guy makes quick decisions, uses his feet well, and throws the ball the way it needs to be thrown.   

    I’m intrigued by your comment about MC though.  Does he recruit to suit needs, or just to get talent.  Is he deploying the old USC and UCLA model of years past (keep talent away from others as long as you can)?



    • Thumbs Up 1
  15. On 3/7/2021 at 3:37 PM, nogerO said:
    • Laying down my green glasses:
    • Sept. 4 vs. Fresno State  W 1-0
    • Sep. 11 at Ohio State  L 1-1
    • Sep. 18 vs. Stony Brook  W 2-1
    • Sep. 25 vs. Arizona  W 3-1
    • Oct. 2 at Stanford (Toss up)   L/W 4-1 or 3-2
    • Oct. 15 vs. California  W 5-1 or 4-2
    • Oct. 23 at UCLA L  5-2 or 4-3
    • Oct. 30 vs. Colorado W  6-2 or 5-3
    • Nov. 6 at Washington (Toss up)  L/W 7-2 or 5-4
    • Nov. 13 vs Washington State W 8-2 or 6-4
    • Nov. 20 at Utah — L  8-3 or 6-5 

    This might be unpopular, but unless the Ducks find a QB in a hurry and an O line to protect him it could be rough.  I have a couple games as toss ups, that could go either way.  I think 6-5 at worst and 8-3 as best. I'm hoping our D coordinator is as advertised and maybe those toss ups go our way?  It's a  long time until then so lets just call it a hunch? 


    I think this season will define the future at Oregon for Mario Cristobal. I know a lot of you are totally on the MC bandwagon, but I still see some red flags.  Back up the recruiting bravado and win the Pac-12 again, improve in game decisions and be the CEO,  I think he's here for a while.  Mediocre season and refusing to let Moorhead call the plays and IMHO,  he's looking for employment in a couple years.  Again, just my two cents.


    GO Ducks!!!

    I believe Stanford is toast.  They aren’t recruiting like they used to.  I don’t believe the Coaching is up to par either.  As far as tOSU, it hinges on MC.  Is  he willing to go for broke?  He wins those games.  Utah? Not sure. UCLA? Depends on their defense, and again MC(does the guy realize he needs to score 500 points to win?).


    Every week is going to be about MC.  Does he unleash the hounds, or does he believe his dogs are fighting in a junk yard? 

    Mario Cristobal has yet to figure out blowouts are the Obi Wan Kenobi of the PAC12.  Even in his playing days Miami had to win shootouts.  I think we need a coach whisperer.

  16. 13 hours ago, 30Duck said:


    That's the rub, I'm afraid. Cassel played a bit as a back-up at USC, but that in no way goes against your point. He stuck it out and ended up with an NFL career, different time. Now, and for Bennett, long range thinking isn't in play. The idea of, "the back-up QB is one play away" is foreign to most players now, and the transfer portal, makes it easy. if not tempting, to go somewhere else. 

    I did misquote one fact however...Jalen Hurts reached the Natty, but didn’t win it.  No matter.  The guy played a full season as a backup, and got the team to the Natty AS THE BACKUP.  Took Oklahoma to the CFP the next year.  Is the probable starter at Philly next year(if Philly is smart...that remains to be seen).


    The transfer portal is actually a good thing...for the NFL.  It’s basically an elimination evaluator.  Players just don’t get that.  There’s usually a valid reason guys are backups (politics aside-see Tom Brady at Michigan for instance).  

    Every player has their shot, up until their Pro Day on campus.  It is a coach’s job to fully educate his players on their options, including parents.  Believe it or not, getting to the NFL is a team game now.  Players can’t do it alone anymore.  

  17. 4 minutes ago, Tandaian said:

    I'm not sure Kiper or McShay do "true" analysis of players, even though they say so.  They are talking heads there to sell headlines and content.  How serious can you really take McShay when he has the first 4 picks being QBs this year? 


    They are knowledgeable for sure, but true scouts they are not.  Their draft order also, isn't based on skill, but what they think the teams will do.  However, they love to create discussion.  


    McShay has the Eagles taking a TE with their pick and prefaces it with, Despite the Eagles' glaring weakness at wide receiver, I'm mixing it up with Pitts at No. 6.  How much more obvious can they make it, they just throw stuff at the wall and don't care if it sticks or not?

    I think you’re on point about them being salesmen.  I believe Kiper used to be a pure analyst, but figured out the “game”.  It’s all about hype.  Controversy. Click bait.  

  18. On 3/7/2021 at 2:51 PM, RatherBe said:

    While a 9-3 record is certainly realistic, I felt that was overly doom and gloom while reading. This defense has the potential to be closer to 2019 than 2020 - and even the 2020 version found their footing late in the year. I don’t see them allowing so many points. I also have faith in Joe Moorhead’s offense, in this mini season he showed the explosive play potential that creates blowouts, had the turnover margin not been historically bad it would have been a different narrative. When you’re favored in 11/12 preseason even 9-3 seems disappointing. 


    The Spring Game (and hopefully two scrimmages we should get to see) will tell me everything I’ll need to know.  Unfortunately, most coaches don’t change much.  They just don’t know how to take the simple things  about football, and beat guys that cling to their ego clad philosophy of football.


    Even Saban has weaknesses.  He just adapts faster than everybody.  Too many coaches believe they are the best thing life ever saw.  I believe Saban is great because he shreds every weakness an opponent coaching staff has.  Something I haven’t seen from Cristobal yet.


    The thing I like about Cristobal is he will open the floodgates if he believes everything is on the line.  That’s what he did in both conference title games.  He let it rip.  Believing he had to try everything because his opponent was formidable enough that he needed to. He was willing to lose by putting everything on the line, and both times they dominated the game.  Put that philosophy in a bottle MC, open it every week,  and you just might go undefeated and win a damn national title.



    • Like 1
  19. 2 hours ago, Joshua Whitted said:

    To answer my own prompt, I'm not too concerned about Moorhead's offense. I really, really liked the wrinkles we saw early on, particularly in the first two weeks. Shough seemed to really struggle going through basic progressions as the season went on, and that coupled with his adequate athleticism hamstrung the offense. 


    We don't need a superstar at QB for the offense to work, just someone who can make the basic reads and threaten defenses in the option game. It's early, but it looks like we have at least two players on the roster who bring that to the table in 2021, maybe more if Butterfield turns out to be a better athlete than expected.


    I love the point David brought up about installing the offense via zoom. It's really way too early to panic, as I don't even know how much to take away from Moorhead's seven games given the circumstances. 


    Two things I see.


    First, the way we run the Pistol lends itself to failure.  Moorhead installed his wrinkle, but  it is obvious MC is just bent on telling everybody in the world what he is doing and dares them to stop it.


    Shough has limitations either JM or MC chose to ignore.  Shough isn’t a deep threat passer UNLESS he releases his pass within two seconds.  His arm simply isn’t strong enough.  Ironically, Arroyo recognized that, and designed schemes to exploit Shough’s strengths (go back and look at Shough’s two Spring Game highlights-he was a beast).  

    My conclusion is that Mario Cristobal handcuffs his coordinator.  His version of the Pistol is for preserving 28 point leads.  It is not suitable for any level of football (pee wee included) the way he wants to run it.  So as things stand TODAY, Mario Cristobal’s ultimate success is in the hands of his ego.  I would venture High a School coach can beat him if they have equal talent to work with.  

    I hate to sound so negative, but the Snake utilized three styles of offense, got criticized, left, and the Vegas Bowl was a clear introduction to what Cristobal is willing to do with what arguably was the best talent he has had to date (this year he has some raw talent that can do major damage if they’re developed properly, but 2017 was a CFP team if JH stayed healthy all year).  

    The future of Oregon Football rests on Mario Cristobal’s willingness to change. 

  20. Are you kidding?  I don’t have to read or see any more from JM.  That dude is better than two guys that are head coaches who demonstrated they are really elite coordinators.  Sarkesian and Kiffin.  Moorhead will always be his best as an OC.  He is probably as good as Chip.  

    Our boys are in good hands.  They’ll be in better hands if one Mario Cristobal lets his OC deliver his (Moorhead’s) brand of MC’s physicality.  That is the only X factor in this.


    I really wish I was savvy enough to have known how to coach (when I was young).  I could take some regulars in this forum, and some of the writers and win a Natty for us myself.  And it would have been a joy to turn some our fears and concerns into some butt kicking , statement making , and tough grind out type wins and victory campaigns.


    Lets hope Mario Cristobal prays for and garners wisdom some of us display in this forum.  Until then, let’s enjoy our journey with him. 

  21. Do we really have to lose these top notch QBs?

    Matt Cassel never played a down of CFB.  Jalen Hurts was replaced AFTER winning a Natty.  Is logic forever gone?  Does emotion rule everything?  

    Ashford can build a baseball AND football career.  Butterfield.  That’s the wild card.  Will he compete, or will he bolt? Does Butterfield have the character to build his skills to his best, let the chips fall where they may, and be ready as the best backup that could be a starter anywhere else.  

    There is no doubt in my mind that the best QB in Moorhead’s system will be very lucky to play an entire season unscathed. Not to mention, there are plenty of strategic moves he can make to feature both the starter and an excellent backup every game.  Dabo did it (still lost his starter to Trevor Lawrence, but that was a career killer for Kelly Bryant).  

    Bryan Bennett not only didn’t enhance his NFL opportunity, he wasted a shot at a Natty as a D-1 backup the year Mariota lost to Stanford because Bennett wasn’t there.  

    Those examples alone are selling points we all can embrace.  There shouldn’t be any reason we lose an outstanding backup that has the character to be his best and stay prepared if he ends up number two.  Too many kids expect to walk into greatness.  Greatness is earned.  Just look at one of the GOAT:  Michael Jordan.  He wasn’t the greatest until he was a second year pro(and he wasn’t a champion for several years into his NBA career).


    Greatness starts with handling disappointment.  THAT is one of the best tools to measure someone.  How do they deal with setbacks. 

    • Thumbs Up 4
  22. 3 hours ago, Haywarduck said:

    The real issue with the dawgs is that they have won nothing. At Oregon the men have won 19 NCAA team championships and the women 14. At Washington the men have won 0 NCAA titles.


    Washington is proud of having made it to the playoffs, but they lost. They are also proud of their football title, but that wasn't official, and there were other issues with it too. 


    At Oregon you see the intent to win and the history of winning. This is why I also urge Cristobal to recruit speed and leverage our Track program. The synergy between our football program and track program has allowed us to be a dominant program in the past and can help us in the future. It is surprising to me that we haven't seen more of this from, arguably, the greatest recruiter we have ever had.


    Clemson has 6 men's NCAA titles. WSU even has one and OSU has a few NCAA men's titles. You look at the other Pac-12 programs and they have much more than an almost championship or a claimed title. The Washington program is just hot air. This is why it is more likely we will win another 12 straight against them, than they are of ever winning a men's title. Without Petersen the dawgs are doomed.


    The dawgs claim they are a blue blood program. They wear the purple and gold to try and continue that farce. The dawgs aren't an elite program. They are, rather, descendants of decades of losers, and posers, nothing else.

    I don’t know how much longer football will be the most popular sport in this country.  It will always be my favorite.  Hence I DON’T CARE ABOUT OTHER SPORTS.  


    Football players don’t come to Oregon to brag about Track Titles in Track Town.  They come to hoist the ultimate college achievement: a College Football National Championship.  I agree leveraging track and football is very smart.  But I want football players. 

    Now I believe it is wise for QB Ashford to pursue an MLB career.  They make Waaaaaay too much money in MLB to overlook.  I just hope he can juggle school, baseball and still thrive at football.   That said, our conference gets regularly mocked for claiming to be the Conference of Champions.  

    Football used to drive the revenue stream (we’ll see going forward given the pitfalls players and colleges have put in front of themselves).  Nonetheless, pride and prestige nationwide comes from football titles.  Bar none.  It’s why I advocate title now, forget the future.  The future is the very second you read this sentence.  

    My mom always used to tell me “the past is present in the future “.  I get it now.  The 2020 Rose Bowl lost its luster after the spanking we should have avoided in the Fiesta Bowl.  But right now, every second spent becoming the National Title winner THIS YEAR, is all that matters.  Titles are won well before you step foot on the field the day of the game.  We will earn the best recruits by what we are doing RIGHT NOW.

    Make no excuses.  Blame no one. Make things happen. Win that damn title now.  

    At least the Snake said and did some things to boost our shot at a title.


    Carpe Diem.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  23. 20 hours ago, 30Duck said:

    I'll have to disagree with the "What if" here. Oregon had the championship, and not only looking through green & yellow tinted lenses, in 2007, until their presumptive Heisman winning quarterback crumpled to the field in Arizona. Even winning the Heisman didn't make Dixon NFL caliber, Jonathan Stewart was. This was not a roster full of NFL talent. 

    OMG 30,


    You are the only one to bring that up.  One other thing, that year, TWELVE STARTERS WERE LOST TO INJURY, and we were down to our third string QB two games after Dixon fell to the ground in Arizona.  THAT team was almost as talented (but not as deep) as Pete Carroll’s 2002 through 2006 teams.  

    Somebody brought up luck...I believe Bama beats Joe Burrow’s LSU had Tua stayed healthy.  Or even if Mac Jones’ pass was thrown properly in the end zone to bring Bama all the way back.  Luck matters.  

    • Thumbs Up 2
  24. What if the coaching staff was NFL elite caliber.  Could we win a Natty?

    What if we had our current staff and NFL caliber talent on every unit. Would we claim our first title?

    In my mind, Chip’s best teams were SEC elite caliber (all 3 of them).  But Helf had better talent (sans injuries in the title game).  

    What if we had every star aligned?  Every planet in the solar system lined up.  Would we win it all?


    What I’m really interested in knowing from this group of knights at the round table is: what is it really going to take to win a title? And what can make it happen this year? 

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