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Posts posted by nw777b

  1. I've heard almost every fan feels their conference refs are horrible.


    I think the most egregious action was when Pac-12 called into a game from headquarters , "the center", to influence a referee decision regarding targeting. 


    It involved Leach and WSU. 


    Officiating is about perception, and the Pac-12 continues to bungle its handling of a game that happened a month ago.


  2. I give a LOT of credit to WSU.


    Their defense won the first half. Their offense was very creative.


    The Ducks rolled on offense the majority of the game, but the Cougars were beasts in the red zone the first half. The Ducks made some adjustments and the Cougars didn't have as much gas at the end.


    WSU's pace may be the fastest the Ducks see until next year. Their offense will tear a lot of other teams apart.


    Oregon's D line put pressure on Ward causing numerous 3rd and very long situations.  That was a key to staying in the game and why Funa was able to seal the game.


    Give credit to Ward for his God given talent and creativity.  No one in CFB did the things we saw him do in one game today. But he showed he's not perfect, either.


    Oregon's secondary made a lot of quick hits on short to mid distance passes to keep the number of explosive plays to a minimum. 


    The D shut down the run and got the only 3 and out at just the right time.


    Yes, Oregon shot themselves in the webfoot too often, but they did exactly what they needed to do to win in the end. Not unlike almost many good football teams in the course of a game.


    They're still not playing at the national champion level, yet. But if Oregon were a stock, I'm buying!


    Go Ducks!!



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  3. On 9/23/2022 at 1:05 PM, DanLduck said:

    The only concern with OSU winning is whether we need USC to be ranked high enough to give the Pac12 relevance in eyes of voters.


    Realistically, we need UW and Utah and USC to continue winning. And I almost choke writing that.


    Let the Beavs lose in a close game, but only so the Pac seems relevant.

    Well, but that's only relevant because of the invitational AND a bias for USC. Ranking teams just creates circular reason that is nonsensical at seasons' end.


    Ducks need to win out and the bigger the spread, the better.


    I just don't see the Pac-12 doing well in the CFP, though, after watching the GA semi-pro team.


    But a LOT can change by then.


    Win out and if the committee doesn't vote on the Pac-12 champion, then that's just another reason for expansion.

  4. As for last year, did it really matter who won the SECCG? 


    In all of sports, there is a tendency to blow up when a team has gone undefeated the whole season in a dominant fashion only to lose late in the season right before a playoff. It's mentally deflating.


    But GA seemed to go "pfffft" and show up big to finish off the season as strong as ever. That's mostly on coaches.


    This year, I see wrinkles in the D. But that NFL caliber interception against the Ducks is seared in my mind forever. And so is the image of the biggest TE I've ever seen leap over a defender like a ballet dancer in the Nutcracker. In fact, I'm declaring that move as the Nutcracker.  Read into it whatever you like. 😉

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  5. On 9/22/2022 at 6:07 AM, DazeNconfused said:

    Hello all!


    Using poor judgment, I wrote this propped up in bed while recovering from back surgery. hahaha


    I wasn't to thank Charles for taking my first draft and adding some twists to it.. Charles doesn't make a habit of doing that for writers.


    This just another example of one of the many things Mr. FishDuck does investing his time for all us here at FishDuck


    I'm in for a bit more recovering and sitting or being propped up aggravates my back, so you won't be seeing me around much. I did do a draft of another article on my phone while lying flat on my back. If that article finds, it's way onto FishDuck we will have Charles to thank for his efforts. 


    There is so much Administration work among other things Mr. FishDuck does to make this site work for, we all owe him a big Thanks. 


    Lastly, thanks for all the well wishes I gotten; they are appreciated. I'm in for another 3 weeks of mostly bed rest and then onto a couple months of PT. 


    I hope you all enjoy the article and Go Ducks!!!

    Wishing you a complete and speedy recovery!

  6. For the first time in years, I'm excited about the offensive play calling.


    Dilly has taken the best from many others and created a masterful orchestration of offensive genius.


    1. Pre-snap movements with discipline and the precision of synchronized swimming.

    2. RPO, Spread, Pistol with a 270 degree spinning hand-off AND the I formation!

    3. Uptempo whenever it makes sense.

    4. Consistent third and SHORTS.

    5. Vast usage of horizontal and vertical real estate. What box?


    Another element regarding Bo's grit is blocking. He follows the play and watches for opportunities to block!  It's a risk, but I have to agree with Lanning. If someone wants to ball out, why hold them back?


    Maybe a coach from last year's championship team knows a thing or two, because he's seen a thing or two.


    I cannot help but believe the experience gained by playing Georgia helped the players see what it not only looks like, but feels like to play at a higher level. And everyone has stepped up their game.


    I believe there is still a huge gap between the Duck defense and GA's offense, but I believe the Duck D is going to be great, eventually. Open field tackles have been stellar.


    Even if the Ducks trip along the way, they've proven they will get back up and work hard to get back on track.


    I can live with that. I don't see them getting blown out multiple games in a row if the majority stay healthy. I attribute that to excellent coaching. 


    I see Dan Lanning as a real life Ted Lasso. I believe there is a lot of great wisdom and leadership and grit behind that smile!

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  7. We live in the woods.


    Our internet throughput is 15 mbps up and down. The signal shoots over a mile across a lake back and forth multiple times before it hits fiber.


    I depend on it for work to screenshare for remote software training all day. (Teams, Zoom, WebEx)


    We can use Verizon and Cricket mobile data as a backup. We have no dish service.


    Streaming YouTube and shows/movies works great! They typically only need about 2mpbs down.


    Amazon was great until the end of the first qtr. The Español stream was better. I attribute the audio and video issues on Amazon not having the technology in place to handle high usage and slower throughput users. YouTube, Fubo, Sling are better for now in that regard. But those with high throughput seemed to fair nicely.


    I'm sold on the future of streaming, even for rural users like us.

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  8. Streaming is the future. 


    As Log Haulin pointed out, it widens the number of devices that can be used and the internet service provider might be easier to replace in some areas.


    Imagine all start times are ON time because each game is it's own stream. You don't have to wait for and watch the end of a blowout AND commentary prior to the game YOU want to see. (ESPN might let you see 5 minutes of the 1st qtr).


    The service should archive the game ( think YouTube), so if you are late or miss it entirely,  you can start from the beginning, rewind, fast forward. Don't be surprised if Google doesn't enter the mix.


    YouTube would be my favored platform...even with ads.


    Oregon should negotiate their own contract. "The Nike channel on YouTube featuring Oregon Duck Sports"!

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