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Posts posted by nw777b

  1. As I get older, I find my brain slowing down.


    I'm asking for help by using fewer abbreviations and acronyms in posts.


    Trying to read a post without getting slowed down and distracted by abbreviations and acronyms is becoming somewhat frustrating. I have done this thousands of times, too.


    While reading, I have to convert the letters to words in my slowing brain and sometimes have to factor in context.


    A few examples are:

    O = Offense or Oregon?

    D = Ducks or defense?

    DL = Defensive Line or Dan Lanning?

    Bo = Bo or body odor? (trying to keep things light)


    I can handle a few in a post but when they are salted and peppered throughout, I am more inclined to check out.


    I tried finding the forum writing tips pinned a while back but couldn't so this can be deleted. But I would like a section added to it.


    Thanks for reading and for your consideration.

    Go Ducks!

    • Thumbs Up 2
  2. On 9/3/2022 at 2:51 PM, jrw said:

    I don't believe I've ever seen the Ducks miss so many  tackles, and that's saying something.

    It's men against boys. The grasshoppers against the ants. I've never seen an Oregon team look so small. 


    I like the offensive play calling. But the players look slower than in the past to me. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. I'm concerned about the O the first game because since Taggart, there have been a lot of changes EVERY year since. The O has lost momentum. It might take a few games to gel.


    After a year of short passes last season  many WRs lost out on valuable in-game experience and were frustrated. 


    Losing both premier RBs doesn't help, but that's CFB. Are the RBs going to be ready the first game of the season?  I'm looking forward to watching Cardwell and McGee.


    Relying on a Sr transfer QB hasn't worked out very well for Oregon. Nix can knock over a scoreboard with his arm, but sometimes pulls out the cannon on very short throws causing drops. He seems to sell the play action well. He can run. Does he stay focused?


    Go Ducks!

  4. Frost called the plays and it was covered more than once during televised games.


    He was the poster child for getting calls down to the backup QBs that resulted in successive plays run within several seconds and the media loved to talk about it.


    I don't have an issue with Frost. But Nebraska fan's arrogance during and after their heyday makes this drought seem like poetic justice. 


    The combination of Kelly, Helfrich, and Frost arguably gave us fans and many CFB fans some of the most exciting football to watch. 


    But, without a Natty it is almost like only eating desserts. It's not healthy to live on just desserts.


    I can appreciate Cristobal's meat and baked potatoes approach.  He had some success. But I'd like to see a full course from Lanning and company, not just FROSTing.


    Go Ducks!!

    • Applause 1
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  5. I think there might be a different reason for the UCLA/USC move other than being driven by Fox.


    This article indicates those schools initiated the move due to underwhelming revenue. Of all the schools in the Pac-12, those schools were almost always guaranteed national network TV time every week.  But, most of the other schools struggled to compete with the Shark vacuum for TV time.


    Revenue sharing wasn't working for the P12 premadonnas.  Ironically,  the poor performance of both those schools in football didn't help the conference, either.


    What may have been the tipping point was 2020. While other teams were playing, the P12 watched their revenue stream trickle.


    If it is true that Fox is the cause of this change, it seems like a gray racketeering area...albeit light gray. 


    At the very least, Larry Scott, a New York, NY native tennis player, should never had the opportunity to mismanage the Pac-12. And for that and this decision, I blame the school chancellors.


    Wherever they land, Go Ducks!





  6. On 6/20/2022 at 6:39 PM, amcdawg said:

    I always get nervous when I see a Georgia poster because I am worried one of our "crazies" found this board.  But so far, at least what I have seen, we haven't had too many visit.


    ... thanks for welcoming us! 🍻

    We had crazies by the load at Autzen wearing "we want bama" shirts that didn't get or understand the "Win The Day" memo.


    They try to get in here, but they get escorted out quickly.

  7. On 12/29/2021 at 9:33 PM, 47sgs said:

    I’ve been a fan since Bob Berry was quarterback, my dad, myself, and my son graduated from Oregon, and my grandfather was on the Board of Regents at Oregon.  I struggled to watch even the first half, then quit.  It was an embarrassment to the school, the athletic department, the team and the players.  There was nothing to be gained by playing this game, it hurt recruiting, it hurt our new coach.  Numerous other teams found ways not to compete, we should have done the same.  We also shouldn’t have allowed an assistant coach going to Miami to spend all this prep time with Oregon players creating a temptation to transfer.  As much as I love Oregon football, there was nothing to be gained by this game.  I sincerely hope this doesn’t damage our new coaches effort moving forward.

    I feel your angst. But I disagree 100% about quitting on the bowl game.


    Never quit. Never give up. 


    A bowl game allows players extra practice reps before the bowl that other teams are not allowed.


    Use this experience like a clam uses an irritant to create a pearl. 


    Time to reset and gear up for next season. 


    Go Ducks

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