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Dr Hilarius

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Everything posted by Dr Hilarius

  1. Official polling for “how do you feel about OR joining the B1G?” UCLA fans 2/2 “exciting” Penn St fans 1/1 “interesting”
  2. There’s plenty of ways to dunk on U$C, but losing a close game to a very good Tulane team isn’t that embarrassing. I admit, the manner in which they lost—the safety—was pretty embarrassing. And the Tulane DC who architected the combo of series that lead to that safety is OUR co-DC now. The $uckers should be very afraid.
  3. In 2024, UW will be the 2nd largest school in the B1G after tOSU. U of O will be the 2nd smallest school after Northwestern. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Ten_Conference
  4. AND, it’s an improvement over the Pac-12 bc in the Pac the Ducks only played in LA every _other_ year. Now they will play in LA _every_ year. The one downside is that we’ll only have 1 or 2 home games against our own division each year.
  5. Interesting—I didn’t lnow that. It makes me respect the B1G more. BUT, in addition to dropping to 8 conf games, this is another rule I’d like to change. The SEC practically mandates multiple FCS opponents. And our games against the likes of PSU, EWU, etc are always a fun regional matchup.
  6. Welcome to the OBD forum @cicero grimes! I think you might be thinking of the Ducks 10 yrs ago. We have been getting bigger in the trenches and had arguably the best OL in the country last year. And we beat tOSU in the shoe a couple years ago. However, I really look forward to the ex-Pac teams proving themselves on the field. The way I look at it, it’s as if we distilled the Pac to its most exciting teams then added a bunch of home-and-homes against the B1G. And we can schedule our in-state rivals as a true preeminent OOC game. I would love it if the B1G dropped to 8 conference games and we added a 2nd ex-Pac team. In an ideal world… - 3 B1G games against the Pacific division - 3 B1G games against the West division (calling that division the “west” is going to drive me crazy forever) - 2 BIG games against the East division - 1 game against the in-state rival - 1 game against a former Pac member - 1 game against the Mountain West - 1 game against the FCS A girl can dream…
  7. I am very surprised by the existence of even a scintilla of self-reflection from U$C fans. I don’t remember the last time I saw a post about USC on this site that wasn’t about the Pac/media deal, or an upcoming game, or to make fun if their obsession with us. Was it the Lane Kiffen tarmac firing or maybe the Sarkesian debacle? Did OBD Forum even exist then?
  8. I would love that!! I was already thinking about going to that game, and now you’ve just motivated me more. Let me see if I can swing it coming from LA. Great idea!!
  9. I love reading these opinions! However, IMHO… Hard disagree… MH’s biggest losses were off the field. Darren Carrington MISSED THE NATTY BC OF A POSITIVE DRUG TEST. Colt Lyerla is a case study in undeveloped talent and poor mental healthcare. I remember every week there being another scandal. Oh, and ALL MH’s teams led the league in penalties. His special teams players got worse under his tutelage. Even his own play-calling got sloppy and lacked nuance. MH is simply a classic case of someone being smart and nice but not a leader.
  10. Wow—she didn’t just break the record, she obliterated it. For a sense of scale, Ionescu scored 37 points. The next best score in _history_ is Steph Curry’s 31 points. Someone send Curry a Ionescu jersey.
  11. Yes—I could never figure out why—but now I know. MH was an awful recruiter. Honestly, he was just a really bad coach. The off-field issues his teams had were terrifying. OR was a national brand that played for 2 Natties in 3 yrs. MH couldn’t capitalize.
  12. This!! Herbert’s dominance in the NFL makes Mari look baaaaaad—like reeeeeeeeeal bad. What QB in their right mind would want to play for Mari??
  13. I said this exact thing at the time Frost said it. And I have considered Frost an arrogant, idiotic, a-hole since then. I have not been proven wrong.
  14. I *think* this should put us over both FL and ND into #4 on Rivals. Rivals 2024 Rankings
  15. Riley is a whiney loser. The more that’s on the line, the more Riley whines (and loses). I would take Lane Kiffen over Riley, and Kiffen is baaaaaaaaad. Whittingham, DeBoer, Stewart are all great. I wouldn’t take them over Lanning.
  16. Those 4 decisions in July line up awfully nicely with Stein’s 4-Duck tweet.
  17. I would like to propose a new nickname for the improved edge rushers: The Bruise Brothers.
  18. I am with you and don’t want to take this thread in a prohibited direction. I’ll just agree that it would have to be handled extremely delicately. Bringing religion into a public education setting is dicey. As an non-Christian athlete growing up, I would have been pissed if my coaches ever started talking to me about faith.
  19. Yeah—that def reads artificial. I have seen a lot of AI-generated articles related to sports starting ~’18. Sports are pretty easy to summarize from just a box score.
  20. It makes you wonder how Ajani will grade out against Pac competition.
  21. This is 100% on UCLA. The Pac should not cover for them, full stop.
  22. I don’t check the forum in the middle of the night if I still want to sleep bc it will keep me awake with ideas. But I do check in first thing when I wake up. Sometime last week I woke up to a spam attack and deleted >= 30 topics and comments that were clearly spam. It was kinda fun.
  23. What I remember about Ty’s high school tape was that it was a lot of great comebacks and late game heroics. He looked otherworldly. Now I have to wonder why his team was always in a position to have to make a comeback.
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