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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Looking for Ducks to respond in a big way. First 5 minutes need to be strong .
  2. I hope more coaches start doing it. Makes the games more exciting. Who doesn't like a 4th and short? Besides Charles
  3. Gabriel having a rough time from what I can see. Not a Heisman performance for sure. Sacked twice on Early 4th q drive.
  4. Just got home, turned on the tv and see UCF up 6 on Okie laye in the third. Could be a huge upset in the making. I see Penn State and tOSU are in a tight low scoring affair.
  5. I wouldn't get excited at all with a Jame Madison v. Georgia bulldogs 1st round game. That would be horrible. I hope it never happens. Thats great they are having a great season though. 12 team format has to have atleast 9 power 4 teams. Maybe 10. Top 2 in each conference gets an invite at the minimum imo.
  6. But can't we say that about any team? If Fusky didn't have Mike... if USuC didn't have Caleb... if Utes had Cameron. Bo played for Auburn, Oregon didn't have Bo and Lanning saved most of a class while working for the real Dawgs. Then we got Bo. Bo Nix was recruited to Oregon through the TP. Thats an important part of the conversation. And we all know recruits recruit. Early QB commitments are important in that they start recruiting their peers as a verbal. You make an excellent point Steven A. DL and his staff are the catalyst for signing great recruits which includes Bo Nix. Quality recruits snowball into more quality recruits snowball into... Thanks SA. Edit: "Man I'm trying to flip my boys Brandon Baker (Texas OL commit) and Nate Frazier (Georgia RB commit). Try to get them to come to the nest." Ayden Breland
  7. I guess it depends on how the athletes perform. Circadian rythem peaks around 3 hrs after awakening. So thats pretty managable for a 9 a.m. kickoff. As for me... Mon-Fri I get up between 1am and 2am. So Saturdays my eyes pop open about 4ish. It's all good. 7pm starts and I fall asleep about halftime. Edit: hope they install more stalls. Looks like the team will be on the crapper just before kickoff
  8. Officiating has an impact on the outcome of games. Phantom calls or non calls should never dictate outcome but they often do. We live with it and move on. To argue officiating often gets you laughed out of the conversation. That said, the late hit should have been 15 yards and a first down. Instead Oregon settled for a fg. Took 4 points off the board. There was a non call on a PI that took points off board. You can argue that the Ducks should have never allowed the refs to dictate a W or L. But it was a game that came down to seconds and inches v. one of the best teams in the country in a very hostile environment. They even tried to call Franklins obvious first down catch on that last drive incomplete. But replay wouldn't let it happen. IMO, the refereeing played a role in the outcome. This is the only comment I will make on this subject because its a hopeless argument. The Pac 12 refs are complete garbage and everyone knows it. Good riddance.
  9. The Ducks should be ready to roll entering the B1G. Between the past couple recruiting cycles and the TP, Oregon is stacked with talent. Oregon has a lot of this years impact players moving on for various reasons. But there is a chest full of riches right behind them ready to fill the void. It's funny, my Google home page is loaded with Fusky article due to reading a bunch leading up to Husky game. It's super annoying for sure. I keep seeing articles that headline great recruiting bump after fusky win v. Ducks. I click and it's some three star fusky might sign if they can out recruit St Barts School of the Blind. Lol. Ducks are beating out Blue Blood programs for Blue Blood recruits. I doubt that changes as long as Lanning is lead Duck. A couple years of foundational recruiting and the flood gates open. The B1G Ducks future looks incredibly bright .
  10. Every time this thread makes it 4 or 5 threads down the front page I cross my fingers and hold my breath. Then my hopes are dashed and I start drinking.
  11. I highly doubt recruiting plays any roll in game planning, game time coaching or scheming. Prwtty sure its the furthest thing from Lannings mind, if it is, Lanning has bigger problems than aggresive and risk taking. Lanning is in his second year of head coach. Super young guy at the beginning of a super young career. Lanning has a learning curve DeBoer learned over a decade ago at Sioux Falls. Difference is that Lanning is doing it with a top 10 elite progr'm, DeBoer was at a meaningless Sioux Falls. Recruiting needs to stay in Its own box. Lanning has enough on his plate trying to get wins. He doesn't need meaningless at the moment distractions like recruiting mudding up the waters
  12. Flip that burger because Oregon IS going to win out and beat Fusky in Vegas. Oregon was the better team last weekend imo. And that was the perfect loss at the perfect time in the perfect place. Ducks finish a perfect 7-0 and ride into the CFP
  13. Going 0-3 on fourth down is brutal. It is the biggest debate we have had since wide right at :00 Coming into the game Ducks were 8-10 converting 4th down. These are pretty great numbers and definitely a factor in the decision to go. I don't think Lanning made bad decisions. The one at the half is a coinflip. I can't even say the play calls were bad. Mike W has made a great argument that execution was the most glaring bugaboo in why Ducks went 0-3. He has done a deep dive and his analysis is spot on imo. I also thought the secondary play remarkable. It's said that in order to get pressure on the QB the secondary has for cover and give them time. It's also said that in order for the secondary to be successful the front has to get pressure. Imo, the D played exceptional as an entire unit. They were playing the #1 passing offense in the country. Statistically Oregon dominated Washington. It came down to "wide right" in an exteamly hostile environment. Fusky got some luck, some calls and some exceptional play from their team. This game proved that these are great teams. It did not settle who is better. IMO, Ducks are the better team , but I am a homer.
  14. A'Lique Terry is only 28 years old. Super young for having so much success as a position coach. I hope its not beginners luck. If Terry is a legit O line coaching talent as he appears to be. Recruits will tripping over themselves to get into Oregon. The Mayer Dei kid that bounced to Texas should rethink his decision.
  15. This man says he can get all the info he needs at this point from watching the games on tv. Says he doesn't need any more visits.
  16. I see this as a great point of emphasis. That last 4th to seal the win was all player execution. The play was there. Come to think of it two of the three were there for the taking. Nix got locked in. On the 4th quarter failed attempt, Franklin made an amazing play just before that last 4 down series. Nix never even looked for another option. He was locked on one guy the whole time. I am going off of memory from Saturday when my emotions were ratcheting up to max volume. I can't bring myself to rewatch or watch highlights. So I could be wrong, but I think it was Franklin targeted on that last one to seal the win. Franklin was a beast all game. I think Nix let some human nature creep in and he couldn't look off his target. Slightly Auburnish. I can't fault him in such a high pressure situation. Oh well, all of Oregons goals are still in front of them. As said before, this could play out to be a loss that propels Oregon into the CFP, just sucks that they need some help doing it now.
  17. Aggressive is what got Lanning to where he is at at such a young age. He has a vision of what he wants and doesn't hold back. Why would that change? How could that change? We praise the man and stand in awe over his rapid upward trajectory through the coaching ranks. We applaud it. Lanning has many attributes that makes him different, that makes him such a great leader. Aggressiveness is one of those attributes. Charles Fisher wrote the other day about being fearless, having courage. Sometimes that comes with a side of egg on face. So many praised Charles yet here we are, critical of Lanning for having courage to go and take the victory. Calling it rookie mistakes. We called Kelly "Big Balls Chip" all the way to a national title game. Now the man is Duck Legend. Yet we want to clip Lannings wings. Lanning grabed a fist full of nuts and went after it. Knowing full well that a loss ends nothing as far as season goals go. Aggressive is at Lannings foundation. Try and strip him of that and you will get a shell of a coach you should have. Long before Lanning lets anyone do that, Bama will come knocking. So Joel, Josh, Phil Knight, Dan Mullens or anyone else that trys to temper Dan should tread lightly. Dan will listen take what he needs and coach this team how he sees fit. Dan Lanning is aggresive and I hope he stays that way. My advice to Dan would be, "go with the girl that brung ya". Keep doing what you are doing. Go Ducks!
  18. I have never been prouder of my 19 game losing streak.
  19. Duck and Fusky fans rank up there with any fan base in the country in the passion category. And yes they are the two best programs added to the B1G. And although the game has been decided, the conference is wide open for either of these two teams and everyone paying attention knows it. Take care of WSU Ducks and do it decisively. Thats all that this team needs to focus on right now. The rest will get here soon enough.
  20. Agree, what an amazing game. Regardless of outcome, best game I have ever watched.
  21. As this game is rewatched. More and more missed opportunities will be exposed. The examples above are on Nix. We will find more. Every thing from execution to coaching decisions to officiating will be exposed. The knee jerk reactions are understandable. Its what we do as fans. Necessary to move on. Happy Monday, we have the cougs this week and prep starts today. Hope we can clean some of this up and the team gets their head right. Cougs are a dangerous team. And Ducks will need to be at the top of their game.
  22. These are no longer kids imo. They are legal adults getting paid a lot of money to play a game. And they didn't execute. They play a part in this and to say they didn't isn't accurate.
  23. You are spot on Mike. You posts have been exactly right imo all day. Very well put.
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